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Cleveland Clinic Florida Celebrates                                       Transplant Program Celebrates

                      Opening of Wellington Office                                          23 Recipients, First Anniversary

                                                                                     Just days after receiving his new kidney, Allison Robinson (pictured on far left)
            Cleveland Clinic Florida recently celebrated the opening of its new Wellington  joined several other kidney transplant patients to celebrate the one-year anniver-
          office with a ribbon cutting. The event was attended by Cleveland Clinic Florida  sary of the kidney transplant program re-opening at Gulf Coast Medical Center
          leadership, local government officials, business leaders, and members of the com-  March. In the first year after reopening, 23 patients received new kidneys
          munity. “The Wellington office is our tenth location in South Florida, expanding  through the Lee Health transplant program – more than doubling the program’s
          Cleveland Clinic’s footprint across the region,” said Wael Barsoum, M.D., CEO and  goal. The celebration featured remarks by recipient Michele Jones (standing next
          President of Cleveland Clinic Florida. “Dozens of patients have already scheduled  to Allison), Program Director and transplant surgeon, Lynsey Biondi, M.D, and
          appointments for the Wellington office, and we feel very welcomed by the commu-  Larry Antonucci, M.D., MBA, President & CEO, Lee Health.
          nity.” As the fourth location for Cleveland Clinic Florida in Palm Beach County,
          the new 7,500-square-foot facility features 22 exam rooms, physician offices, and
          echocardiography and stress testing capabilities. Patients currently have onsite  New Interventional Radiology Lab
          access to primary care and cardiology services with the addition of gastroenterol-
          ogy services this summer.                                                       Opens at HealthPark Medical Cente

                Martin Health System Moves Inpatient
            Pediatric Care to Tradition Medical Center

            As part of a long-term effort to
          enhance pediatric care on the
          Treasure Coast, Martin Health has
          moved its inpatient pediatric care
          unit to Tradition Medical Center.
            This move allows the health care
          system to provide inpatient pedi-
          atric care in a modern, state-of-the-
          art hospital with a unit specifically
          designed for the unique needs of
          children. The beautiful new pedi-
          atric unit at Tradition Medical
          Center features eight private                                              A new interventional radiology lab opened at HealthPark Medical Center, spe-
          patient rooms with bathrooms and                                         cializing in minimally invasive, image-guided diagnosis and treatment of disease.
          showers in each room. The unit                                           The lab is equipped with advanced, state-of-the-art equipment for angiography
          will have many family-friendly features including:                       and fluoroscopy procedures, and will be used for both adults and children.
            • Sleeping accommodations in each room for a parent/caregiver to comfortably  Interventional radiology serves as an alternative to many traditional surgeries
          stay with their child.                                                   because it is safer, cost effective, and can drastically decrease patients’ recovery
            • A playroom with age-appropriate toys and a PlayStation video game system.  time. The lab will be used for inpatient and outpatient procedures, broadening
            • A PlayStation video game console in each patient room.               the scope of services available at the hospital.Pictured (l-r) are Rendy Petrin,
            • A family room with computer work station and mini-kitchenette.       System Director Radiology & Respiratory Services; Dr. Thomas Presbrey, Florida
            • Washer/dryer access for families.                                    Radiology Consultants; and Kristen Hickey, Director Radiology.


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