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Official Program page 49
Volume 14 • Issue 11• $5.00 May 2018
Salute to Nursing Medicare Advantage: Salute to Nursing
The Future Model of Care
The current administra-
tion is pushing to grow pri-
vatized Medicare through
Medicare Advantage plans
in an effort to curb health-
care spending. As these
plans continue to grow in
popularity among patients,
hospitals and health sys-
tems will have to adapt to
the new environment by
shifting to value-based
care. Alfredo Cepero Angelo Pirozzi
If you want to know
Carolyn Carter Dr. Lillian Rivera
where healthcare is headed, just look to Medicare Advantage.
Medicare Advantage Plans, sometimes called “Part C” or “MA Plans,” are offered by
Nursing Trends, private organizations approved by Medicare. They’ve accomplished what in many Nursing – The
ways, the public sector has struggled to do: cut healthcare costs while improving the
Challenges and quality of care. Profession That
What began as an alternative to fee-for-service Medicare plans has now seen its
Opportunities enrollment double in the last nine years. We expect enrollment in these plans to con- Can Open Doors
tinue growing, partly because of recent steps the current administration has taken to
incentivize patient enrollment in these privatized Medicare programs.
Not only is nursing a wonderful and
A career in nursing continues to be Pompano Beach Native Serves With fulfilling profession, but it can also open
one of today’s most promising careers doors to numerous other careers. Just
paths. A newly graduated nurse is in ask Lillian Rivera, RN, MSN, Ph.D. Dr.
high demand and has the ability to the U.S. Navy Half a World Away Rivera earned her nursing degree
branch out into numerous specialties, decades ago, but she still calls it, "a cor-
such as pediatrics, maternity, psychiatry, A Pompano Beach, Florida, native and 2011 nerstone of my life, because it is so
oncology, case management or primary Pompano Beach High School graduate is serving in the important to my life professionally.
care. But with all of the available oppor- U.S. Navy with U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka (USNH Being a nurse has opened so many doors
tunities within the nursing field, there’s Yokosuka). for me."
an ongoing trend of new nurses moving Petty Officer 3rd Class Ternisha Williams is a hospi- The most recent door would have a
away from the bedside. tal corpsman serving with USNH Yokosuka, operating nameplate that reads "Administrator and
Bedside nurses face difficult, labor- out of Yokosuka, Japan. Health Officer of the Florida Department
intensive work and a growing number of A Navy hospital corpsman is responsible for the pre- of Health in Miami-Dade County," a
caregivers are dealing with burnout due vention and treatment of disease and injury, assisting position where Dr. Rivera oversees a $70
to long hours, understaffing and lack of health care professionals in providing medical care to million budget and more than 750
work-life balance, among other factors. personnel, conducting preliminary physical examina-
Technology has also had an impact on tions, performing medical administrative, supply and Continued on page 42
how nurses deliver care. For example, accounting procedures, and maintaining treatment
the transition from a paper-based med- records and reports. Petty Officer 3rd Class
ical record system to the use of electron- Williams is proud to serve in the Pacific and fondly Ternisha Williams
ic health record (EHR) leaves caregivers recalls memories of Pompano Beach.
juggling between nursing the computer “Growing up I learned to be careful how you treat Salute to
and nursing the patient, adding to the people because you never know when you could need them again,” said Williams.
many tasks caregivers must complete USNH Yokosuka serves 42,000 beneficiaries throughout the Western Pacific by Nurses
during a shift. caring for readiness. USNH Yokosuka strives to be the premier provider of healthcare
When it comes to patient care, the to active duty forces and their families in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region through Joint See pages 18-43
nurse at the bedside is a key person for Partnerships.
Continued on page 43 Continued on page 16
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