Page 29 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 29

Century Ambulance Employees

                                                                                                Did a 'Phenomenal Job'

                                                                                          BY LOIS THOMSON

                                                                                    According to Matt Johnson, general
                                                                                  manager of Century Ambulance Service,
                                                                                  Inc., the company's business in Florida
                                                                                  for the past 20 years has been "pretty
                                                                                  much the same – picking up patients
                                                                                  and moving them to a new location."
                                                                                  Then came COVID-19, and Johnson
                                                                                  admitted, "That kind of created a pause
                                                                                  in what we did, and we had to re-evalu-
                                                                                  ate all of our practices."
                                                                                    He explained that of course, Century
                                                                                  couldn't just shut down. "We had to
                                                                                  respond to the threat immediately, but
                                                                                  the information was new and we didn't           Matt Johnson
                                                                                  know what we were dealing with. If
                                                                                  somebody says you have tuberculosis,   offices were doing everything remotely,
                                                                                  we know exactly what we're dealing   which was a new product for a lot of
                                                                                  with, but nobody really knew what    people; as a result, some unfortunately
                                                                                  COVID-19 was. It's not the flu, it's not   delayed care they probably needed. So
                                                                                  pneumonia, it's not TB; it's COVID-19.   while we did see a slowdown in total call
                                                                                  What does that mean?"                volume, the acuteness of those calls
                                                                                    The crews were concerned as well,   went up."
                                                                                  asking what does that mean to me, what   Comparing those volumes with the
                                                                                  do I need to do to not only treat the   current ones, Johnson said that now that
                                                                                  patient but to also protect myself?   everyone is emerging from the pandem-
                                                                                  Johnson acknowledged that everyone   ic, the calls are at record numbers. "Now
                                                                                  had questions, but added, "We tried to   that everyone is out and about again,
                                                                                  answer them as well as we could, but we   doing their thing – there are car acci-
                                                                                  were dealing with the same information   dents, heat exhaustion because they stay
                                                                                  they had at the very onset." He empha-  out on the golf course too long. Those
                                                                                  sized Century Ambulance needed to    types of incidents have definitely come
                                                                                  make sure its crews knew what they   back as well."
                                                                                  were getting into and that they had the   Johnson said that while Century
                                                                                  proper equipment to do their jobs. "Our   Ambulance does have a general pandem-
                                                                                  commitment to them was that we       ic plan on paper, "it's like hurricane fore-
                                                                                  weren't going to put them on a truck or   casting. It changes every day." On the
                                                                                  put them out there unless they had 100   other hand, he pointed out that a hurri-
                                                                                  percent of all gear they needed to do   cane is episodic – it comes in for two
                                                                                  their job."                          weeks, it's chaotic, and then things
                                                                                    In addition, the vehicles are always   return to normal. In the case of COVID-
                                                                                  cleaned after a patient is transported, but   19, he believes it's not known when and
                                                                                  Johnson said that foggers – a device that   if things might actually return to nor-
                                                                                  emits a mist inside the back of an ambu-  mal.
                                                                                  lance to make sure it kills anything in   "There are a lot of long-term effects
                                                                                  the air – are now also used. "We fog the   that I think have yet to be discovered,
                                                                                  back of the ambulance to make sure that   especially with our crews. But just the
                                                                                  COVID-19 – or anything else – is not   fact that they were out there working,
                                                                                  transmitted, because we move a lot of   not for a short time but for a very long
                                                                                  people in a day and we wanted to make   term, I think some things are probably
                                                                                  sure we're doing our part to contain it, as   going to continue to evolve, and hope-
                                                                                  well to protect our crews and the next   fully we'll be able to continue to meet
                                                                                  patient." He said their system slowed   those challenges for the staff."
                                                                                  down considerably with the amount of   Johnson had high praise for Century
                                                                                  personal protective equipment the crews   Ambulance's employees, saying they did
                                                                                  had to wear, the new decontamination   a phenomenal job. "I can't say enough
                                                                                  processes, and also getting over fear of   about them. We had to tell them, 'We've
                                                                                  the unknown of what they were actually   given you all the information we know,
                                                                                  dealing with.                        we've given you all the equipment the
                                                                                    As for the calls themselves, Johnson   CDC has said you need to have; now we
                                                                                  said, "We did see a slowdown in areas   need you to do your job.' And our
                                                                                  where we actually do respond – where   employees did a phenomenal job."
                                                                                  we're the 911 provider – but the calls we
                                                                                  did see were so much worse. People                   For more information,
                                                                                  were delaying care because they didn't           call (800) 771-2829 or visit
                                                                                  want to go to the hospital; the doctors'

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