Page 10 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 10

Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades

        FAU’s Ruth Tappen Named                                                   Holy Cross Health Recognizes All
        ‘2021 Alliance World Class                                                Colleagues with $500
        Faculty’ Honoree                                                          Appreciation Awards for

          Florida Atlantic University’s Ruth M. Tappen, Ed.D.,                    Extraordinary Service
        RN, FAAN, the Christine E. Lynn Eminent Scholar and
        professor in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, was                  Holy Cross Health announced it will provide a $500
        recently recognized as the “2021 Alliance World Class                     appreciation award to all colleagues across its hospitals
        Faculty” honoree by the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance.                 and other health care locations in recognition of their
        Tappen, a member of the FAU Brain Institute and FAU                       contributions to the health system’s COVID-19 response.
        Institute for Human Health and Disease Prevention, received   Ruth Tappen   This is the second appreciation award Holy Cross Health   Mark Doyle
        the award during the alliance’s mid-year luncheon.                        will provide colleagues as a thank you for their continued
          Tappen is nationally and internationally renowned as an innovative researcher and   commitment and service to patients and fellow employees throughout the pandemic.
        scholar. Her leadership role, prestigious reputation and cutting-edge research projects   “As we reach the end of our fiscal year 2021, we are reflecting on everything Holy
        benefit the biomedical, high-tech and healthcare industries. She is a leader in the field of   Cross Health's hard-working and compassionate employees have accomplished
        Alzheimer’s disease and related memory disorders (ADRD) and long-term care of older   through the pandemic,” said Holy Cross Health president and CEO Mark Doyle. “Not
        adults. Tappen’s research has meaningfully impacted ADRD in the fields of geriatrics and   only have they provided unwavering care for patients with COVID-19, but they
        gerontology and populations affected by ADRD. Among her many accomplishments is   moved with agility and speed to distribute the vaccine once it became available. We
        the development, testing and dissemination of an evidence-based resident and family   are proud and thankful for the commitment and service that our colleagues have
        decision aid titled, “Go to the Hospital or Stay Here?,” which has resulted in a 30 percent   demonstrated and are hopeful that this gesture will convey our appreciation.”
        drop in unnecessary transfers to acute care for nursing homes upon implementation of   Throughout the pandemic, Holy Cross Health and Trinity Health have provided
        the guide.                                                                more than one million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, both in the communities of
                                                                                  its health ministries, as well as by partnering with outside organizations.

        Plantation General Named Most Inclusive
        Hospital in the State of Florida                                          Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Pediatric
                                                                                  Specialty Services Again Ranked
          Plantation General Hospital, an HCA Healthcare facility, is pleased to announce that
        it has been named the most inclusive hospital in the State of Florida, according to   Among the Best in the Nation
        health care think tank, the Lown Institute.
          “We are honored to receive this important recognition of our history of serving   Five Nicklaus Children’s Hospital specialty programs are again identified among
        patients from a wide variety of backgrounds,” said Plantation General Hospital Chief   the best in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2021-22 “Best
        Executive Officer Madeline Nava. “Inclusivity is part of our culture and has been for   Children’s Hospitals” rankings. Nicklaus Children’s continues to be the region’s pedi-
        decades. It is reflected in our legacy of delivering clinical excellence and high-quality   atric specialty care leader, with more ranked pediatric programs than any other hos-
        care to the communities we serve.”                                        pital in South Florida. In addition, this year’s rankings identify Nicklaus Children’s
          In addition to Plantation General Hospital’s top in the state ranking, the Lown   as among the best pediatric hospitals in Florida, as well as in the southeastern region
        Institute also ranked the facility number 15 in the nation on its list of the 50 most   of the U.S.
        racially inclusive hospitals in the United States.                          Nicklaus Children’s 2021-22 rankings are as follows:
                                                                                    • Cardiology and Heart Surgery, #46 (highest ranked program in South Florida)
                                                                                    • Diabetes and Endocrinology, #49
        Delray Medical Center Honors First Graduates                                • Neurology and Neurosurgery, #24 (only ranked program in South Florida)
                                                                                    • Orthopedics, #40
        of FAU Cardiovascular Fellowship                                            • Pulmonology, #36 (only ranked program in South Florida)

                                                                                  Lee Health’s Chief Human Resources

                                                                                  Officer Earns Ring of Honor Recognition

                                                                                   With more than 30 years of experience in human resources, Lee Health’s Chief
                                                                                  Human Resources Officer Mike Wukitsch, has been recognized as a Ring of Honor
                                                                                  recipient by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce for his service to the region.
                                                                                   The Ring of Honor “celebrates the achievements of our community’s outstanding
                                                                                  human resources professionals, and highlights individuals who have made a power-
                                                                                  ful impact to the human resources community and their respective workplace.”
                                                                                   Wukitsch joined Lee Health in 2018 and, in his role as chief human resources offi-
                                                                                  cer, supports Lee Health’s mission, vision, values and strategic objectives by creating
                                                                                  the most effective culture and environment for staff to do their best work in support
                                                                                  of our patients and their families. Wukitsch is responsible for strategic planning,
                                                                                  operations, policies and procedures related to employment; human resources infor-
                                                                                  mation systems; compensation and benefits; labor relations; talent and performance
                                                                                  management; workforce planning; employee relations; the human resources service
                                                                                  center, and staffing.

          Delray Beach, Fla.-Delray Medical Center recently honored its first two graduates from
        the Florida Atlantic University Cardiovascular Fellowship at Delray Medical Center. Dr.
        Priya Bansal, and Dr. Haider Al Taii, were both celebrated after completing their cardio-  Subscribe to...
        vascular work at the hospital.
          This year marks the 4th year of the partnership between Delray Medical Center and   SOUTH FLORIDA HOSPITAL NEWS
        FAU. Under the leadership of Dr. Brij Maini, National and Florida Medical Director for
        Cardiology for Tenet Healthcare and Fellowship Director of Cardiovascular Diseases for   & HEALTHCARE REPORT today!
        Charles E Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University, the fellows trained
        with Delray physicians and nursing staff.  Pictured (l-r) Dr. Brij Maini, Interventional       Subscribe online at
        Cardiologist, Dr. Haider Al Taii, Fellow, Dr. Houman Khalili, Cardiologist, Dr. Priya
        Bansal, Fellow, Maggie Gill, CEO Palm Beach Health Network and Delray Medical                or call 561-368-6950

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