Page 11 - SFHN SEPTEMBER 2021
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P.O. Box 19268         Plantation        FL        33318

            A message from our President

                      You Still Think This COVID-19 Thing Is a Joke?

             Well, the “real” news is that many of the 346 Floridians that died last week   requires the removal of your blood, cleaning it of
           from complications associated with COVID-19 infections, died needlessly as   carbon dioxide, oxygenating it, and then bring-
           most were unvaccinated. Included in this number is one child under the age of   ing it up to body temperature before it is added
           16. Their life ended even before they had a chance to make their mark. Do you   back to your circulatory system. Science is now
           really think this is a joke and that you are not susceptible? That your kids aren’t   showing greater success for this treatment if it is
           susceptible? It is time to change the channel you have been listening to!   started earlier in the disease process.
             Recently, about 75 physicians gathered in Palm Beach County to plead with   Sadly, initially seen as a last resort, COVID-19
           residents in Palm Beach and the surrounding areas to get vaccinated. What ulte-  patients were usually already in deep trouble
           rior motive will the internet doctors come up with to mute those physicians’   when a referral was made to begin this treat-  Jaime Caldwell
           pleas? Here are the Palm Beach County physicians’ motives. They are exhausted,   ment. To let you know, as of late August, there
           their resources are running low, and 90 percent of the COVID-19 patients they are   were no ECMO machines available in the state of Florida! The ones we have are
           seeing, probably wouldn’t be in the hospital at all if they had been vaccinated. The   caring for patients and there are waiting lists for the machines when they
           physicians can’t understand the stupidity.                            become available.
             You want graphic, "It is impacting the lungs quicker. It's eating away at the lungs.   A better decision, because COVID-19 vaccines are plentiful, is to get vaccinat-
           It's causing more problems. These people are dying. It's real, it's happening, and the   ed and avoid the desperate search for availability across the U.S. P.S., there aren’t
           only way we know to prevent it is to get vaccinated," said Ahmen Elhaddad, the   any available in the contiguous states of Georgia or Alabama either. Think about
           ICU medical director at Jupiter Medical Center. In other articles, this virus is   this, you mistakenly decide not to get vaccinated or to get your loved ones vac-
           reportedly simultaneously attacking all five lobes in the lung, nothing is spared.   cinated and now they have to be flown thousands of miles away, to another state
             We can add thousands of infusion chairs to administer monoclonal antibody   with no family, to get care. Does that make sense to you? What was your reason
           treatments to try and minimize the symptoms of COVID-19, but, that is treatment   again?
           after the fact. Hasn’t the horse already left the barn before we shut the doors? What   The Pfizer vaccine has received full approval by the Food and Drug
           about preventing or limiting your symptoms by getting vaccinated? It is time to set   Administration (FDA). One more common excuse has fallen by the wayside, and
           aside the polarizing politics of medical treatment and listen to the educated and   it is no longer an excuse. In fact, the FDA stated that they have never had as
           experienced medical community. They are begging you to get vaccinated.   much data upon which to judge a vaccine’s safety. No joke, just the truth!
             The last-ditch treatment option for COVID-19 patients, when other treatment   Please, go and get vaccinated today!
           options fail, is extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). This treatment

                 Coming next month in South Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report...

                                                 Case Manager Profiles • Case Management Challenges and Achievements
                                                     National Breast Cancer Awareness Month- •Go Pink with SFHN&HR
                                                    Advances in Oncology Treatment  • South Florida Oncology Innovators
                                                            Eldercare Trends in South Florida

                                 For more information on advertising and editorial opportunities, call (561) 368-6950 today!

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