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E-mail Your Calendar Submissions to
May 1 May 17 June 2
SFHEF Education Event SFHEF Education Event Angels for Angels Charity Gala
South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. pres- South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. pres- Angels for Angels Charity Gala, to benefit the
ents Career Planning in Healthcare on Tuesday, May 1 ents Improving Patient Throughout on Thursday, May 17 Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics, will
from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at Indian River State College Chastain from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at Aventura Hospital & Medical be held Saturday, June 2 from 7 to 11 p.m. at the W Fort
Campus, Clare & Gladys Wolf High-Technology Center, Center, 21110 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 101, Aventura. Lauderdale, 401 N. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd. For more
Johnson Auditorium, 2400 SE Salerno Rd., Stuart. Register at information or tickets, contact or
Register at call (954) 924-1601.
May 17
May 4-5 Claude Pepper Awards Dinner June 2
Florida Stroke Symposium United HomeCare's Annual Dinner and Claude Pepper Scleroderma Patient Education Day
Broward Health North Comprehensive Stroke Center Awards will be held Thursday, May 17 at Jungle Island. The 21st Annual Scleroderma Patient Education Day
presents the 6th Annual Florida Stroke Symposium at For tickets, contact Alina Palenzuela at (305) 716-0764 or will be held June 2 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
Embassy Suites, 950 South Ocean Dr., Deerfield Beach. email Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa, 1200 North
For more information, call (954) 786-7302, email Ocean Boulevard in Pompano Beach. The event includes or register at May 18 lunch and is open to all who are affected by scleroderma Broward Partnership Hosts “Nash Bash” and is hosted by the Southeast Florida Chapter of the
The Broward Partnership brings “Nash-Vegas” to South Scleroderma Foundation. Online registration is available
May 7 Florida on Friday, May 18 at its 19th Annual Salute to at https://patienteducationday
Build-Your-Own Pizza for Nurses Leadership Gala. The “Nash Bash” gets underway at 6:30
Blaze Fast-Fire’d Pizza is letting South Florida nurses p.m. and will be held at the Signature Grand, Davie. For June 13-14
know they are appreciated with a $5 Build-Your-Own Pizza more information, visit SFHHA Healthcare Summit:
offer on Monday, May 7, during National Nurses Week. To Emergency Management Response
take advantage of the offer, nurses must show their creden- May 20-23 The South Florida Hospital & Healthcare Association
tials using a valid identification badge from a health care HFMA Florida Spring Conference will present its Annual Healthcare Summit June 13-14 at
facility, good for one Build-Your-Own pizza featuring unlim- The HFMA Florida Spring Conference & Meeting will the Signature Grand, Davie, FL. For general registration,
ited toppings at any South Florida Blaze Pizza location that take place May 20-23 at The Vinoy Renaissance Resort & visit Contact
day. For more information about Blaze Pizza visit the web- Golf Club, St. Petersburg. To register, visit the website for more information.
site or
June 29-July 1
May 15 May 24 Primary Care Focus Symposium
SFHHA Leveraging PAMA as Your Health South Florida Healthcare The 17th Annual Primary Care Focus Symposium will
System Navigates Government Regulations Networking Group Meeting be held June 29 - July 1 at Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo.
in Diagnostic Healthcare You are invited to the monthly meeting of the South For more information, visit the website
8am to 10am at SFHHA DCOTA Bldg, 1855 Griffin Florida Healthcare Networking Group hosted by Hialeah
Road, Dania Beach. Contact for more Hospital on Thursday, May 24 from 7:45 to 10 a.m.
Register at or call
(561) 368-6950.
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South Florida Hospital News May 2018 47