Page 13 - SFHN SEPTEMBER 2021
P. 13

Let’s Connect:                                                              Michael Greco Receives AANA’s

          ACHE of South Florida                                                              42nd Annual Helen Lamb
          Spotlight                                                                      Outstanding Educator Award

                                                                                      The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) presented
                                                                                    Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Michael Greco, PhD, DNP,
          ACHE of South Florida                                                     CRNA, with the 42nd Annual Helen Lamb Outstanding Educator Award during
                                                                                    its 2021 Virtual Congress. The Helen Lamb Outstanding Educator Award,
                                                                                    established in 1980, is presented to a CRNA who has made a significant contri-
             Member Spotlight:                                                      bution to the education of nurse anesthetists. The award recognizes the indi-
                                                                                    vidual’s commitment to the profession of nurse anesthesia and to the advance-
                  Kristen Palanza,                                                  ment of educational standards that further the art and science of anesthesiology
                                                                                    and result in high-quality patient care.
            Vice President, Development                                               Greco is the founding program director at the Hofstra University-Hofstra-
                                                                                    Northwell graduate program in nurse anesthesia in Hempstead, NY. In this
                  Park Shore Drug Inc.                                              position, he developed the Doctor of Nursing Practice, Adult-Gerontology
                                                                                    Acute Care Nurse Practitioner/Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist program.
                                                                                    It is the first and only program in the United States preparing Doctor of Nursing
                                                            Kristen Palanza
                                                                                    Practice (DNPs) to become dual-certified as CRNAs and Adult-Gerontology
                                                                                    Acute Care Nurse Practitioners (AGACNPs), providing the educational back-
                 BY VANESSA ORR             training program that Park Shore        ground for them to function at the highest level in clinical practice and increas-
                                            recently initiated for employees to     ing access to care and cost-saving to healthcare facilities. The inaugural cohort
          Kristen Palanza knows the impor-  ensure appropriate staffing ratios.     will be starting in September 2021.
        tance of finding common ground      “Finding the right people with appro-     Prior to starting that program, he served for many years as program director
        between different groups of healthcare   priate certifications in this COVID envi-  of the nurse anesthesia graduate program at Columbia University School of
        professionals.                      ronment is excruciating,” said Palanza   Nursing in New York. Greco also is a reviewer for accreditation for CRNA pro-
          As the vice president of development   of the positions that require staff to pay   grams through the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational
        for Park Shore Drug Inc., a privately   to attend classes to receive certification.    Programs, and he chaired the AANA Professional Development Committee
        owned long-term care pharmacy, she    “We decided to eliminate that obsta-  from 2018-2020. He practices clinically at Northwell Health in New York,
        straddles the line between internal   cle by registering our own technicians   where he is assistant vice president for System Nurse Anesthesia Services.
        pharmacy operations and external    and offering our own educational pro-     Greco is a graduate with a PhD in nursing from Barry University in Miami
        client affairs. As a board member of the   gram,” she added. “Once they graduate,   Shores, FL. He earned a Doctor of Nursing Practice from the University of
        American College of Healthcare      they can file for technician license reg-  Alabama in Tuscaloosa and completed his master’s degree in nurse anesthesia at
        Executives (ACHE) for the past nine   istration within the state of Florida and   SUNY Health Science Center in Brooklyn. He received a bachelor’s degree in
        years, she also understands how inter-  work within the full scope of their new   nursing from Niagara University in Niagara Falls, NY.
        connected every aspect of the health-  license. It’s been extremely beneficial.”
        care field is.                        Palanza joined ACHE while finishing
          “I love working with the team at the   her master’s degree and believes that it
        pharmacy while also serving as the out-  has helped her excel in her position.
        ward-facing person for nurses and own-  “My ACHE membership is the most
        ers of long-term care facilities,” she   valuable thing I’ve ever done,” she said.     Delray Medical Center
        explained. “My job is to make things   “For me, it’s not about career advance-
        better and easier for our clients, and in   ment—it’s about learning. My ACHE   Is the First Hospital in South Palm
        this role, I also serve as a patient advo-  colleagues make me a better leader.
        cate.                                 “When I first joined ACHE, it was      Beach County to Use the CORI™
          “The long-term facilities look out for   more hospital-centric/hospital-driven,
        their residents, many of whom can’t   so people wondered why a long-term
        speak for themselves, and we do, too,”   care pharmacy would want to be a            Surgical System for Knee
        she continued, noting that many of the   part,” she added. “But healthcare is
        people they serve have intellectual or   more interconnected than it appears—           Replacement Surgery
        developmental disabilities. “That’s why   every single facet, from hospitals to
        reducing medication errors is one of our   home care to acute care settings—  Delray Medical Center is the
        top priorities; everything we do is in the   depends on each other. So knowing   first hospital in South Palm Beach
        best interest of the residents.”    about what other operations are doing   County to use the CORI™
          Palanza earned her undergraduate   is essential to us doing our best job.”    Surgical System for knee replace-
        degree in speech pathology at the     She added that being aware of what’s   ment surgery. Dr. Curtis Kephart
        University of Florida and her master’s in   happening in the larger healthcare pic-  is the first orthopedic surgeon to
        Healthcare Administration from Florida   ture can help companies stay ahead of   use this new technology at the
        Atlantic University.                the pack. “One of the things that keeps   hospital.  The CORI™ Surgical
          “I always knew that I wanted to serve   us on our toes is the intensely competi-  System uses handheld robotics-
        in a healthcare capacity but learned   tive landscape in Florida; if you’re not   assisted technology that helps the
        through a series of different internships   on the cusp of technological advance-  surgeon plan and perform the
        that my skill set was much better suited   ment, customer service and best clinical   procedure. It also gives surgeons
        for an administrative role—my goal is   practices, you stand to lose,” she said.    a three-dimensional view to help
        to eliminate obstacles for the internal   “We are constantly motivated to   finalize and verify the selection of
        team in order to enable our best exter-  improve—there is no snooze button at   the knee implant and create a
        nal, patient-centric performance,” she   Park Shore,” she added. “And working   plan for surgery without the need
        said.                               with other dynamic leaders helps keep   for either a CT scan or MRI.
          One example of this is a technician   us at our best.”
                                                                                   Robotics-assisted knee replace-
                                                                                 ment surgery using the CORI TM
                                                                                 Surgical System can lead to the following patient benefits:
                                                                                   • Quicker, smoother recovery
                                                                                   • Regain function faster and return home sooner
                                                                                   • A unique 3D digital model to get a surgical plan customized to the patients’
                              E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to               unique anatomy. The surgeon can perform the procedure more accurately than tradi-
                                                                                 tional knee replacement surgery.
                                                                                   • A natural fit: Using these technologies patients can keep more of their natural
                                 bone and ligaments, including the ACL. 6 That helps maintain more of a natural
                                                                                 rhythm and step.
                                                                                   • A wide selection: The surgeon is able to choose from the widest selection of
                                                                                 implants available, so implants can be precision-matched to feel more like a patient’s
                                                                                 own knee.

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