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Dear Readers:

                                                                   South Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report welcomes you to
                                                                  Cannabis News Florida, a feature of our print publication, website and
                                                               e-newsletters. Its purpose is to provide pertinent educational information from
                                                           leading authorities about medical and business developments in the medical cannabis
                                                                    industry. We also provide both national and international information
                                                                   which will affect the medical cannabis business in the State of Florida.

                                             From Seed to Sale:

                                      Evolution Insurance Solutions

                       Breaking New Ground in Cannabis Coverages

                                    BY VANESSA ORR                               coverage to meet the unique needs of clients in this
                                                                                 expanding field.
          As Florida businesses begin to embrace the burgeoning cannabis industry , it’s impor-  “Cannabis is such a movement, but there’s very lim-
        tant for owners to understand that even though they may already have liability insurance,  ited, or conflicting information available,” said
        it may not cover cannabis-related issues. Not only do those who produce and sell medical  Fernandez, adding that only a handful of agents in the
        marijuana need to protect themselves, but so do companies that provide professional or  state of Florida provide cannabis coverage, with only
        consulting services.                                                     two south of Ocala. “We work with cannabis lawyers,
          “While most companies might assume that they are covered under their general liabil-  accountants, doctors and businesses to educate them
        ity policies, if cannabis isn’t specifically included, they’re not,” explained Kassie  on general liability , professional liability and product  Kassie Fernandez
        Fernandez, founder and president of Evolution Insurance Solutions. “Those who grow  liability - we cover everything from seed to sale.”
        and dispense cannabis know that they need this type of insurance, but many attorneys,  Evolution works with A-rated carriers out of California to provide coverage for every-
        doctors, accountants, and consultants aren’t aware that they’re at risk.”  thing from employment practices liability to protect clients from employers stealing
          Based in Davie, FL, Evolution Insurance Solutions offers a range of insurance products  money or product, to workers’ compensation, to property and crop insurance.
        including business liability and commercial property coverage, but its main focus is on  “Cannabis is a high-risk industry ,” said Fernandez. “This type of coverage extends past
        cannabis coverage. Fernandez and partner Heather Larrea, with a combined 30 years of  having someone hurt on the property or stealing product - if a hurricane causes an outage
        insurance experience, started Evolution to provide education as well as comprehensive  and the plants die or if the outside crop is ruined by weather, we cover the actual product.
                                                                                   “If a client isn’t able to cultivate plants or seeds and it causes a business interruption,
                                                                                 they can get paid for something that happened outside of their control, which helps alle-
                                                                                 viate the loss of revenue,” she added.
                                                                                   Companies that do their own deliveries can get transportation coverage that covers
                                                                                 both the vehicles and the products inside, and Evolution also offers insurance for com-
                                                                                 panies providing edible products and cannabidiols.
                                                                                   Fernandez suggests that everyone who works in or with the cannabis industry take
                                                                                 time to review their insurance coverage.
                                                                                   “Certain industries are required to carry employment practices liability and profession-
                                                                                 al liability , but their current policies may not cover anything cannabis related - for exam-
                                                                                 ple, if a doctor is dispensing cards for medical marijuana,” said Fernandez.
                                                                                   “What if someone pursues a lawsuit because you recommended something that they
                                                                                 say didn’t get results, or caused an adverse reaction? They might pursue a lawsuit,” she
                                                                                 added. “The coverage is there not only to pay out when it needs to, but to provide defense
                                                                                 costs, such as attorneys’ fees, as well. You don’t need to be found negligent to have a law-
                                                                                 suit against you.”
                                                                                   As cannabis use grows, more insurance companies will seek entry into this area, but
                                                                                 for now there are few companies offering these kinds of policies, which is why Evolution
                                                                                 took the extra step to work with carriers who offer more comprehensive coverage.
                                                                                   “It’s just now gaining attention in Florida; it’s not even really broken ground here,” she
                                                                                 said. “We want to get ahead of it; the whole point of Evolution Insurance is to evolve to
                                                                                 meet the needs of our clients.”

                                                                                            For more information, visit or call (954) 289-2366.

                                                                                               Surterra Wellness Opens

                                                                                                   First Legal Marijuana

                                                                                             Dispensary on Miami Beach

                                                                                           On Friday, April 20, Surterra Wellness opened its new Miami Beach
                                                                                          Wellness Center, Surterra’s take on a dispensary. The Miami Beach
                                                                                          Wellness Center features an open and inviting space with a kitchen and
                                                                                          garden, where the entire Surterra Wellness product lines are on display
                                                                                          and available. Surterra CEO Jake Bergmann was also in attendance.

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