Page 26 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 26

Cover Story:  FDA Approves Aducanumab
                                                                                                          Now What?
        for Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
                                                                                     As storytellers, we can get so caught up telling the
        Continued from page 1               roimaging techniques like MRI),         story that we lose focus on the ultimate goal; how
                                            headache, ARIA-H (micro hemorrhage/     can these stories we're telling help my hospital and
        the brain which may delay decline in
        people who are living with Alzheimer’s.   superficial siderosis) and fall, according   me? Simple. The answer is communication.
          “The drug is an antibody for amyloid,”   to the Alzheimer’s Association.   Crown Street Films are content creation special-
        says Dr. Baumel. “It attaches to the amy-  "The most concerning side effects are   ists. It's our mission to help our health care clients
        loid in the brain, removes and disposes it   swelling of the brain and small hemor-  communicate a message to both the public and any
        through the body.”                  rhages,” notes Dr. Baumel. “If you stop   needed internal messaging. The challenge we face as
          According to the FDA, Biogen      the medication, those problems typically   content creation specialists is making sure we fully
        researchers evaluated the drug’s efficacy   resolved, and the patients were able to   understand the hospital's goals.
        in two different studies that looked at   continue the medication.”          Hospitals, by necessity, have more departments
        almost 3,500 patients. Both were “dou-  While some researchers and medical   than Macy's in Herald Square and each one of those   BY CHAD TINGLE
        ble-blind, randomized, placebo-con-  experts were concerned that there was   departments has different needs and goals. Creating
        trolled, dose-ranging studies” in patients   not enough data from the trials to war-  a story around what those are is an effective and effi-
        living with Alzheimer’s disease.    rant an approval by the FDA, Dr. Baumel   cient way to get out the specific message.
          In the clinical trials, Aducanumab   says that many people were concerned   Human Resources can create a monthly message about an upcoming hospital-
        reduced the amount of plaque in the   that we went too long with no treatment.    wide initiative. Purchasing can produce a video that can provide information on
        brain, according to Dr. Baumel.       “At least now we can affect the natural   the best way to work with the hospital. Admissions can create a video to be
          This could mean more time for people   history of the disease,” he says. “The his-  played in the waiting room to educate patients on what to expect. The insurance
        with Alzheimer’s to actively participate   torical basis for approving a medication   division can and definitely should produce a video on making sure all of your
        in daily life, have sustained independ-  like this comes from the world of cancer   medical bills are covered.
        ence and hold on to their memories   therapy where a change in the biology of   Hospitals and health care systems will never be at a loss when it comes to hav-
        longer.                             the tumor is an effect that is interpreted   ing valuable and essential information that needs to be showcased. The problem
          “They should expect to preserve more   as being good for the patient. Likewise   is the ability to take the information and create a compelling, creative, and effec-
        of their function for a longer period of   reducing the amount of amyloid in the   tive video that engages and educates at the same time.
        time,” says Dr. Baumel.             brain is thought to be good for the      There is also a challenge with perception. It has only been within the past few
          Aducanumab is administered intra-  patient.”                              years that video content has evolved from primarily being used in traditional
        venously (IV) via a 60-minute infusion   Approval of Aducanumab is a mile-  advertising like TV commercials to being the preferred medium across ALL plat-
        every four weeks. The infusion, which   stone in the treatment of Alzheimer's.    forms. However, Crown Street Films specializes in creating content for conven-
        takes about an hour, can be done at an   “This drug and the recent news about   tional platforms like TV and creating content that can be used internally and
        infusion therapy center by specialized   it increase the amount of the awareness   externally.
        nurses. An MRI will be required within a   of the disease and gets people talking   The hardest part is getting started, but Crown Street Films can help. Please
        year of beginning therapy and every six   about it,” adds Dr. Baumel. “Overall peo-  give us a call for a free storytelling consultation. All you have to do is let us
        months after that.                  ple with Alzheimer’s are suffering but   know what problem you would like solved and we'll help you create a com-
          In clinical trials, the most common   now should be happy that there may be   pelling story that will accomplish your goals.
        side effects were ARIA-E (abnormal   another therapy that could perhaps help
        brain changes associated with anti-amy-  them.”                                                            For more information, contact Chad Tingle at
        loid treatments — most often swelling in                                                                (305) 794-7201 or
        the brain — that are spotted with neu-            For more information, visit

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    July 2021                            7
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