Page 17 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 17


                New Leading-Edge Treatment                                                      Jupiter Medical Center

                for Leukemia Now Offered at                                            Is First in South Florida to Treat

                  Nicklaus Children's Hospital                                            Heart Failure Patients Using

               Nicklaus Children's Hospital is one of only a few pediatric hospitals in   Breakthrough CCM Therapy
             Florida, and the only one in South Florida, to offer the latest immune cell
             treatment for children and adolescents with certain types of leukemia.
               The treatment, known as chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR T) ther-  Jupiter Medical Center announced it is among the first
             apy uses a patient's own immune system cells to treat acute lymphoblastic   hospitals in the United States and the only hospital in
             leukemia (ALL) and B cell lymphomas. The Nicklaus Children's Cancer   South Florida to use, CCMTM therapy, delivered by the
             and Blood Disorders Center is an approved treatment facility to deliver the   Optimizer® system, to treat patients suffering from heart
             FDA-approved CAR T-cell therapy to the pediatric population.         failure.
               “CAR T-cell therapy not only provides us with a more precise treatment   CCM therapy, also known as cardiac contractility mod-
             option for children and adolescents with advanced types of cancers, but it   ulation is a new, FDA-approved heart failure treatment
             also brings forth the opportunity for a tailored, less invasive, and perhaps   proven to improve quality of life for patients that are no
             less toxic treatment option to improve the quality of life for the patients in   longer adequately responding to medications to manage
             our care,” said Dr. Jorge Galvez Silva, director of the Blood and Marrow   symptoms or slow the progression of heart failure. The
             Transplant Program at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.                  innovative therapy is the first of its kind intended to
               The FDA-approved Kymriah, a Novartis product, is the first gene-modi-  improve the contraction of the heart, allowing more oxy-
             fied therapy available in the United States for pediatric and young adult   gen-rich blood to reach the body. CCM therapy delivers
             patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and B cell lymphomas.   precisely timed electrical pulses to the heart that are    Dr. Simie Platt
                                                                                  intended to improve the heart’s ability to contract and can
                                                                                  be used in conjunction with medications and other heart
                                                                                  failure therapies.
                                                                                   Simie Platt, M.D., Board Certified, Fellowship Trained, Cardiologist and Cardiac
                                                                                  Electrophysiologist, performed the procedure. “CCM therapy is a breakthrough ther-
                                                                                  apy option for heart failure patients that is intended to help them feel better, so they
                          Visit us on the web at                                  can start doing the things they love again,” said Dr. Platt. “Medications are not always
                                                                                  enough to help slow the progression of heart failure and improve the quality of life for
                                        these patients. CCM therapy is a treatment option that brings hope to these patients
                                                                                  by improving the often-debilitating symptoms of heart failure.”

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         16                        July 2021                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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