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21st Scleroderma Patient
Education Day “ You can’t separate the clinical
and the fi nancial – not anymore.”
Individuals who are ing for someone with a
affected by scleroderma chronic illness. The
can learn about their needs of caregivers will People who know Healthcare, know BDO.
disease and about help- also be addressed.
ful strategies for living Scleroderma is a
and caring for someone chronic disease that
with a chronic illness at affects the body’s con-
the 21st annual Scler - nective tissue. Generally
oderma Patient Educa - classified as an autoim-
tion Day, June 2, 2018, mune rheumatic dis-
from 10:30 a.m. to 2 ease, it is characterized
p.m. at the Marriott by an overproduction of
Pompano Beach Resort collagen (fibrosis),
& Spa, 1200 North Dr. Virginia D. Steen which causes hardening
Ocean Boulevard in of the tissue and dam-
Pompano Beach. ages organs. Commonly known to
The event includes lunch and is open affect the skin, which is how the disease
to all who are affected by scleroderma was named (sclero means hard; derma
and is hosted by the Southeast Florida means skin), scleroderma also affects
Chapter of the Scleroderma Foun - the internal organs and can be fatal. The BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence & Innovation
dation. There are several types of scleroder- As the healthcare industry enters an era of unprecedented transformation, anticipating and
Attendance is free for individuals ma: localized scleroderma, also known understanding the future state model of healthcare is more important than ever. From advising on
who have scleroderma and for their as morphea, systemic sclerosis (SSc), complex joint ventures, to M&A services, to healthcare redesign, BDO’s multidisciplinary teams help
family members. There is a $25 fee for which is much more damaging, and en organizations plan for and implement the fi nancial and clinical changes needed to transform their
others who wish to attend. Online reg- coupe de sabre, a classic form of sclero- institutions — and thrive in the years to come.
istration is available at https://patiented- derma that produces a dramatic scar Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner, across the face.
Hosted by the Scleroderma All forms of the disease can cause Angelo Pirozzi, Partner,
Foundation Southeast Florida Chapter severe pain and can produce complica- BDO USA, LLP, 100 SE 2nd St. Suite 1700 Miami, FL 33131 / 305-381-8000
and sponsored in part by Actelion, a tions that rob a person of function. The
Janssen Pharmaceutical company of cause of scleroderma is not known,
Johnson & Johnson, the day includes although there are many clues includ- Accountants | Advisors | Doctors
three guest speakers who are experts in ing genetic predisposition. Fibrosis, the
the field. overproduction of collagen, is at the © 2018 BDO USA, LLP. All rights reserved.
Most notable is Virginia D. Steen, heart of the disease, which makes it pro-
M.D., professor of medicine at totypic for all other fibrotic diseases.
Georgetown University Medical Center The Scleroderma Foundation South -
in Washington, D.C. east Florida Chapter provides support
Dr. Steen is recognized international- and education programs for individuals
ly as a leading expert in scleroderma affected by scleroderma, while raising
and has made numerous contributions funds for research to discover the cause,
to understanding the epidemiology and understand the mechanism, and over-
natural history of systemic scleroderma come the symptoms of the disease.
(also known as systemic sclerosis). She There are 20 chapters of the
currently serves as chair of the Sclero - Scleroderma Foundation across the
derma Foundation’s Medical & United States engaged in a great under-
Scientific Advisory Board, of which she taking to help people affected by sclero-
has been a member for many years. derma.
Also presenting during the workshop
are Melanie McMillion, a licensed men- Connect with the Foundation online at
tal health counselor, and Jessica
Massengale, a patient advocate. Mc - For additional information,
Million and Massengale will discuss the please contact Ferne Robin
psychological aspects of scleroderma at (954) 798-1854 or by email,
and helpful strategies for living and car-
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South Florida Hospital News May 2018 9