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Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ...

                                        NURSING LIFE AT BARRY UNIVERSITY

            Life at Barry University in Miami  work with community needs. You plan
          offers exciting learning opportunities  a health fair that provides basic care to
          and so much more. You chat with a vis-  low-income communities. You work
          iting scientist; you intern at a major city  with at-risk teens and help them see the
          hospital; you make a difference. As a  world through a different lens. You help
          student in our Nursing program, you’ll  migrant farmworkers advocate for fair
          quickly realize that Barry offers far  treatment. You give the gift of shelter to
          more than classrooms and tests; learn-  a deserving family with Habitat for
          ing comes from everything around you.  Humanity.
                                               You live Barry University’s commit-
          Prepare for your future            ment to social justice and collaborative
            At Barry, you work with professors  service. Express yourself As a Barry stu-
          who are experienced professionals in  dent, you express yourself — after all,
          the field. Not only do they know your  there are more than 60 student organi-
          name but will also help you explore  zations to choose from. Best of all, you
          your field of interest, whether it’s a  develop leadership skills and make life-
          Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate of  long friendships at the same time. You
          Nursing, or any of the more than 20  run for student office and become a
          health-related majors on campus. At  voice for your peers. You lead an intra-
          Barry, you have many opportunities to  mural sports team to a tournament win.
          deepen your education, especially since  You also support — or compete on —
          our nursing program has been educat-  one of Barry’s 12 varsity teams. A mem-
          ing future nurses for 65 years. No mat-  ber of NCAA Division II and the
          ter what path you choose, you gain  Sunshine State Conference, the Barry
          hands-on experience before you gradu-  Buccaneers have won 18 NCAA nation-
          ate. You prepare tissue samples that  al championships.
          help a doctor make a correct diagnosis
          and save a life; you analyze public  Afford your education
          health in Haiti and share your insights  With all that it has to offer, Barry
          with government officials; you learn  strives to provide the resources to make
          how to operate a heart and lung    your education — and college experi-
          machine, which keeps patients alive  ence — affordable for you and your
          during open heart surgery; and you  family. Through scholarships, grants,
          apply what you’ve learned in the class-  work-study programs, and low-interest
          room to a rapidly changing world of  loans, more than 90 percent of all
          health sciences.                   undergraduates receive some form of
                                             financial aid. Ready to live a Barry life?
          Make a difference                  Contact us to schedule a campus visit
            At Barry, you do more than advance  or speak to an admissions counselor.
          your career — you learn to make the
          world a better place. Barry’s Center for  For more information, please contact
          Community Service Initiatives fosters      Denise Deen, Director, Graduate
          partnerships with community organiza-    Admissions, College of Nursing and
          tions, so some of your classes use serv-  Health Sciences, (305) 899-3541, or
          ice learning to integrate your course 

         Cover Story: Nursing Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

         Continued from page 1
                                             According to the American Nurses    care and the amount of experience these  dle school level. Capture the minds of
         all stakeholders. Everyone, including the  Association (ANA), by 2022 there will  caregivers have can directly impact  young, promising kids about the myriad
         physician, family members and support  be far more registered nurse jobs avail-  patient outcomes. We must always  opportunities available within the nurs-
         staff, depends on the nurse to administer  able than any other profession, at more  remember our mission as caregivers,  ing profession. Nurse leaders must build
         meds, care for the patient, answer ques-  than 100,000 per year. With more than  tying everything we do back to the  stronger relationships with our commu-
         tions and coordinate care - but who is  500,000 seasoned RNs anticipated to  patient in the bed. Bedside nurses are  nity’s schools by joining their boards and
         there for the nurse? For these reasons  retire by 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor  critical to that mission.  being a part of their strategic plans.
         and more, a growing number of highly  Statistics projects the need for 1.1 mil-  Second, we must involve nurses in the  Let’s invest in our nurses, show them
         skilled, experienced nurses are leaving  lion new RNs for expansion and replace-  decision-making process. Front-line staff  how much we value them and encourage
         the bedside.                        ment of retirees, and to avoid a nursing  has valuable insight regarding the chal-  them to stay within our organizations.
          To compound the problem, we also   shortage.                           lenges nurses face, as well as operational  After all, nurses are a critical part of the
         have an aging workforce; nurses who   Despite these challenges, there are  processes and care delivery. We must  patient experience.
         have been working at the bedside for 30  ways that healthcare organizations can  give nurses a voice when it comes to
         years or more are getting ready to retire  ensure nurses are empowered, engaged  making decisions that impact their role  Carolyn Carter, Chief Nursing Officer at
         and when they leave, they will take  and motivated to stay. First, we must  and responsibilities.                Broward Health Coral Springs, can be
         decades of knowledge and expertise with  make bedside nursing attractive. How?  Finally, we must strengthen the  reached at or
         them. We also don’t have enough people  We must value these caregivers for they  pipeline of nurses entering the profes-         (954) 344-3122.
         going into the nursing field and, with a  are truly our front-line staff. Bedside  sion and that means recruiting students
         growing patient population, the nursing  nursing is at the very heart of patient  when they’re young, starting at the mid-
         shortage continues to be a concern.

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