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                                                               PLAZA HEALTH NETWORK

                           PLAZA HEALTH NETWORK                                                  SINAI PLAZA REHABILITATION
                                                                                                        & NURSING CENTER
        Claudia Innocent, FN, MSN

          Claudia Innocent is the Director of Clinical                            Chantal Williams, LPN
        Excellence for Plaza Health Network. In her role, she is
        responsible for driving the development, implementa-                       Chantal William is a Licensed Practical Nurse at Sinai
        tion and evaluation of clinical operations and strategic                  Plaza Rehabilitation and Nursing Center located in
        initiatives designed to enhance the quality of patient                    Miami, FL. She has been a nurse since 1990 and received
        care. Innocent played a pivotal role in all seven of Plaza                her LPN license from Lindsey Hopkins Technical
        Health Network’s centers receiving recent national                        College. A graduate of Miami Dade College, Chantal is
        recognitions, accreditations and awards for quality and                   currently awaiting to take her board exam for her regis-
        performance excellence (QAPI).  Innocent is the current                   tered nurse (RN) license. A compassionate and dedicated
        president of the Miami chapter of the Florida                             nurse, she truly enjoys making her patients’ smile.
        Association Directors of Nursing Administration                           During her time off, Chantal enjoys spending time with
        (FADONA) and a member of the Florida Association of                       her son and encouraging his love of sports.
        Nurse Practitioners (FLANP).  She received her Master
        of Science in Nursing in 2004, her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2003 from the
        University of Phoenix, and an adult-gerontology nurse practitioner program from  Marie Jean Pierre, RN
        Purdue University in 2017.
                                                                                   Marie Jean Pierre is a Registered Nurse at Sinai Plaza
                                                                                  Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. She has been a nurse
                     JACKSON PLAZA REHABILITATION                                 since 2011. She first obtained her licensed practice nurse
                                                                                  license (LPN) from Lindsey Hopkins Technical College
                              & NURSING CENTER                                    and then went on to obtain her RN license from Azure
                                                                                  College. She enjoys working with her patients to provide
        Yvette Hobson, LPN                                                        them the best possible care. A mother of two, Marie
                                                                                  enjoys spending her time off with her children.
          Yvette Hobson is a Licensed Professional Nurse at
        Jackson Plaza Rehabilitation and Nursing Center located
        in Miami, FL. Yvette received her LPN certification from
        Lindsey Hopkins Technical School in 1994. She also
        received her certification as a Minimum Data Set (MDS)                                   ARCH PLAZA REHABILITATION
        coordinator in 2000, which allows her to assess the func-                                       & NURSING CENTER
        tional capabilities of patients and formulate individual care
        plans. She joined the MDS team at Jackson Plaza in 2015.
        Yvette is also a licensed Healthcare Risk Manager for the
        State of Florida, as well as a member of NOBLE (National                  Jessica Bocanegra, RN
        Organization of Black Law Executives), MDCS-NCNW
        (National Council of Negro Women), and the Miami-Dade                       Jessica Bocanegra is a Registered Nurse at Arch Plaza
        NAACP Chapter.                                                            Rehabilitation and Nursing Center located in North
                                                                                  Miami, FL. She received her Bachelor of Science degree
                                                                                  in nursing in 2012 from Barry University. Prior to
        Inelbis Gonzalez, RN                                                      beginning her nursing career, Jessica conducted home
                                                                                  health visits with patients throughout the Miami area.
          Inelbis Gonzalez is a Registered Nurse at Jackson Plaza                 Jessica joined Arch Plaza in 2013 as their wound care
        Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. Inelbis received her                   nurse director before transitioning to clinical nurse nav-
        Associate of Science in Nursing degree in 2010 and her                    igator.
        Bachelor’s Degree in 2012 from the University of Sacred                     Jessica says she enjoys the diversity of the patient she
        Heart in Puerto Rico. Eager to help others and implement                  encounters in her career and values knowing that she
        her skills right away, she began working at Jackson Plaza                 can help them as well as their family members.
        in May of 2013 as a floor nurse. Her compassionate and
        efficient care to patients was recognized when she was pro-
        moted to nurse supervisor in 2017. Inelbis is proud to pro-               Nick Pana, LPN
        vide patients with the highest quality care as she feels she
        is a caregiver at heart. That’s why she chose to devote her                 Nick Pana is the Director of Nursing for Arch Plaza
        career to nursing and share her passion with the patients                 Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. While working as a
        of Jackson Plaza.                                                         civil engineer in the Philippines, Nick realized that his
                                                                                  passion was helping others. He decided to shift his
                                                                                  career focus to nursing and began his studies in 2006.
                     AVENTURA PLAZA REHABILITATION                                Upon completing his LPN exam and RN degree, he
                               & NURSING CENTER                                   began working for Plaza Health Network. Over the
                                                                                  course of 11 years, Nick has risen in the ranks from
                                                                                  nurse supervisor to nurse manager and is now the
        Claudine Mateo Marcelin, LPN                                              Director of Nursing for Arch Plaza. Knowing he made
                                                                                  the right career move, Nick says he now has the ability
          Claudine Mateo Marcelin is the Director of Nursing at                   to transfer his passion for nursing to his staff to ulti-
        Aventura Plaza Rehabilitation and Nursing Center locat-                   mately offer their patients the
        ed in North Miami Beach, FL. She began her nursing                        highest quality care.
        career in New Jersey as a Licensed Practical Nurse. After
        moving to Florida with her family in 2001, she earned a
        bachelor’s degree in nursing from Azure College School
        of Nursing, and, is currently working toward her mas-
        ter’s degree as a family nurse practitioner at the
        University of Phoenix. Claudine has worked as an
        ANAAC-certified MDS Coordinator, an Assistant
        Director of Nursing, and has served as a facility risk
        manager before joining the team at Aventura Plaza. She
        takes pride in her work and is involved in her commu-
        nity as a member of the Haitian American Nurse Association.

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