Page 24 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 24

P.O. Box 19268         Plantation        FL        33318

                                     A message from our President

                 In Memory of All of Those Impacted by the Collapse

                                 of the Champlain Towers South Condo

             Over the last few days, we have been following the efforts of federal, state, and   made aware and began using the developed com-
           local officials to find more survivors of the collapsed condominium. In modern   munications channels to ensure that adequate
           times in this country, we have rarely seen the destruction that has now been   resources were made available to support the
           memorialized by local, national, and international media. Honestly, in the   response.
           United States, we just don’t expect to see such failure.                While we can be assured that ample resources
             It is during these times when we see government operating at its best. From   are in place to respond to this disaster, the poten-
           the first call to 9-1-1 about the collapse, a thoughtfully developed and exercised   tial loss in human life is something that will
           process was put into place to respond to this catastrophe. That call set in motion   require time for those impacted families to recov-
           responses by several local agencies, predominantly municipal and county fire   er from, I can’t imagine. Hospitals in Miami-Dade
           rescue and police agencies, who responded to the scene and initiated search and   County responded to the event and provided
           rescue operations where they assessed the scene to ensure it was safe, began   vitally needed care to the survivors and they will
           triaging and caring for patients, and started searching for other survivors.   continue to provide care as the Surfside commu-
             As the effort progressed, additional resources were requested through county   nity begins to heal.
           emergency management organizations. Assessments were shared from the scene   Our sympathies are with all of those affected
           of the disaster with emergency management and that information was shared   including the first responders who witnessed and   Jaime Caldwell
           with local leaders and with the state emergency management. That information   responded to the destruction. We are a communi-
           was then shared with response agencies in the federal government. All were   ty and we will survive and grow stronger as a result of this tragedy.

                                                         Coming Next Month...

                                  Profiles in Leadership & Administration  • Healthcare Professional Associations
                                                       Education Update – New Programs in Healthcare Education

                                                           Outsourcing Update. •  Revenue Cycle Software Trends

                       For advertising information call Charles Felix at 561-368-6950 or email

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