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FIU Health Informatics & Analytics Faculty                                                             Broward Health

                         Use Analytics to Improve Care Quality,                                                            Awarded Susan G.

                     Provider Efficiency, and Patient Satisfaction                                                         Komen® Grant to

                                                                                                                          Fund Every Woman
          We live in an exciting era where health-                   populate provider care notes. For patients treated for pain,
        care is undergoing a continuous digital                      less time spent on documentation would enable providers  Matters Program
        transformation. As a faculty member at                       to take a more integrative pain care approach educating
        FIU’s Department of Information Systems                      patients about the risks associated with long-term Opioid  Broward Health has been awarded a
        and Business Analytics, and a Research                       therapy and providing personalized treatment alterna-  grant of $29,995 by Susan G.
        Associate at the VA HSR&D/RR&D Center                        tives.                                             Komen® to support the healthcare
        of   Innovation  on  Disability  and                           Through collaboration with the Office of Veterans  system’s “Every Woman Matters”
        Rehabilitation Research, my research                         Affairs, I have been involved in several HSR&D and NIH  (EWM) program, which is aimed at
        involves the use of innovative analytics                     studies that aim at leveraging healthcare data to improve  decreasing the risk of premature
        methods to augment provider effectiveness                    Veterans’ care quality and experience. One such study  death due to breast cancer in various
        and improve patient experience.                              looked at the assessment of pain care quality for Veterans  female patient populations in
          Using breast cancer clinical pathways, I                   with musculoskeletal pain through the development of  Broward County, including low-
        am currently working with a team of inves-                   Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning tools  income women, uninsured/underin-
        tigators to develop a blockchain-based  BY LINA BOUAYAD      to extract pain management data from structured fields  sured women, foreign-born women
        solution that would enable patients to                       (coded) and unstructured fields (clinician text notes) in  facing language barriers and women
        share their validated comprehensive treat-                   the EHR. Among other aims, the study assessed the effec-  who partner with women (WPW).
        ment records with peers. The solution is intended to increase  tiveness of alternative pain management techniques such as med-  EWM ensures access to quality care
        patient satisfaction and adherence with preventive and treatment  itation and acupuncture at reducing pain among this Veteran pop-  through screening mammograms and
        regimens. Using data from a primary care clinic, I have also devel-  ulation. In a different study, data from the EHR was used to devel-  diagnostic services, including ultra-
        oped an on-demand scheduling system in non-urgent settings  op risk models to better identify risk for pressure ulcers (PrUs)  sounds, ultrasound biopsies, stereo-
        using systems’ log data. Once deployed, this system is projected  among Veterans with spinal cord impairment (SCI), and target  tactic biopsies, MRIs, MRI-guided
        to significantly reduce patient wait times. More importantly, the  prevention strategies; thereby reducing the burden of this condi-  biopsies, contrast-enhanced mammo-
        on-demand care system can potentially help family care practices  tion on Veterans.                             grams and other services. The pro-
        remain competitive in a market offering real-time care at large  While researchers are currently applying analytics tools to  gram also increases the percentage of
        retail stores such as Walmart and CVS.                 improve the different facets of healthcare, providers and adminis-  women who enter, stay in and
          My research initiatives also aim at increasing provider produc-  trators are better equipped to identify such issues. Through  progress through the continuum of
        tivity and reducing healthcare costs. These include the develop-  Informatics and Analytics programs such as the one offered by  care by providing testing that this tar-
        ment of a real-time clinical recommender system that provides  FIU Business, clinicians and administrators can acquire skills that  get population could otherwise not
        recommendations for medications along with associated cost  will help them leverage health data to optimize care quality, value,  afford. Many women are financially
        information. This system will allow healthcare providers, current-  and accountability.                         unable to obtain a mammogram,
        ly ill-informed about diagnostic and treatment prices, to signifi-                                              delaying care until they are terminally
        cantly reduce healthcare costs by prescribing similar-outcome,  Lina Bouayad is Assistant Professor at FIU's Department of  ill or when cancer is at advanced
        lower cost treatments. Another solution currently under develop-  Information Systems and Business Analytics. For more information on  stage, which is costlier to treat with
        ment uses speech analytics to extract relevant pain care assess-  FIU's MS in Health Informatics & Analytics program, visit  lower survival rates.
        ment and treatment data from patient-provider conversations to        or call (305) 348-0594.

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                  2 1ANNUA          LAAWWA              UNCHEON
                        SAVE THE DATE            May      Jungle Island
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                                                          12:00 p.m. Luncheon
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