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          Volume 18 • Issue 1 • $5.00                 July 2021

                                             OUR 18TH YEAR SERVING THE HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY!

                                                            Steward Health Care

                                                        Buys Five Tenet Hospitals,

                                                       Increases Florida Footprint

                                                             BY VANESSA ORR

                                               In mid-June, Steward Health Care, based in Dallas,
                                             signed an agreement to buy five hospitals and associated
                                             physician practices from Tenet Healthcare. The $1.1 bil-
                                             lion purchase will include Coral Gables Hospital,
                                             Florida Medical Center in Lauderdale Lakes, Hialeah
                   Lorraine Marshall                                                                                             Dr. Barry Baumel
                                             Hospital, North Shore Medical Center in Miami and
                                             Palmetto General Hospital in Hialeah.
               Navigating                    model is focused on acquiring strong, community hos-                        FDA Approves
                                               “The Steward physician-owned and physician-led

                 Bundled                     pitals and on choosing communities that would benefit   Dr. Sanjay Shetty   Aducanumab for
                                             from our integrated model of care,” explained Sanjay
                                             Shetty, M.D., MBA, president of Steward North America,
                Payments                     about the purchase that is expected to close in third quarter 2021.           Treatment of
                                               “South Florida is a terrific market for all of the reasons that you would expect:
                                             these hospitals are closely tied to their communities, they have great provider groups
              BY LORRAINE MARSHALL           in local areas that work well with the hospitals, and they have already been exposed   Alzheimer’s
                                             to value-based models such as Medicare Advantage plans.”
          `The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid   While Steward already has three existing hospitals along Florida’s Space Coast, Dr.   Disease
         Services’ Bundled Payments for Care   Shetty said that they are excited to move into the South Florida market.
         Improvement Advanced (BPCIA) model    “Because we already have hospitals east of Orlando in Rockledge, Melbourne and
         incentivizes healthcare providers who   Sebastian, regional synergies are already there. We have established relationships   BY DANIEL CASCIATO
         invest in practice innovation and care
         redesign to better coordinate care. These                                                Continued on page 21  Last month, Aducanumab (Adu -
         measures help to reduce variations in                                                                        helm™) was approved as a treatment for
         care delivery, while improving the quali-   Accounting Firms Key During                                      Alzheimer’s Disease by the U.S. Food
         ty of care and lower the cost of care for                                                                    and Drug Administration (FDA). This is
         Medicare beneficiaries – achieving the                                                                       the first FDA-approved therapy to
         triple aim – Better Care, Better            Pandemic and ‘New Normal’                                        potentially delay decline from the dis-
         Outcomes and Lower Costs. It’s a patient                                                                     ease, compared to current medications
         centric and concierge model around care                                                                      that only address symptoms.
         redesign and value-based care.           BY VANESSA ORR                                                        Alzheimer’s Disease affects 7.8 million
          The key to navigating the challenges                                                                        American adults age 65 and older,
         of bundled payments and access to qual-  Healthcare is always in a                                           according to the Alzheimer’s Assoc -
         ity healthcare is managing the interpro-  state of flux, and last year’s                                     iation. That number is expected to rise
         fessional care coordination, care   pandemic added more vola -                                               to more than 12 million by 2050, accord-
         redesign and improving communication   tility to what is already a                                           ing to the latest projections from
         and accountability across the continuum   shifting landscape. Trying to                                      Alzheimer’s Association and dementias
         of care.                            keep up with all of the                                                  affecting people age 65 or older.
          Interprofessional Care Coordination:    COVID regulatory changes,                                             While other drugs relieved some
          Transition from the hospital to the   on top of the regular tax                                             symptoms of the condition, Adu -
         clinically appropriate next site of care   implications of running a                                         canumab has been found in one clinical
         (Home Selfcare, Home Outpatient Care   business, is an overwhelming                                          trial to actually reduce the size of the
         or HomeHealth, Subacute – Skilled   task without the help of pro-     Jeff Kramer          Angelo Pirozzi    plaques associated with Alzheimer’s in
         Nursing Facility, Inpatient Rehabil -  fessional accounting firms.                                           patients with early stages of the disease.
         itation Center or Long Term Acute Care   “When the pandemic first                                              Dr. Barry Baumel, a neurology special-
         Hospital) is a decision that must be   began, we reached out to our clients to determine how we could help them—a num-  ist with University of Miami Neurology
         made collaboratively by the patient/fam-  ber had partially or fully closed down and they were concerned about how to make   Department, calls the FDA approval very
         ily and the clinical team. Patients recover   ends meet,” said Jeff Kramer, CPA, CGMA, managing director, BDO USA, LLP. “We   significant.
         best in their familiar environment and in   had to digest all of the new IRS and federal government regulations, educate our   “It’s the first drug considered to be a
         most cases that is their home – residen-  clients, and help them apply for relief.”                          disease modifier to ever be approved for
         tial or congregate setting. The team   “A lot of businesses also reached out to their accounting firms to help see them   Alzheimer’s Disease,” he says. “This
         including our dedicated physicians,   through,” added Angelo Pirozzi, partner, Healthcare Center for Excellence &   means it impacts the way the disease
         nursing, therapy and other support staff   Innovation, BDO USA, LLP. “There was so much uncertainty and so many gray areas   progresses. In this case, it slows the pro-
         assess and identify needs and risk factors   within the new regulations; clients had—and still have—a lot of questions. And reg-  gression of the disease, so people hope-
         so they can order and send out the req-  ulations are still being clarified today, which is why businesses need tax and advisory   fully stay better, longer.”
         uisite referrals to providers and other   guidance.”                                                           Aducanumab removes amyloid from
                                                                                                  Continued on page 17
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