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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to
Kathryn R. Taylor, RN Natividad Ramos Gonzalez, RN
Kathryn R. Taylor (“Katie”) has always been an over- Natividad Ramos Gonzalez has been employed at
achiever. She graduated from the pre-medicine program at Catholic Home Health Services of Miami-Dade since
Nova Southeastern University with degrees in Biology and August of 2013. She is originally from Cuba and arrived in
Chemistry in 2008. After a few stints working as a phar- the United States in 2003. She pursued her career in nurs-
macy technician, home health aide, and staff manager at a ing and attained her RN license in 2006. In 2017 she grad-
private practice Katie realized that her passion lay in con- uated with her Baccalaureate degree and in 2018 she
necting technology and caregivers. She had always been received her wound care certification. She also received the
tech-savvy, so when she encountered people repeatedly Catholic Health Service Spirit of Excellence award in 2017.
struggling with technology she realized her calling. Katie Natividad has made a genuine difference in her patients’
obtained her Registered Nurse licensure in 2014 and she lives. She is dedicated to the wellness of her patients and
joined the information technology department of Catholic treats each patient with kindness and compassion.
Health Services in February 2016 where she became Natividad is able to take initiative with handling any issues
instrumental in the overhaul of multiple systems for skilled nursing and rehabilitation that may arise. She demonstrates outstanding judgment,
hospitals. Katie is currently working on her master’s degree in nursing informatics. Katie’s courage and the ability to work with co-workers. She
passions are soccer, which she played for many years and now she is also an online health always makes the extra effort to maintain a positive outlook through any situation. She
fitness coach. also conveys a professional image and is the ideal Nurse. We are very proud to have her
as part of our team.
Jennifer Espinoza, LPN Ariane Martinez, RN
Jennifer Espinoza is a Licensed Practical Nurse. She real- Ariane Martinez graduated as a Registered Nurse from
ized at an early age she wanted to help the elderly and began Miami-Dade College School of Nursing in 2009. She started
her career in healthcare by volunteering in her community her career with Catholic Health Services as a nursing super-
and later graduated from the nursing program at Homestead visor at Villa Maria West Skilled Nursing facility in 2010, a
Senior High. Jennifer has been a nurse for more than twenty year after the facility had opened its doors. Her leadership
years and currently works as the IT Specialists and Nurse skills were clearly seen by the staff as well as administration.
Educator at St. Anne’s Nursing Center and Residence for the She became recognized for her excellent clinical judgment
past ten years. Prior to her current position, she has logged and ability to educate the interdisciplinary staff. She demon-
nearly thirteen years of experience in various areas of strates a passionate commitment to the nursing profession
patient care (charge nurse, infection control, laboratory and as well as the CHS Mission and Values.
home care). During her years of service she has witnessed a In 2015 she was promoted to Director of Nursing for Villa
vast amount of changes within the long-term care industry (the good, bad and the ugly). Maria West Skilled Nursing Facility where she continues to
Jennifer continues to advance her career by pursuing her life-long dream of becoming an shine bright for her exceptional nursing management style.
Registered Nurse and is currently enrolled at a local college working towards her goal. St.
Anne’s Nursing Center and Residence would like to congratulate Jennifer on your ongo-
ing success and wishes her Happy Nurse’s Week! CATHOLIC HOSPICE
Samlyne Pierre, RN
To Samlyne Pierre hospice nursing is the practice of love
and kindness. It is a heart centered encounter where you
Cheryl Morgan, RN
give a little piece of yourself to the patient and family and
give to her as well; together weaving a beautiful tapestry of
Cheryl Morgan’s passion to further her nursing career is life full of love, caring and compassion.
a testament of who she really is and will take advantage of When Samlyne’s families are feeling shattered and hope-
every opportunity to gain more knowledge to enhance her less she is there offering her kindness, compassion, respect
career. Cheryl is a native from Jamaica who came to the and dignity. She is there with her comforting touch which
United States in 1991. In 1996 Cheryl became part of the eases their pain as well as their breaking hearts. Her humil-
Catholic Home Health team as a Certified Nursing ity and honor shine like a beam of light in their darkness.
Assistant. During her tenure with Catholic Home Health It is said that the essence of nursing is caring. Samlyne’s
she pursued a nursing career and graduated from Miami trusting, sensitive, supportive, caring heart and protective care enrich the lives of all she
Dade College School of Nursing in 2002, obtaining her encounters. It would be a profound honor to have Samlyne Pierre walk beside us as we
Registered Nurse Licensure in 2003. Several years later, face the uncertainties of life at its end.
Cheryl obtained her BSN from Florida Atlantic University
in 2017 and is currently pursuing an Executive Master’s in
Health Care Administration with the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Tract. Lianet Quinones, RN
Cheryl is compassionate and caring; she approaches every situation with dignity and
passion. Her patients speak very highly of her and often request her as their nurse. She Being an Admissions Nurse is a genuine and natural state
is an integral part of the agency, not only does she provide care to patients she addition- for Lianet Quinones; without any doubts she was born to be
ally participates in Q.A and orients all new hired staff. We are proud to have Cheryl as a nurse. Each of the families she has served, feel they have
a member of our team and she is been fully blessed to have her as their Admissions Hospice
a true representation of the Nurse. She truly encompasses the perfect combination of
Catholic Home Health Services compassion, tenderness and knowledge during the admis-
Mission. sion process which is often not an easy one for the patient
or family members.
With her vast experience in the field of nursing, Lianet
evaluates her patients thoroughly and provides complete
explanation to family members and patients about hospice
care as well as providing all necessary resources for the
proper care during the process of their loved one’s terminal
illness. Lianet does this simultaneously while transmitting hope and spiritual support in
a diligent way with extreme dedication and dignity. Her significant contribution to our
Admission’s Department success and Catholic Hospice is remarkable.
20 May 2018 South Florida Hospital News