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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                              CLEVELAND CLINIC FLORIDA                                                        HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL

        Magdalena Blanco, RN, MA                                                                    Charmaine Fender, MSN, RN

          Magdalena Blanco, RN, MA, is a valued member of the Emergency                               Charmaine Fender is the nurse
        Department at Cleveland Clinic Florida, where she serves as a charge nurse.                 manager of the Linda and Henry
        She contributes to the high quality care delivered by the department’s nursing              Haller Physical Therapy Center,
        team, which received the Emergency Nurses Association’s prestigious Lantern                 Holy Cross Hospital’s 48-bed, in-
        Award in 2017, and has embraced leadership roles through participation on                   patient intensive rehabilitation
        the stroke, recruitment retention, and shared government committees.                        unit (IRU).
          As a preceptor for nearly four years, Blanco oversees the training of new                   She first joined Holy Cross
        graduates and nurses transferring from other departments. She has developed                 Hospital in January 1993 as a trav-
        training tools, including an Emergency Department Progressive Care Course,                  eling nurse, three years after
        which provides a hands-on format for skills development with specialty                      receiving her degree in nursing
        devices. She has also partnered with the management team to create an                       from Seneca College in Canada.
        Emergency Department Patient Experience Course and an Emergency                               In May 1993, she joined the hos-
        Department Triage Course for all department nurses and paramedics.                          pital permanently as a floor nurse
          An educator in her first career, Blanco earned a Master’s in Education and Leadership from Nova  in the orthopedic unit. She was
        Southeastern University. More recently, she completed her Bachelor’s in the Science of Nursing at  later promoted to assistant nurse manager, and then to nurse
        University of Texas.                                                                        manager of the IRU in 2015 after earning her Master of Science
                                                                                                    in Nursing in 2004 and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in
                                                                                                    2003, both from the University of Phoenix.
        Rhonda Casey RN, BSN
                                                                                                      This past year, she helped oversee the hospital’s $500,000 ren-
                                                                                                    ovation of the IRU, which now features all new, state-of-the-art
          Rhonda Casey, RN, BSN, is a key contributor to Cleveland Clinic Florida’s                 equipment and technology. Charmaine’s colleagues describe her
        ambulatory care and post anesthesia care units, where her compassionate care                as a leader who inspires her employees and gets them to follow
        and patient advocacy exemplify the art of nursing. She leads by example,                    her vision by motivating them to achieve their best.
        always going above and beyond to put patients first, making sure they receive                 She listens, has empathy, and builds consensus within her
        world-class care.                                                                           team with a strong commitment to the personal, professional
          Casey is committed to advancing nursing care through the development of                   and spiritual growth of each and every person. For all of these
        educational materials that promote patient safety and positive outcomes. She                reasons and more, Charmaine was recently honored as Holy
        instills teamwork by engaging staff members in team building activities and                 Cross Hospital’s 2017-2018 Leader of the Year.
        through her thoughtfulness and consideration of others.
          Casey graduated from Chamberlain University with a bachelor’s degree in

          Celebrating Our Nurses

               Making a Difference                                                                   Award Winning Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Centers

                                                                                              We salute our 650+ amazing nurses

                                                                                                        at our award-winning

                                                                                          rehabilitation and skilled nursing centers,
                                                                                         providing the very best in sub-acute care.

                                                                                           Arch Plaza  l Aventura Plaza  l Jackson Plaza

                                                                                            Ponce Plaza  l Sinai Plaza  l University Plaza


                                                                                                           Not-for-Profit 501(c)(3)

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