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                        CORAL GABLES HOSPITAL                                                           JUPITER MEDICAL CENTER

         Mayra Guerrero, BSN                                                Tracy Faunce, RN

          Mayra Guerrero joined the Coral Gables                             Tracy Faunce, RN, is the assistant clinical manager of the Intensive
         Hospital family three years ago, and has been                      Care Unit (ICU) at Jupiter Medical Center. Her responsibilities
         employed with its parent company, Tenet                            include coordinating the efforts of the ICU team to produce excellent
         Healthcare, since 2004. She works in the sur-                      outcomes for their patients. Tracy has worked at Jupiter Medical
         gical step down unit, and is also an assistant                     Center for more than 27 years and has been a registered nurse for
         nurse manager. Mayra says that she wanted to                       more than 34 years.
         become a nurse because she worked at a                              Thanks to Tracy, the Jupiter Medical Center ICU has a distinct fam-
         nursing home and saw how much the elderly                          ily feel that creates a sense of camaraderie among everyone on the
         needed help, and that was her motivation and                       unit. She treats her colleagues like members of her family, and they
         inspiration. One of the reasons that she                           describe her as “a lifesaver” and “the foundation of the unit.” The
         enjoys being a nurse is because she likes to                       feeling of comfort is apparent in the calm atmosphere that permeates
         make sure the patients are being provided the                      the unit whenever Tracy is in charge, even on the most challenging
         best quality of care. She graduated from Atlantic Union College in South  days.
         Lancaster, Massachusettes with her Bachelor’s degree in nursing. In her  Tracy attended the Albany Memorial School of Nursing. When she is not working at the hospital,
         spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and going to the  Tracy enjoys cooking and crocheting.
                                                                            Christina Smith, MSN, RN
         Karina Gomez, RN
                                                                             Christina Smith, MSN, RN, has worked at Jupiter Medical Center
          Karina Gomez has been working as an OR                            for more than 12 years and has been a registered nurse for more than
         nurse at Coral Gables Hospital since 2014. She                     14 years. In her role, Christina works in the medical surgical oncology
         is charismatic, energetic and positive. She                        unit at the hospital. Prior to joining Jupiter Medical Center, Christina
         always gives of herself to her peers, surgeons                     worked at the University of Florida Health Shands Hospital.
         and most of all to her patients; she demon-                         For Christina, the most rewarding part of being a nurse is serving
         strates this with care on a personal level, pas-                   as a patient advocate. She enjoys getting to know all of the patients
         sion and interest for what she does on a daily                     that come through the hospital and providing support for families
         basis. With a smile on her face, Karina enjoys                     during some of the most difficult periods of their lives. Her colleagues
         working in any type of surgical case, and she                      describe her as the ultimate patient advocate, and someone who is
         is known for doing it proficiently. When the                       always focused on how the hospital can improve.
         hospital’s robotic program launched, she was                        Christina received her Bachelor’s of Nursing degree and Master’s of Nursing in Public Health
         the RN specially selected to coordinate this service. The trust she instilled  degree from the University of Florida. She is married with two daughters.
         in her by the surgeons, her peers and the patients is invaluable.

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         22                       May 2018                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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