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                     COMMUNITY HEALTH OF SOUTH FLORIDA                                                       COUPET QUALITY CLINIC

         Patricia Philippe, RN II, BSN, MSN                                                        Theona Jackson,
                                                                                                   RN, BSN
          Patricia Philippe, RN II, BSN, MSN, is the Director of Education and
         Infection Prevention and Control at Community Health of South                               Theona Jackson has spent nearly a
         Florida, Inc. (CHI) She was recently promoted to this position for her                    decade working as a bedside nurse
         exemplary leadership in CHI’s Urgent Care Center.                                         in a large publicly funded hospital
          Philippe believes in always treating others as she would like to be                      system and another four years in
         treated, regardless of their ethnicity, level of education and social class.              Quality Management and Process
         Early in her career she provided dental care to some of the neediest                      Improvement. Theona knows what
         communities in Haiti and later focused on education, promotion and                        truly drives dialogues concerning
         prevention of dental health among children and pregnant women in                          quality health care and positive
         Canada. Philippe has a doctorate in Dental Medicine and a masters in                      patient outcomes. She states that
         Community Dental Health and Preventative Dentistry. She also received                     “for the most part, it’s all about how
         her bachelors in nursing from the University of Montreal College of                       well you connect with the individu-
         Nursing in Canada.                                                                        als and families that you are trying to help, and your ability to com-
                                                                                                   municate your understanding of their concerns back to them”.
         Rubis Vergara Ramirez, ARNP, Nurse III                                                      She received her Associates in Nursing from Broward
                                                                                                   Community College in 2005, a Bachelor’s from Broward College in
                                                                                                   2011, and a Master’s in Family Nurse Practitioner from Nova
          Rubis Vergara Ramirez, ARNP, Nurse III, is the Site Manager/Clinical
         Coordinator at Community Health of South Florida, Inc.’s South Miami                      University in April 2018 (boards pending). Additionally; she is a
         Health Center. Her strong leadership and organizational skills allow this                 certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt holder and an active member
         popular health center to run smoothly with multiple services at one                       of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.
         location including: primary care, pediatrics, dental, OB/GYN and                            She has recently joined Dr. Sidney Coupet in the quest of deliv-
         behavioral health. Vergara Ramirez enjoys working with the under-                         ering high-value care using the Direct Primary Care Model.
         served population and has fun working with pediatric patients. Her                        Collectively the duo is tackling and addressing issues concerning
         connection to the underserved began in 2006 when she worked in                            uninsured and underinsured individuals. The DPC model ensures
         Cartagena for two years with patients who desperately needed care.                        that everyone has access to affordable, high quality, primary and
          Vergara Ramirez has a master’s degree from the University of Miami                       preventive healthcare. Patients engage in the “powerful manage-
         Family Nurse Practitioner Program and has worked in multiple depart-                      ment” of their health not the complexity of health insurance plans.
         ments including: Urgent Care, Family Medicine, Pediatrics and at CHI’s                    As a patient care coordinator, educator and advocate, Theona
         School based health centers. She instills that same work ethic and value for compassionate care in her  Jackson is indeed connecting with patients in our community.
         two young daughters. Vergara Ramirez enjoys spending time with her family, reading and watching

                           MARTIN HEALTH SYSTEM

        Stan Levandowski, BSN, CNOR

          After becoming a nurse in his early 20s, Stan
        Levandowski juggled nursing and construction work
        until he knew he had to commit to one or the other.
        Nursing won out.
          Now, with 20 years invested in his nursing career,
        Levandowski is employed with Martin Health System as
        Director of Periop Services at Martin Hospital South in
        Stuart. He continues to further his career and is pursuing
        a master’s degree in nursing at Western Governors
          The majority of surgeries performed at Martin Hospital
        South are orthopaedic in nature; Levandowski said he
        and his team find this work very satisfying. “When a
        patient has a total joint replacement, we know we’re having a significant impact on
        their quality of life,” he said.
          Levandowski was recently recognized as a Martin Health Leader of the Quarter for
        his consistent demonstration of leadership, integrity, compassion and respect.

        Carrie Coppola, MSN, RN-BC, ONC

          When Carrie Coppola graduated from Indian River
        State College with a nursing degree in 2005, she started
        working on the orthopaedic unit at Martin Health System.
          “Many orthopaedic nurses had taken me under their
        wing,” Coppola said. “They were such a great team and I
        knew pretty quickly that orthopaedics was where I want-
        ed to work.”
          As Coppola furthered her education, she was promoted
        to Orthopaedic Service Line Coordinator at Martin
        Hospital South in Stuart. Under her supervision,
        orthopaedic services at Martin Health have been
        enhanced to include comprehensive patient education on
        joint replacement surgery and hip fracture prevention and care, as well as the further
        development of the hip fracture program.
          “I enjoy working with patients and helping to ensure they are receiving the best
        care possible from our interdisciplinary team,” Coppola said.

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