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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                          BROWARD HEALTH NORTH                                              BROWARD HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER

          Freddly Menard, RN                                                      Michelle Henry, BSN, RN
                                                                                    Michelle Henry, BSN, RN, is a rapid response/code blue
            Freddly Menard, RN, was hired by Broward Health
          North’s inpatient rehab unit as a newly graduated regis-                nurse at Broward Health Medical Center. In her role,
          tered nurse on January 23rd, 2017. It was soon obvious                  Henry responds, treats and provides advice in medical
          during her orientation process that she was an exceptional              emergencies throughout Broward Health Medical Center.
          nurse and a caring human being. Her bedside manner is                   The Rapid Response Team works closely with physicians,
          phenomenal and she not only provides excellent patient                  nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists and primary
          care, but she also ensures that the patient’s family members            nurses on floors to evaluate patients who potentially
          and visitors feel welcome and included on the unit.                     require additional interventions to prevent deterioration.
            Freddly’s professional growth has been swift as she                   They also educate and support staff nurses, including
          eagerly expanded her role by being cross-trained as an                  intensive care, emergency and medical floors. Previously,
          effective and detailed pre-admission nurse. She was then                Michelle worked on the neurology intensive care and
          trained as a charge nurse and is both efficient and commit-             telemetry units at Florida Medical Center.
          ted to quality patient care. Freddly is fondly called the                 Michelle obtained her BSN from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, where she
          “organizer” as she is known to single-handedly organize events on the unit when needs  began her nursing career as a registered nurse in the Women’s Health/Oncology Unit at
          arise, such as baby showers, Doctors’ Day events and birthdays. She is a true joy to have  Hahnemann University Hospital. During her career, she has served as a unit manager
          on the unit and an asset to Broward Health North.                       and director of nursing. She is BLS, ACLS and stroke-certified, as well as a Certified
                                                                                  Alzheimer’s Disease educator.
          Brent Campbell, RN, BSN
                                                                                  Adrienne Patino, BSN, RN
            For the past 15 years, Brent Campbell, RN, BSN, has
          been devoted to the orthopaedic, neurosurgical and trau-                  Adrienne Patino, BSN, RN, has been a registered nurse
          ma units at Broward Health North. During this time, Brent               on the Pediatric Hematology Oncology Unit at Salah
          has functioned not only as a bedside nurse, but also as a               Foundation Children’s Hospital at Broward Health Medical
          charge nurse and customer service lead in his department.               Center since 2010. She began her career at Salah
          When it comes to patient care, he strives to produce a com-             Foundation Children’s Hospital as a charge nurse, clinical
          fortable and stress-free environment while always provid-               coach and certified Spanish interpreter. In 2016, Adrienne
          ing exceptional care. It is his compassion and extraordi-               was promoted to assistant nurse manager.
          nary clinical skills that sets him apart. For Brent, being a              Adrienne received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing
          nurse is not a job, it’s a way of life, and one he thoroughly           from Nova Southeastern University and is a past recipient
          enjoys.                                                                 of the Nurse Excellence Award, recognition given to nurs-
                                                                                  es for their contribution to patient care.
                                                                                    Adrienne has served as co-chair of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Unit Council, as
                                                                                  a member Pain Committee and as Team Captain for Light the Night where she provided
                                                                                  oversight for to the team for all fundraising events in support of the Leukemia
                     BROWARD HEALTH IMPERIAL POINT                                Lymphoma Society.
                                                                                    Adrienne describes being a pediatric hematology oncology nurse as “her passion” and
                                                                                  feels honored when making a difference in a patient’s life.

         Paulette Sepe, MSN
                                                                                             BROWARD HEALTH CORAL SPRINGS
           Paulette Sepe, MSN, is a clinical specialist for med-surg
         areas and a wound care nurse and overall clinical educator
         at Broward Health Imperial Point (BHIP). After obtaining
         her master’s degree in nursing as a clinical leader, she                 Allison Vandever, BSN, RN, CEN
         joined the BHIP team in April 2014. Paulette has worked to
         develop training to help BHIP move forward with quality                   Allison Vandever, BSN, RN, CEN, is the regional manag-
         initiatives and evidence-based practices. She is also the                er for the Emergency Department (for both adults and
         coordinator of the hospital’s NICHE (Nurses Improving                    pediatrics) at Broward Health Coral Springs. She also man-
         Care for Healthsystem Elders) program.                                   ages the hospital’s “Teddy Bear Clinic”, where nurses edu-
                                                                                  cate children in the community and reduce their fears
                                                                                  about medicine through medical play. She is a visionary in
         Karen Maus, RN
                                                                                  recognizing the community’s needs and has no problem
                                                                                  rolling up her sleeves and helping to get the job get done.
           Karen Maus, RN, has worked at Broward Health Imperial
         Point for more than 25 years in various capacities. For the
         past several years, she has been a leader in the stress lab and
         developed the vascular access team responsible for PICC                  Sandra Porter-Daley, RN
         insertions and IV access throughout the hospital. She is
         part of a three-person department responsible for assisting               Sandra Porter-Daley, RN, is the newly appointed regional
         with bronchoscopies, cardioversions and TEEs. She is                     manager of perioperative services at Broward Health Coral
         board-certified in vascular access and educates staff nurses             Springs. She coordinates staffing to meet the needs of the
         throughout the hospital in vascular access care.                         community, and also works as a scrub nurse and/or circu-
                                                                                  lator. Sandra juggles multiple jobs, all with a positive atti-
                                                                                  tude. She gets in early and stays late to ensure patient and
                                                                                  doctor needs are met so safety and quality are exceeded.

                                                       Coming Next Month...
                               Annual Healthcare Hurricane Planning Guide • Emergency Department Trends
                    Disaster Planning • Healthcare Real Estate Update • ElderCare Advances •  Healthcare Staffing

            For advertising information call Charles Felix at 561-368-6950 or email

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