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                                   A Focused Approach to Wound Care Nursing

                                             Throughout Plaza Health Network

              BY SARAH VEGA-PANAH, RN,                                                                                care nurses all work together in a col-
                      BSN,LNHA                                                                                        laborative approach. Jackson Plaza
                                                                                                                      Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
             There are an estimated 6.7 million                                                                       was also recently certified for wound
           individuals in the United States suf-                                                                      care excellence though all Plaza
           fering from chronic, non-healing                                                                           Health Network centers are equally
           wounds. These wounds can vary                                                                              armed with a compassionate and
           from diabetic foot and venous leg                                                                          dedicated wound care team.
           ulcers to surgical and trauma                                                                                Wound care specialized nurses
           wounds. Without proper care and                                                                            throughout Plaza Health Network
           treatment, these wounds can often                                                                          must go through a rigorous certifica-
           lead to amputation and a decreased                                                                         tion process that includes comple-
           quality of life and satisfaction in                                                                        tion of a skin/wound management
           most patients. Thankfully, the expe-                                                                       certification exam, at least one to
           rienced nurses at Plaza Health                                                                             two years of wound care experience,
           Network rehabilitation and nursing                                                                         and participation in ongoing train-
           centers are able to provide their                                                                          ings in order to stay abreast of the
           patients a skilled approach to wound                                                                       latest standards of care.
           management, which also helps to                                                                              “The hallmark of an effective
           prevent recurrence and infection.                                                                          wound care program is excellent
             Plaza Health Network’s Preventative  often see at other skilled nursing cen-  VOHRA is the nation’s largest multi-spe-  outcomes,” said Elaine Bloom, Chief
           Skin Care Program tackles complex  ters,” said Claudia Innocent, Chief  cialty post-acute physician group. To  Executive Officer of Plaza Health
           wounds that can pose severe health  Clinical Officer for Plaza Health  achieve this national recognition, Arch  Network. “Our specialized nurses are
           risks. Their highly skilled interdiscipli-  Network. “Our nurses have an obser-  Plaza had to meet specific criteria  healing wounds for our patients and
           nary team includes physicians, physi-  vant clinical eye, specialized skills, and  including have a less-than-one-percent-  using extensive measures to prevent
           cal therapists, and certified wound care  excellent documentation that helps to  wound-related re-hospitalization rate,  them from re-developing. These great
           nurses. Each Plaza Health Network  reduce incidence, recurrence and hos-  having a verified outcomes-focused  outcomes can only be achieved
           center has an average of two to three  pital re-admission.”           wound care program, and a focus on  through extraordinary teamwork.”
           wound care-certified nurses to address  Arch Plaza Rehabilitation and  quality and performance improvement
           the needs of wound care patients 24  Nursing Center, part of the  Plaza  (QAPI) approaches. The VOHRA pro-  Sarah Vega-Panah, Director of Clinical
           hours a day, 7 days a week.        Health Network, was recognized as a  gram emphasizes an interdisciplinary  Innovation and Education, Plaza Health
             “Our wound care nurses provide that  VOHRA Center of Excellence for their  approach, which means physicians,       Network can be reached at
           advanced level of care that you don’t  superior wound management program.  physical therapists and certified wound

          Cover Story: Nursing – The Profession That Can Open Doors

         Continued from page 1               Juan.  "Upon my appointment, I was able  haven't left since, and that was in 1988."  people can thrive – it's not just a visit
         employees.  That she currently finds her-  to oversee public health services and  Following the position at Jackson  with your doctor or hospital, you also
         self in this position is not a surprise to  protect the health of the residents of San  Memorial, Dr. Rivera was Executive  need to have a safe environment to live
         Dr. Rivera, as she said that she always  Juan as a Director of Nursing.  During  Community Health Nursing Director for  in, you need a job to go to, you have to
         knew public health would be her calling.  this tenure I had the opportunity and  the Florida Department of Health in  have great schools, education, you have
         "You go through different types of cours-  honor to work under Dr. Pedro Rosselló,  Miami-Dade County, then was appointed  to be able to thrive.  That's all part of
         es within your nursing training, and I  former Governor of Puerto Rico from  to her current status.  She has come a  having good health.  That is definitely
         think the public health community   1985 until 1988."                    long way since her days of nursing and  something I'm very proud of."
         course was one of my favorite ones.  I  Another call came while living in  has much to be proud of.            With so many accomplishments and
         always had a passion for public health,  Puerto Rico with her husband and three  She mentioned in particular an organi-  such a full career, Dr. Rivera admitted
         and I was very determined to follow a  children, when she was recruited by  zation she helped to create back in 2003,  that it will soon be winding up.  "I will
         path where I would progress to working  Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami for  the Consortium for a Healthier Miami  be 65 and this job is coming to a close for
         in the public health field."        a Nursing Leadership position.       Dade.  The Consortium comprises more  me.  I've prepared myself for the transi-
           However, as Dr. Rivera acknowledged,  "I was not seeking to leave the island,  than 400 organizations, united by the  tion of leaving the job, but I want to
         the progress was occasionally spurred by  I was not seeking to do anything.  I was  desire to help Miami-Dade County resi-  make sure the person who comes behind
         help along the way that came from unex-  in a hotel in San Juan with a friend of  dents live healthier lives through collab-  me continues the work of moving the
         pected sources.  "Some people call it fate,  mine who was seeking work, and there  oration and prevention-focused initia-  department forward in serving our com-
         some call it destiny, some call it pure  was a job fair and she asked, do you  tives.                         munity."
         luck.  I would say it was all of those.  I  mind going with me.  I wanted to see  By way of further explanation, Dr.  Her successor will be appointed by the
         did find in my life that people     what was going on, and lo and behold I  Rivera said public health cannot do the  governor, and the Department of Health,
         approached me unexpectedly, they came  was recruited!  They told me, 'We'll pay  work alone.  "The work of public health  and ratified by the Miami-Dade Board of
         knocking on my door telling me that I  your fare, take you to Jackson, and you  is done through partnership.  It's done  County Commissioners.  The hope is
         had the capabilities of doing a job that I  check it out and see if you like it.'  So I  through what we call the public health  that the new person will have been led
         would not have thought, and those were  went to Jackson, and I really liked the  system, which is composed of all of us –  into public health as Dr. Rivera was.
         always in leadership positions."    philosophy, what the hospital had to  including the media, the private sector,
           One example was the calling made by  offer.                            the public sector, the universities, the          For more information, visit
         elected Mayor Dr. Hernan Padilla of San  “My husband said, 'If you want to go  hospital system, county government –
         Juan, Puerto Rico, to join the Health  on this journey I will support you every  that's the way it works.                    or call (305) 324-2400.
         Department of the Municipality of San  way I can.'  So we came to Miami and I  "We're creating an environment where

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