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Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades
Memorial Regional Hospital’s Adult Congenital Cancer Treatment Centers of America®
Heart Program Earns National Accreditation Receives 2018 Bulldog PR Award
In recognition of its expertise in serving adults with congenital heart disease, The Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) received the 2018 Bulldog PR Gold
Adult Congenital Heart Program, part of the Memorial Cardiac and Vascular Institute, at Award in the Best Healthcare Campaign category for Prostate Pep Talk. A collaborative
Memorial Regional Hospital is now nationally accredited by the Adult Congenital Heart public awareness initiative between CTCA®, the National Football League Alumni
Association (ACHD). Memorial Regional Hospital’s program is the only one accredited Association (NFLA) and LabCorp, Prostate Pep Talk used the influencer power of NFL
in Florida and one of 17 in the U.S. legends Herm Edwards, Dick Vermeil and Bill Cowher to help educate men about the
“There are now more adults than children in the U.S. with CHD,” said Mark Roeder, importance of getting screened for prostate cancer. More than 700 qualified men got
President and CEO of ACHA. “Accreditation will elevate the standard of care and have a screened in September 2017 as a direct result of the fall campaign.
positive impact on the futures of those living with this disease.”
Memorial Regional Hospital received accreditation by meeting ACHA’s criteria, which
includes medical services and personnel requirements, and going through a rigorous FAU Named a ‘Research Center of
accreditation process.
Excellence’ for Lewy Body Dementia
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Earns The Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA) named Florida Atlantic University as a
LBDA Research Center of Excellence (RCOE), a nationwide collaboration of 24 pre-emi-
Accreditation from The Children’s nent academic medical research centers.
The centers were selected for their clinical expertise in LBD, experience running clin-
Cardiomyopathy Foundation ical trials, capacity of facilities and geographic location (combined, the 33 principal
investigators have run 380 clinical trials in the past five years).
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Program recently FAU’s LBDA Research Center of Excellence housed in the Comprehensive Center for
received accreditation from the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation for consistently Brain Health is spearheaded by James E. Galvin, M.D., M.P.H., a world-renowned neuro-
providing high-quality cardiac care and specialized disease management to children with scientist, a leading international expert on LBD and Alzheimer’s disease and associate
cardiomyopathy. The hospital’s Cardiomyopathy Program is the only one accredited in dean for clinical research in FAU’s Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
South Florida and the second one in the state.
“This designation is a confirmation to the caliber of care we provide to our patients
with cardiomyopathy and to the specialized team that works with these very special Broward College’s Nursing Program
patients who have cardiomyopathy,” said Maryanne Chrisant, Medical Director, Pediatric
Cardiac Transplant, Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Receives Stellar NCLEX Ranking
Hospital. “We are very proud of this distinction.”
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Cardiomyopathy program is one of the fastest-grow- The annual National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN®) results were
ing in Florida with nationally recognized experts in pediatric cardiology. recently released with Broward College ranking the 14th best out of 50 nursing programs
offered throughout Florida. Broward College’s nursing students also earned an impres-
sive 93.4 percent pass rate, significantly outperforming all other proprietary Florida
Broward Health Imperial Point Named a schools and surpassing the annual National average of 87.1 percent and Florida’s average
pass rate of 73.99 percent.
“Top Performer” in Human Rights Campaign
Foundation’s Annual Healthcare Equality Index Jupiter Medical Center Earns National
Broward Health Imperial Point (BHIP) has been recognized as a “top performer” in the Accreditation with Commendation
annual LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Index by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
Foundation, the education arm of America’s largest civil rights organization working to from the Commission on Cancer
achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people. BHIP of the American College of Surgeons
joins 626 other healthcare organizations nationwide that have been recognized for
LGBTQ inclusion.
The Commission on Cancer (CoC), a quality program of the American College of
Surgeons (ACS) has granted Three-Year Accreditation with Commendation to the cancer
Miami VA Named Leader program at Jupiter Medical Center.
“Receiving this national accreditation is a clear demonstration of our commitment to
in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality quality and medical excellence,” said Don McKenna, president and CEO of Jupiter
Medical Center. “Our physicians are experienced in the latest treatments and technology,
For the fifth consecutive year, the Miami VA Healthcare System has received an and they are dedicated to supporting our patients’ needs from diagnosis to recovery.”To
“LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader” designation from the Human Rights Campaign earn voluntary CoC accreditation, a cancer program must meet or exceed the CoC qual-
Foundation. “It’s an honor for the Miami VA to receive the HEI designation for the fifth ity care standards, be evaluated every three years through a survey process, and maintain
year,” said Paul Russo, director of the Miami VA Healthcare System. “LGBTQ Veterans levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient-centered care. Three-Year
are among the men and women who answered the call the serve our nation. We are Accreditation with Commendation is only awarded to a facility that exceeds standard
proud to serve them with the dignity and respect they have earned and deserve. All requirements at the time of its triennial survey.
Miami VA facilities across South Florida offer LGBTQ Veterans support in accessing the
benefits they earned. It’s our turn to serve them.”
Broward Health North Is South Florida’s
University of Miami Sports Residency Program First Hospital to Earn Advanced Certification
Receives Accreditation from American for Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement
Physical Therapy Association Broward Health North is the first hospital in South Florida to earn The Joint
Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Advanced Certification for Total Hip and
The University of Miami Sports Residency Program, part of the University of Miami’s Total Knee Replacement. The Gold Seal of Approval® is a symbol of quality that
Department of Physical Therapy, has received accreditation as a post-professional resi- reflects an organization’s commitment to providing safe and effective patient care.
dency program by the American Physical Therapy Association. The accreditation is valid Broward Health North underwent a rigorous onsite review in January 2018. Joint
for a period of five years until March 31, 2023. This program is one of three sports resi- Commission experts evaluated compliance with advanced disease-specific care stan-
dency programs in the Atlantic Coast Conference, along with Duke University and the dards and total hip and total knee replacement requirements, including orthopedic
University of Pittsburgh. The Sports Residency Program provides physical therapists the consultation and pre-operative, intraoperative and post-surgical orthopedic surgeon
ability to gain a variety of structured experience in sports and outpatient settings. follow-up care.
Residents receive didactic training on numerous topics related to sports physical therapy,
including all of the expected knowledge areas published in the current description of
specialty practice for sports physical therapy. Residency graduates will be qualified to sit
for the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialty Sports certified specialist exam.
46 May 2018 South Florida Hospital News