Page 28 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 28

COVID-19 Pandemic                                                When It Comes to Patient Care

                       Questions to Consider                                                      – Get Back “Normal”

                                                                                         To say my daughter’s college graduation a lit-
          It’s been quite a ride through this pandemic, and yet                         tle more than a year ago was uneventful would
        much about life with COVID-19 in our midst remains to                           be an understatement. During the COVID-19
        be explored. Every day, I answer questions posed by my                          lockdown, she and our family watched the
        patients and their parents regarding the virus that has                         YouTube video from our living room as Rollin’s
        affected our lives such as these below.                                         College quickly flashed a picture of her on the

        Q. Who needs a booster and when is the                                          screen. The entire school had been told in
        best time to receive it?                                                        March 2020 to head home for the rest of the
                                                                                        semester. She started her master’s program at
          A. Pharmaceutical companies are researching booster                           UF last summer and although she was now
        shots and they may be available later this year. Pfizer                         doing lab work on campus in Gainesville, strict
        CEO Albert Bourla recently commented that the research                          rules prohibited visitors.
        to date supports the need for a booster somewhere                                As the COVID rules softened last month, we   BY  JAY JUFFRE
        between eight and 12 months. Another of the leading    BY CHAD R.               were excited to go visit her and see the campus.
        manufacturers, Moderna, is studying three potential   SANBORN, MD               I booked a nice hotel for our stay. Upon arriving
        boosters: a one-time, lower-dose shot that targets the                          and checking in, wow, were we disappointed. Although wearing masks was
        original coronavirus; a shot that specifically attacks the                      now optional for the vaccinated, the room was still in full blown pandemic
        B.1.351 (South African) and P.1 (Brazilian) variants; and a third, also a lower-dose   mode. No microwave, no coffee maker, no iron, or ironing board. There
        combination of the two (original and variant boosters). A booster that works on the   were notes explaining that for my “safety” these items had been removed.
        Delta variant is likely to be developed also. Moderna is working with the FDA to see   More notes explained that no housekeeping would be performed during my
        if people who received another brand of vaccine can get a booster by Moderna safely.   visit to “protect” me and the staff. If I needed more towels, simply call the
        This would make it logistically easier for everyone if we can prove that mixing and   front desk. Of course, the rate was not reduced to reflect the reduced serv-
        matching of different vaccines is safe and as effective.                        ice.

        Q. Do you recommend that people wear masks to walk into a                        I immediately thought of this column and what we as service providers
        restaurant, even though most of us take it off at the table?                    should be doing to find the balance between navigating the slowing pan-
                                                                                        demic and increasing client experience. A little more than a year ago, we
          A. This question doesn’t have an easy, logical answer but illustrates the difficulty   were all talking about the “new normal.” Well, we need to start doing it
        that we in the public health community have when making recommendations. We all   again. What is the new normal as cases and deaths decline and patient and
        know that if you are indoors and in close proximity to others without masks, there   staff expectations start to rise? Get with your teams. Talk about it. The
        is a higher chance of spreading or contracting COVID-19. At the same time, you can’t   organizations which can deliver the best possible care and experience, while
        eat or drink with a mask on. A compromise chosen by most restaurants is to ask   still keeping everyone safe, will be the winners. It could be an opportunity
        patrons to wear their masks until they reach their tables and when they get up again   to regain your pre-COVID spot as a world class caregiver or pass everyone
        to use the restroom or for any other reason. It’s not any ‘safer’ to be in a restaurant/bar   who stays stuck in neutral and is slow to change.
        within six feet of another person without a mask than it is anywhere else. I tell
        patients that it is still important to take precautions such as wearing masks and using   Jay Juffre is Executive Vice President, ImageFIRST. For more information on
        hand sanitizer when in public. Otherwise, we would allow COVID-19 to continue to              ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit
        spread and mutate.

        Q. I’m about to deliver my second child. Should I limit visitors?
        Should my older child, who is four, wear a mask around the
          A. Newborns can have visitors, but with precautions. I do recommend that parents
        consider limiting the number of visitors the baby is in close contact with, which was
        also true before the pandemic. Babies are unprotected when they are separated from
        the placenta, so I recommend that households with an infant limit their exposure to
        people outside of the household for the first two to three months. Your older child
        and visitors should wear a mask around the baby. These precautions will help you
        avoid all the common viruses, not just COVID-19. The flu, RSV and rotavirus are
        dangerous for infants.

             Dr. Chad Sanborn is a board-certified pediatric infectious disease specialist with KIDZ
            Medical. He practices at Palm Beach Children’s Hospital at St. Mary’s Medical Center;
            Baptist Health South Florida Bethesda Hospital East; The Children’s Hospital at Palms
                                                 West, and West Boca Medical Center.

           BELONG. BEL   IEVE. BECOME.
           BEGIN YOUR


           SUCCEESS STO Y                      . .

            W est Palm Beach, Florida
                 Pr ograms, cr edential levels, technology , and scheduling options vary by school and ar e subject to change. Not all l pr ograms ar e available to r esidents of all U.S. states.
                 South University , W est Palm Beach, University Centr e, 9801 Belveder e Rd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. © 2021 S South University . All rights r eserved.
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