Page 15 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 15

The Importance                                                  From Homeless to Doctor,

                      of Physician Leadership                                         White Coat Ceremony Ushers in

                                                                                        New Class of Residents at CHI
          During the recent DCMA                           We also have expanded
         Presidential  Installation                      organizational opportuni-
         Ceremony, I had the oppor-                      ties through our various   Dr. Yeily Hernandez Mato knows how it feels to be vul-
         tunity to rally the member-                     committees and delega-  nerable. When she was just 18, she nearly died in a violent
         ship once again around the                      tions that engage elected   car accident. Doctors performed several surgeries to save
         importance of physician                         officials, public health   her, including facial reconstruction. Four months later, she
         leadership in the community                     officers, and other com-  was released from the hospital, left to sleep and recover in
         and throughout the health-                      munity    organizations.  her mother’s car as the two of them were homeless.
         care system.                                    These are great opportuni-  Her health was still a challenge and a lot of follow-up
          There is a plethora of evi-                    ties for physicians to   doctor’s visits were required. Without any money or insur-
         dence that exists that docu-                    begin to expand their   ance, Hernandez went to Community Health of South
         ments the positive impact                       influence and connections   Florida, Inc. (CHI) where doctors kept her on the path to
         physicians can have when     BY JOSE DAVID       as well as drive reform in   recovery and brought her back to good health.
         placed in leadership roles.   SUAREZ, MD         our healthcare system.   Today, the former homeless woman steps back into the
         One such illustration comes                       I strongly believe that   non-profit health center, but this time to receive her white
         from a study published in                        we must encourage physi-  coat in a special ceremony reserved for new medical resi-
         2019 in Health Care Management Review   cians to be proactive in the healthcare   dents. Dr. Yeily Hernandez Mato is one of seven new resi-  Dr. Yeily Hernandez Mato
         that concludes, “Large hospital systems   system in order to improve efficiencies   dents who will be recognized in the white coat ceremony
         led by physicians in 2015 received higher   and create a better work environment so   at the Brodes H. Hartley, Jr. Teaching Health Center at CHI. The same place where
         U.S. News & World Report ratings and   we can provide high-quality service to   more than a decade ago, doctors helped her heal.
         bed usage rates than did hospitals led by   our patients.                 “It’s an emotional moment for me to come back to CHI,” said Dr. Hernandez Mato.
         nonphysicians, with no differences in   Physicians are the best advocates for   “The care team here showed me compassion and now I have the opportunity to show
         financial performance. This study sug-  healthcare improvements. In order to   others the same compassion. I can relate to the homeless population more than most
         gests that physician leaders may possess   drive change and reach our objectives it   people because of the journey I took to get here. A lot of them are not what other peo-
         skills,  qualities,  or  management  is necessary that physicians speak with   ple think they are. Just look at me.”
         approaches that positively affect hospital   one voice. The DCMA is happy to be the   Dr. Hernandez is one of four family medicine and three psychiatry residents who
         quality and the value of care delivered.”   epicenter of this movement.    will receive their white coats at noon in the boardroom at CHI. The new class of res-
          One of my goals during the coming    I call upon my colleagues to reach out   idents begin their training during one of the most difficult times to work in medicine,
         year is for the DCMA to create additional   and see what change we can deliver   during a pandemic. But they usher in new hope amid a projected doctor shortage
         leadership opportunities for our physi-  together.                      nationwide. That includes hope that community health centers like CHI can retain
         cian members. We already have instruc-                                  them to care for some of the most vulnerable populations: the uninsured, migrants,
         tional opportunities through our       Dr. Jose David Suarez is President, Dade   homeless and indigent.
         Physician Leadership Academy and a           County Medical Association, Inc.    “We knew we had to grow our own doctors,” said Blake Hall, CHI President. “It’s
         unique partnership with Atlantis                                        never been so hard to recruit doctors and nurses. By entrenching these young doctors
         University to offer more formal educa-                                  in our system, our communities and our programs we have an opportunity to show
         tion through their mini-MBA program.                                    them the tremendous impact that they will be making here.”

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         18                        July 2021                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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