Page 19 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 19

Cover Story: Navigating Bundled Payments

        Continued from page 1                healthcare system. Engaging providers   more compassion, which aligns with the   Advanced Care Planning as one of the

        support personnel. Here at Holy Cross   (physician/surgeon/nurse/thera pist) in a   Holy Cross Health mission and core val-  quality measures of the BPCI-A program.
        Health, our model allows easier access to   model that supports standard work and   ues that include reverence, stewardship   Patients can identify a healthcare surro-
        our clinical and support teams for our   being able to demonstrate the value add   and integrity. In BPCI your reimburse-  gate or proxy if they are unable to docu-
        Advanced Payment Model Population    and resultant benefits to patients,   ment is not just for the acute admission,   ment a plan at that time.
        (BPCI-A, ACO & CJR) which is led by   providers and healthcare system presents   it covers the post-acute care costs as well.   I have observed that many healthcare
        our Population Health Nurses (PHNs)   its own challenges. Healthcare systems   Our financial responsibility for the   surrogates feel conflicted when the
        who assist our patients/families navigate   participating in these risk model pro-  patient continues beyond the hospital   advanced directives do not clearly state a
        our complex healthcare system.       grams also need to be agile so they can   walls and for a period of 90 days after   patient’s wishes. We recommend that
          Our PHNs and other members of our   respond to the programmatic changes   their hospitalization or their outpatient   these discussions pertaining to advanced
        care management team focus on transi-  from Medicare.                     procedure.                          directives take place in advance so there
        tion management with an emphasis on    From a programmatic perspective, I   Collaborating with our Community   are no questions and there is no confu-
        proactive patient management this    have found the three-day waiver in BPCI-  Partners including other Hospital Sys -  sion should a health episode arise.
        includes early identification of patient   Advanced to be misaligned with the   tems, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home   Palliative care and hospice care servic-
        needs while in the post-acute setting and   objectives of the initiative.    Health Agencies helps to facilitate the   es are also not appropriately utilized. It
        addressing barrier(s) to care, some of   The waiver could potentially help   ease of information sharing that allows   makes sense to have access early for
        which are socially influenced.       avoid readmission during days 3 through   for continuity of care. It promotes com-  chronic conditions such as Chronic
          Care Redesign: The heart of care   90, unfortunately it can only be used   munication between providers and with   Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),
        redesign has cultural underpinnings and   within the first 30 days after discharge.   providers and patients and their families.   Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) or End
        very early in our process of redesigning   There is already a provision that allows   An important element in healthcare   Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) so teams
        care we identified the need to change our   Skilled Nursing Facility admission dur-  that does not get the necessary attention   that are experienced in helping to man-
        approach and terminology when our    ing this period once the patient meets   is that of advanced directives and their   age chronic conditions can assist in help-
        patients were leaving the hospital. We   the qualifying 3 midnight stay while an   importance in guiding healthcare deci-  ing to improve a patient’s quality of life.
        started to socialize the term transition   inpatient so this waiver does not provide   sions that support honoring a patient’s
        among our colleagues with a focus on   any benefit to program participants.    wishes when they can no longer speak
        moving from discharge to a transition   Communication and Accountability   for themselves.
        process.                             Across the Continuum of Care: At Holy   A person-centered approach to health-  Lorraine Marshall, Director Population
          Standardizing care delivery using evi-  Cross Health, we call this “transitioning   care promotes educating patients on the   Health/Clinical Executive Integrated Care
        denced based best practices across   the patient.” It’s more than just a dis-  importance of documenting their wishes   Coordination at Holy Cross Health, can be
        healthcare settings – hospital, subacute   charge, it’s a warm hand off to additional   and sharing this document with their   reached at (954) 202-4942 or
        and home – helps to improve quality of   healthcare providers that are part of the   healthcare providers. Its importance was
        care and success for the patient and the   continuum of care. Transition conveys   reinforced when CMS introduced

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