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A message from our President
12th Annual South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association
Healthcare Summit, June 13/14, 2018
Continuing on the successful Summit of 2017 emergency preparedness, and managing social media in times of crisis. We have
where we learned about the challenges hospitals are designed each session to allow the attendees to take away significant best practices
facing in meeting the “Triple Aim,” this year’s Summit developed by each of these presenters and their organizations.
takes on an even more significant topic of “Emergency This is the perfect time for you to become a sponsor of this event. Your organization
Management and Response: Are You Ready?” will get significant exposure and if your business specializes in any of the areas we
Our speakers and panelists will explore lessons will cover as part of this program, the people you want to do business with will be at
learned and best practices forged from experiences in this event. Are you looking for professional continuing educational credits? This also
dealing with an array of emergency management situ- may be the event you want to attend. We will be offering continuing education oppor-
ations. The first day of the Summit, June 13, will look tunities for several clinical professions, American College of Healthcare Executives,
at emergency management from the prospective of and we are also coordinating with the Florida Chapters of the Healthcare Financial
healthcare practitioners and other critical access Management Association and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems
providers like the Red Cross, pharmacy providers, Society.
emergency transportation, diagnostic laboratories,
and others. You can register online at
We will be offering nursing and emergency medical
Jaime Caldwell
services continuing education credits for an extended or,
session looking at the clinical response to manmade if you want to be a sponsor of this event and enjoy
and natural disasters. We will explore responses to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
School, Pulse nightclub, Hurricane Harvey, and Las Vegas. the benefits associated with sponsorship
In the third session that day, we will hear experts talk about the challenges con-
fronted by nursing home administrators in responding to emergencies where the well- (including an invitation to our VIP Dinner),
being of their very vulnerable patients is in question. register at
On day two, June 14th, we open the Summit with two keynotes talking about
responding to both manmade and natural disasters. Jaime Pla, Executive President of Don’t see a sponsorship that you like, call us at
the Puerto Rico Hospital Association, will talk about the devastation caused to the (954) 964-1660 and let’s see what we can do to
Puerto Rican healthcare system from Hurricanes Irma and Maria and how their
healthcare system has withstood this challenge. Then, Bev Capasso, President and increase value for your organization.
Chief Executive Officer, Broward Health, will talk about the challenges of responding
to manmade disasters. Responding to the shootings at the Fort Lauderdale airport and
Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Broward Health has risen to the challenge in providing
excellent care for these innocent victims. SFHHA Event
The session that follows the keynote, we will have panelists representing organiza-
tions that have had to deal with responding to recent emergency management situa- May 15 – 8am to 10am
tions. Panelists from Israel, Houston, Las Vegas, the Florida Keys, and Florida will “Leveraging PAMA (Protecting Access to Medicare Act)
share their lessons learned and the best practices that they put in place to ensure that
their response in the future allows for the effective delivery of healthcare. as Your Health System Navigates Government Regulations
Following that session we will have six breakout sessions that will look at the in Diagnostic Healthcare” at SFHHA office.
impacts on finance, supply chain, information technology, data privacy and security,
CHAIRMAN: David Wagner, Kindred South Florida Market CEO
VICE CHAIRMAN: Mark Doyle, Chief Executive Officer, Memorial Hospital Pembroke
SECRETARY: William "Bill" Duquette, Chief Executive Officer, Homestead Hospital, Baptist Health South Florida Education Committee
TREASURER: Charles Felix, Publisher, South Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report
IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR: Chantal Leconte, Chief Executive Officer, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
AT-LARGE: Ben Riestra, Chief Administrative Officer, UHealth’s Lennar Foundation Medical Center Healthcare Finance and Management Committee
AT-LARGE: Joel Wherley, Chief Operating Officer, VITAS
Doug Bartel, MBA Patricia Greenberg Patrick Taylor, MD
Sr. Director of Business Development, Media President Chief Executive Officer Health Information Technology Committee
and External Relations National Healthcare Associates Holy Cross Hospital
Florida Blue
Ralph A. Marrinson, NHA, FACHA Steven Ullmann Marketing and Public Relations Committee
Wael Barsoum, M.D. President Director
Chief Executive Officer Marrinson Group University of Miami Health Policy
Cleveland Clinic Hospital Management
Lincoln Mendez Membership Committee
Kevin Conn Chief Executive Officer Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D.
Regional Vice President of Operations South Miami Hospital Medical Director for Palliative Care
HEALTHSOUTH Corporation and Bioethics Quality and Patient Safety Committee
Charles Michelson Baptist Health South Florida
Darcy Davis Partner
Chief Executive Officer Saltz Michelson Architects
Health Care District of Palm Beach County Safety and Security Committee
Aristides (Ardy) Pallin
Michael Gittelman Chief Operating Officer
Chief Executive Officer Catholic Health Services
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
4 May 2018 South Florida Hospital News