Page 27 - Cannabis News Florida July 2021
P. 27

Steps From Holy Cross Hospital                                        Malpractice Insurance

                                                                                                          EXPERT ADVICE
                                   ϮϬϮϬ E  ϰϴƚŚ  ŽƵƌƚ
                                 &ƚ͘ >ĂƵĚĞƌĚĂůĞ͕ &ů ϯϯϯϬϴ
                                                                                   Med Mal Purchasing Groups Lower

                                                                                     Premiums, Provide Transparency

                                                                                     BY VANESSA ORR                                 discuss claims openly,
                                                                                                                                    though anonymously, of
                                                                                    Malpractice insurance                           course,” said Gracey. “In
                                                                                  is one of the largest                             a vendor/buyer relation-
          x  &Žƌ >ĞĂƐĞ                                                            expense items that health                         ship, you have no idea
                                                                                                                                    what the insurance com-
                                                                                  care professionals have,
          x   ŵƉůĞ ŽŶ-ƐŝƚĞ ƉĂƌŬŝŶŐ                Mink        Mink ,QF            so it’s important to find                         pany’s profit margin is;
                                                                                                                                    you don’t know what’s
                                                                                  ways to save money while
          x  &ƌĞĞƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐ ǀĂĐĂŶƚ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ                                         still receiving the proper                       behind that curtain.”
                                                                                              Pur chasing
                                                                                                                                     Doctors who do have
                                                          ͘<͘ DŝŶŬ͕ Z͘W͘ ͘        groups, in which a group                         claims are sheltered from
          x  ŽŶĞĚ  -ϭ                                 >/  E^   Z  >  ^d d        of doctors buy insurance                         high rate increases as
                                                              ZK< Z               together, have numerous                          part of an RPG; while
          x  ϱ͕ϱϬϬ ƐĨ нͬ-                                                         benefits in addition to       Matt Gracey        they may not pay the
                                                                                                                                    same rate as doctors
                                                                                  decreasing premiums.
                                                                                    “We’ve found purchas-                           without claims, they are
                                                                                  ing groups to be one way that doctors can   still paying less than they would if rates
                                                                                  gain as much control as possible with their   weren’t being buffered by a larger group.
                                                                                  malpractice insurance,” explained Matt   Fraser Cobbe, executive director of the
                                                                                  Gracey, medical malpractice insurance   Florida Society of Nephrology and the
                ϯϬϴϭ  ͘  KDD Z / >  >s ͘ ηϭϬϱ                                     specialist at Danna-Gracey, the largest   Florida Society of Orthopedics, manages
                                                                                                                      purchase groups for both organizations.
                                                                                  independent medical malpractice insur-
                     ^hEEzs >   h/> /E'                                           ance agency in Florida. “Power purchasing   “From an association standpoint, pur-
                   &d͘ > h  Z  > ͕ &>  ϯϯϯϬϴ                                      really does work—just like any other thing   chase groups allow us to provide sustain-
               W, ϵϱϰ-ϳϳϭ-ϭϳϭϳ    &y  ϵϱϰ-ϳϳϮ-Ϭϵϲϱ                                you buy, if you have negotiating power,   able membership benefits that encourage
                    ǁǁǁ͘ŵŝŶŬĂŶĚŵŝŶŬ͘ĐŽŵ                                           you can get it less expensively.”   doctors to belong to our organizations,”
                                                                                                                      he said. “We already bring physicians
                                                                                    According to Gracey, purchasing
                                                                                  group members can save anywhere from   together to advocate for issues and for
              d,/^ K&& Z/E' ^h :  d dK  ZZKZ^͕ KD/^^/KE^͕                         5 to 35 percent, depending on how big   the profession, and bringing them
              WZ/KZ ^ >  KZ t/d, Z t > t/d,Khd EKd/  ͘                            the group is.                       together to purchase an insurance prod-
                                                                                    One of the only forms of unification   uct they need fits within our mission.”
                                                                                  that doctors are allowed to do by federal   “In addition to the premium decreases
                                                                                  mandate, membership in purchasing   that members get by purchasing in vol-
                                                                                  groups is still underused. “A federal   ume, it also enables doctors to have a
                                                                                  statute allows for the creation of risk pur-  more substantial relationship with their
                                                                                  chasing groups (RPGs) in the same   insurance carrier,” he added. “It allows
                                                                                  statute that allows for risk retention   us to dive deeper into risk management
                                                                                  groups (RRGs), which are basically small   issues; see what is creating claims against
                                                                                  insurance companies,” said Gracey,   our surgeons and track trends in practice
                                                                                  adding that RRGs are more complex,   and documentation.
                                                                                  much more regulated and require an    “We can sit down with the carrier and
                                                                                  investment of capital to create.    get tips on how to avoid situations that
                                                                                    “The beauty of an RPG is that there’s   will result in liability claims against our
                                                                                  no upfront capital needed so there’s no   members, which improves doctors’ risk
                                                                                  barrier to entry,” he added. “If a doctor   profiles, which means lower premiums,”
                                                                                  wants to move his or her coverage from   he added. “We avoid claims and provide
                                                                                  an RPG, there’s no barrier to exit either.   better care from a patient perspective. It’s
                                                                                  It’s a very simple mechanism of unity for   a win/win situation for everyone.”
                                                                                  doctors to gain purchasing power.”    By joining professional associations,
                                                                                    There are other advantages to RPG   members can take part in these purchas-
                                                                                  membership as well.                 ing groups, which can be a very wise
                                                                                    “We work very hard to improve the   investment. “Our membership dues are
                                                                                  claims profiles of our members within   $275 a year, and this past year, our mem-
                                                                                  the RPG, which is the key to long-term   bers saved $8,000 off their premiums,”
                                                                                  stability,” said Gracey. “If you have   said Cobbe. “It proves our value to them
                                                                                  claims-ridden and challenged doctors in   every year.”
                                                                                  your group, you won’t get good rates and   So why doesn’t every doctor join a pur-
                                                                                  the group won’t last long. The key is to   chasing group?
                                                                                  be selective about bringing in doctors   “While there are good companies out
                                                                                  with fairly good claims histories and   there that welcome the opportunity to
                                                                                  working with each member to make sure   partner with physicians, many brokers
                                                                                  that they have as few claims as possible.”   and insurance companies don’t want
                                                                                    In an RPG, the relationship between   doctors to unify because it gives more
                                                                                  the insurance carrier and the doctors   power to the purchasers,” said Gracey.
                                                                                  changes as well. Instead of being in a   “This is why getting good guidance from
                                                                                  vendor/buyer relationship, physicians   RPG facilitators is so important.”
                                                                                  become partners with the insurance
                                                                                  companies to lower the possibility of      For more information, contact Matt
                                                                                  claims being filed against them.            Gracey at (800) 966-2120 or visit
                                                                                    “There is an element of transparency    
                                                                                  within RPGs; insurance companies share
                                                                                  their level of losses and loss ratio and

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