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What You Should Know Before Dabbling

                                                                    Into the Risks of Marijuana-Related

                                                                              Mergers and Acquisitions

          As public support grows for the legalization of marijuana in the U.S. and Canada,  growing interest from clients. Typically, the first step is
        mergers and acquisitions lawyers should be studying up now on the ins and outs of  trying to outline the best practices for the client. An
        cannabis compliance. In the U.S., there are 29 states, the District of Columbia, and  experienced attorney may be able to assist in developing
        the territories of Guam and Puerto Rico, which have all legalized medical marijuana.  compliance procedures to mitigate some of the risks.   BY GEORGE F. INDEST
        In addition, there are nine states including Colorado and Massachusetts which have                                          III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M.
        recently legalized the drug for recreational use.                        Other Challenges
          As a result, there is expected to be a serious increase in marijuana-related mergers  Banks and insurers have so far been very unwilling to
        and acquisitions activity. Now is the time for lawyers to research and prepare for the  help with financing in the marijuana industry. The negative stigma attached to weed
        types of problems that may arise.                                        makes it far more difficult to wheel and deal as compared to other industries.
                                                                                   In January 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo calling marijuana a
        Regulatory Compliance                                                    “dangerous drug” and marijuana-related activity a “serious crime.” The current
          One of the most serious issues related to conducting business or providing legal  administration’s disapproval of the drug could have a negative effect on marijuana-
        services in the cannabis industry is regulatory compliance and, specifically, the  related mergers and acquisitions. Therefore, attorneys who have experience navigat-
        increased legal risk. Currently, the steps needed to ensure regulatory compliance are  ing the complexities of deals in the marijuana industry are expected to be in high
        different depending on the type of deal.                                 demand for the foreseeable future.
          The most popular types of business ventures seem to be minority businesses and
        venture capital investments into ancillary companies. These include dispensary  George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., is Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health
        advertising and delivery systems such as vapor (vape) pens and electronic cigarettes  Law. To contact The Health Law Firm, call (407) 331-6620 and visit the website at
          It’s important for mergers and acquisitions attorneys to come to terms with rapid

                                                                                             Curaleaf Is First and Only

                                                                                           Medical Marijuana Provider

                                                                                             to Earn Safe Quality Food

                                                                                                Certification in Florida

                                                                                    Curaleaf is proud to announce that  worldwide.
                                                                                  the company’s processing facility in  “Every day patients express interest
                                                                                  Florida has earned their Safe Quality  and assurance of wanting to know that
                                                                                  Food (SQF) Level II certification with a  the foods and medicines they consume
                                                                                  score of “Excellent,” further proof that  are safe and of the best quality available,”
                                                                                  Curaleaf is delivering on its commit-  shared Lindsay Jones, President of
                                                                                  ment to provide access to premium   Curaleaf Florida. “This SQF Level II cer-
                                                                                  quality and reliable medical marijuana  tification that Curaleaf has earned is par-
                                                                                  products for patients in Florida.   ticularly important for patients and
                                                                                  Curaleaf is the first and only company in  demonstrates that our medical marijuana
                                                                                  Florida to achieve this certification,  processing expertise delivers superior
                                                                                  which is a regulatory requirement in the  quality products for patients in need
                                                                                  state.                              across Florida.”
                                                                                   The SQF Level II certification is a food  Curaleaf offers Florida patients a full
                                                                                  safety certification program recognized  line of legal, low-THC and full strength
                                                                                  by Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).  medical marijuana products made using
                                                                                  GFSI is an industry-driven global collab-  the industry’s cleanest, most medically
                                                                                  oration to advance food safety and pro-  precise extraction and purification meth-
                                                                                  vide continuous improvement in food  ods. Curaleaf dispensaries are located in
                                                                                  safety management systems. The goal is  Miami, Lake Worth, Fort Myers and St.
                                                                                  to ensure confidence in the delivery of  Petersburg. Same day and next day deliv-
                                                                                  safe foods and supplements that meet  ery is available from the Jacksonville area
                                                                                  high quality standards to consumers  south to Key West.

                                                                                                        Visit us on the web at


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