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How Providers Can

                  Overcome Cash Shortages                                                 When it comes to ultrasound systems

                 Mirza HealthCare Law Partners –                                            The Machine Makes

         Strategic Partners for Healthcare Collection                                               ƋĘå %ĜýåųåĹÏå

                    and Reimbursement Recovery

         BY DANIEL CASCIATO                              made by providers. In this
                                                         era of healthcare, this is a
          With rising inflation and                      growing and complex
        a shortage of cash, health-                      problem. The economic
        care providers are looking                       motives are plain to see,
        for means of improving                           and most providers feel
        cashflow. The obvious but                        their arms are tied.
        often missed monies are                           According to Mirza, he
        sitting on their books in                        has a rare and intense skill
        accounts   receivables—                          set to pursue the monies
        monies that health plans                         owed to providers. He is
        and payors have not paid,                        not only a healthcare
        but the providers are enti-                      attorney but has also been
        tled to.                     Ben Assad Mirza     a business litigator for
          “Healthcare providers                          more than 15 years out of
        are not collection agencies. The health   his 20-year law career. He was formerly a
        plans and similar payors take advantage   Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a
        of this,” says Ben Assad Mirza, founder of   Certified Healthcare Compliance (CHC)
        Mirza HealthCare Law Partners. “They   officer. With a Masters of Public Health
        either negligently or intentionally do not   Administration from Yale, Mirza says
        pay. The economics of selfishness behind   that he is, by far, one of the most
        health plan’s inaction are in plain view.   provider centric-population health advo-
        The COVID-19 virus has led to a      cates in healthcare.
        ‘Receivables 2020 Virus’ and further   Mirza Healthcare Law Partners sup-
        exacerbated an already tight financial sit-  ports healthcare providers by helping
        uation for most providers.”          them recover the cash that is sitting on
          Finance and revenue cycle manage-  their books and accounts receivables.                 The Latest Siemens Healthineers
        ment departments are not setup to per-  The firm charges fees as a percentage of
        sistently and consistently pursue claims   recovery, and only if the provider gets       ACUSON Sequoia Ultrasound System,
        against payors till their equitable and   paid. Clients have nothing to lose, only               now available in Florida
        final determination.                 to gain what they are rightfully owed.
          “We work with the finance and revenue   The ability for a healthcare organiza-               exclusively from Med-Lab.
        cycle management department to help   tion to maximize its collections and prof-
        bring in those receivables,” adds Mirza.   itability is vital for its survival. Having an
          Healthcare  payors  often  short   efficient Accounts Receivables process in
        providers’ billing based on contractual   place is integral to the financial health of   eŸ ± ŸŅĹŅčų±ŞĘåųØ ƼŅƚų ĵ±ÏĘĜĹå ĜŸ ƼŅƚų ĜĹŸƋųƚĵåĹƋţ
        issues, improper reimbursements stan-  a medical practice or healthcare organi-
        dards set by the payors, including failure   zation.                           ¥Ņƚűƴå ĵ±ŸƋåųåÚ ĜƋŸ ŧƚĜųĩŸţ ¥Ņƚ ĩĹŅƵ ĘŅƵ ƋŅ ĵ±ĩå ĜƋ ŸĜĹčţ
        to pay for services rendered, improper                                          ƚƋ ±Ƌ ± ÏåųƋ±ĜĹ ŞŅĜĹƋØ ƋĘå ŅĹĬƼ Ƶ±Ƽ ƋŅ ŞƚŸĘ ƼŅƚų
        rates, improper deductions, slow pay-             For more information, visit
        ment processing, or an outright failure to      ŞåųüŅųĵ±ĹÏå üƚųƋĘåų ĜŸ ƋŅ ±ÚŅŞƋ ± ĵŅųå ±Úƴ±ĹÏåÚ
        respond to the request for payments
                                                                                       ĜĹŸƋųƚĵåĹƋţ ‰Ę±ƋűŸ ƵĘåųå aåÚěX±Æ ÏŅĵåŸ ĜĹţ
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                                                                                         transducer penetrates up to 40cm.
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                                                                                       •  Intuitive features you’ll appreciate right out of the box.
                                                                                       •  Exceptional image quality and color sensitivity.
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                                                                                       •  Faster, clearer imaging with minimal degradation.
                                                                                       •  Image deeply without compromising diagnostic integrity.

                                                                                                       We Bring the Future into Focus

                                                                                                           to Request a Demo

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