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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to
Ellen Pentland, ARNP, MPH
Allyn Bryan, RN
Ellen Pentland, ARNP, MPH, Chief Compliance and
Privacy Officer, oversees the Health Care District of Palm Allyn Bryan, RN, is a Utilization Review Nurse for the
Beach County’s Compliance Program, which serves to pre- Health Care District of Palm Beach County where she has
vent, detect and mitigate any activities or behavior that worked since 2013. She reviews services provided to
may conflict with the District’s values and all applicable District Cares health coverage plan members, reviewing
Federal and State laws or statutes. Ellen holds a Bachelor quality and operational efficiencies. Allyn is an American
of Science in Business Administration from California State Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review
College and a Master of Public Health from the University (ABQAURP) alumni, certified in Interqual, Milliman &
of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Ellen Robertson, and maintains her Case Manager Certification
earned her Registered Nurse Practitioner’s certification (CCM). Allyn’s prior career positions include Recovery
from the University of Kansas Medical Center and her Audit Contractor (RAC) reviewer, Director of Quality,
diploma in nursing from Jackson Memorial Hospital Director of Home Health and Independent Consultant for
School of Nursing. Ellen is licensed in Florida as a Health Quality. Allyn was the Director of Business Development for the first long-term acute
Care Risk Manager and has over 30 years of experience care hospital in the county, working alongside the CEO from post-construction to a
working in hospitals, home care, and managed care settings.
fully-operational hospital.
Valerie Shahriari, Esq.
Mary Parr, RN, AS
Valerie Shahriari, Esq., is the General Counsel of the Mary Parr, RN, AS, is a Case Manager with the
Health Care District of Palm Beach County and its sub- Utilization Management Department of the Health Care
sidiary operations. Valerie has extensive clinical experi- District of Palm Beach County. Mary, who has many years
ence from her background as a surgical nurse and hospital of nursing experience, joined the Health Care District in
risk manager. She served as Patient Safety Officer and 2008. She helps members of the District Cares health cov-
Director of Risk Management for IU Health (formerly erage plan manage their medical needs in coordination
known as Clarian Health Partners) in Indianapolis, IN. with the C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics. She began
Valerie’s career includes working in the Medicaid and her career as a Licensed Practical Nurse after receiving her
Medicare Advantage industry. She later transitioned to rep- Associate of Science degree from Palm Beach Junior
resenting healthcare providers in Florida at local law firms. College. Mary owned and operated her own home health
Valerie graduated from Indiana University School of Law nursing agency, assisted Medicare startup home health
in 2001. She is admitted to practice law in Florida and is a agencies, and worked with national Medicare home care
past board member of the Indiana Society for Healthcare Risk Management.
agencies as a regional director of nurses and supervisor.
Mary is committed to providing quality care for the underserved.
Nuvia Rodriguez Machado, RN, BSN
As the Lead Nurse at the C. L. Brumback Primary Kara Baker, RN, BSN, CDE
Care Clinics’ Lantana Clinic, Nuvia Rodriguez
Machado, RN, BSN, supervises clinic staff, maintains Kara Baker, RN, BSN, CDE, has served as a School
patient flow, provides staff training and education, and Nurse for the Health Care District of Palm Beach County
ensures patients receive high-quality care. Nuvia is pas- for over 12 years, caring for elementary school students in
sionate about the pediatric patients and enjoys keeping the public schools who have chronic conditions like dia-
children up to date on their immunizations. Born in betes. She is impressed at how these young students
Cuba, Nuvia, earned her Doctor in Medicine and adeptly manage their illness and deal with the stressors of
Anesthesiology and Reanimation degree at Universidad school—all while maintaining an eagerness to learn. Kara
de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara Dr. Serafín Ruíz de earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Florida
Zárate Ruíz. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Atlantic University, her RN from the Florida Board of
at the International Institute for Health Care Nursing and her certification as a Diabetes Educator from
Professionals in Boca Raton, FL where she is currently pursuing a degree as a Family the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators.
Nurse Practitioner. Nuvia is focused on her family and proud that her daughter is fol- As School Nurse Specialist, she now educates and supports her fellow School Nurses,
lowing a similar career path in nursing. students and their families so students succeed academically and socially by following
their diabetes management plan.
Thomas Walczak, RN
Kate Higgins, RN, BSN, NCSN
Tom Walczak, RN, Senior Clinical Nurse, compassion-
ately treats patients at the Health Care District of Palm Kate Higgins, RN, BSN, NCSN, School Health Clinical
Beach County’s Federally Qualified Health Centers, Consultant, is a 31-year nursing veteran with the Health
staffing the C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics’ site at Care District of Palm Beach County’s School Health pro-
the Senator Philip D. Lewis Center where he provides gram. Kate became a school nurse in 1987 and in 2008
medical care to the homeless. Fluent in Spanish and joined the Health Care District’s team of over 200 School
French, Tom is also member of the county’s Homeless Nurses. Her supervisory experience led to her mentoring
Outreach Team. He treats patients with complex health over 100 nurses in more than 70 schools. Kate’s acute
conditions in the clinic. In the field, he guides patients healthcare experience includes working as a travel nurse,
into care so they receive needed medication and comply in critical care, and emergency medicine. She earned an
with their treatment in a grueling living environment. Associate of Science degree from Palm Beach State
Tom’s ability to forge patient trust leads to positive health College, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Florida
outcomes and helps resolve their homeless situations. In Atlantic University and her School Nurse Certification
2016, Tom was recognized as a Palm Healthcare Foundation “Nurse of the Year.” Tom, a from the National Association of School Nurses. Kate is
U.S. Army Veteran, earned his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at Boston University committed to her faith and family.
and his degree as a registered nurse at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL.
34 May 2018 South Florida Hospital News