Page 12 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 12

Cover Story:  Steward Health Care

        Buys Five Tenet Hospitals,

        Increases Florida Footprint

         Continued from page 1
                                             at baseline, we plan to use the Steward
        with insurance companies, regulatory   quality model to drive improved out-
        agencies and government agencies,” he   comes for patients so that they benefit
        explained. “And while these are different   from an improved patient experience, a
        distinct geographies, our Florida pres-  shorter length of stay, and a higher qual-
        ence will become even stronger through   ity of care,” he said.
        these acquisitions.”                   He adds that there will be some things
          He adds that for some of Steward’s   ‘under the hood’ that drive those out-
        leadership team, it’s also like coming   comes, including the deployment of
        home.                                Steward’s electronic ICU (eICU) program
          “Our founder and CEO, Dr. Ralph de la   that enables board-certified doctors and
        Torre, grew up in Florida, and his mother   nurses to provide improved care to high-
        still lives there,” he said.         acuity patients. Since the implementation
          Steward’s chief medical officer, Dr.   of Steward’s eICU program at other facil-
        Octavio Diaz, previously practiced in   ities, ICU mortality rates have dropped
        South Florida and was the Chief Medical   more than 20 percent, and length of stay
        Officer of various facilities there, and   (LOS) has decreased by more than 10
        Steward’s chief strategy officer, Rubén   percent.
        King-Shaw, Jr., was the COO for        “Just like at our other facilities, we will
        Neighborhood Health Partnership before   be investing in information technology
        becoming Florida’s Secretary of the   including predictive analytic platforms to
        Agency for Health Care Administration   improve quality and operations,” said Dr.
        under Gov. Jeb Bush.                 Shetty. “We’ll also be investing heavily
          “The good news is that we already   into the facilities themselves to improve
        know this community and we can’t wait   not only cosmetic issues but the underly-
        to learn more as we dig in,” Dr. Shetty   ing infrastructure, including equipment
        added.                               and patient rooms.”
                                               The hospitals’ new ownership will also
        Changes to Come                      result in the introduction of new clinical
          According to Dr. Shetty, Steward   programs and increased outreach into the
        expects to offer employment to all staff in   community to drive alignment and sup-
        good standing when the transaction is   port.
        complete. “Everyone will be staying in   “Steward believes that each hospital is
        place,” he said, “including the physicians   part of our community, and we take that
        in the Tenet Florida Physician Services   very seriously,” said Dr. Shetty. “We
        group, as well as administration and   spend quite a bit of time getting to know
        front-line staff.”                   the communities that we serve in order
          Tenet’s revenue cycle subsidiary   to make sure that we are meeting their
        Conifer Health Solutions will continue to   needs through our investments, leader-
        provide services to the hospitals when   ship and day-to-day operations.
        the transaction is complete; the compa-  “We understand that what works in
        ny’s ambulatory facilities were not   West Texas may not work in Miami, and
        included in the transaction.         we recognize that every hospital and
          When it comes to the hospitals them-  community is unique,” he added. “And
        selves, however, Dr. Shetty said that he   we’re prepared to make the investment of
        hopes patients will soon notice a differ-  time and resources to become really
        ence.                                excellent community partners.”
          “While all of these are terrific hospitals

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