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Cleveland Clinic Florida COVID-19                                        Could Inhibiting the DPP4 Enzyme

                  Wellness Taskforce Provides                                                 Help Treat Coronavirus?

            Caregivers with Support Services                                         Researchers and clinicians are scrambling to find ways
                                                                                   to combat COVID-19, including new therapeutics and
          Cleveland Clinic Florida has developed   Relaxation Station: The relaxation sta-  eventually a vaccine. In a commentary published in the
        a program to support caregivers during the   tion is an area that has been designated for   journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Miller
        COVID-19 pandemic. The program       caregivers that includes massage chairs for   School of Medicine professor and endocrinologist
        includes services for all caregivers and   stress relief—while social distancing. All   Gianluca Iacobellis, M.D., Ph.D., suggests the DPP4
        some services are specific to caregivers   areas are sanitized after individual use.    enzyme presents an interesting target for further
        working on the frontlines who are caring   Meditation Classes: Caregivers can par-  research, and DPP4 inhibitors could help some COVID-
        for patients. Cleveland Clinic Florida lead-  ticipate in meditation classes that include   19 patients.
        ers believe that all caregivers play a critical   chair yoga and reflexology.    “We potentially have a mechanism for how the virus is
        role in ensuring quality patient care and   Art Therapy:  Classes are available to   getting into the body,” said Dr. Iacobellis. “And we poten-
        want to support their mental and physical   caregivers to help relieve anxiety   tially have a way we can partially inhibit that mecha-
        health and well-being during the pandem-  Discounts for Healthcare Employees:   nism. We should consider clinical trials for DPP4 for    Dr. Gianluca Iacobellis
        ic.                                  Discounts to restaurants and local busi-  patients who have mild or moderate COVID-19 with
          The program includes a number of ben-  nesses is available to all caregivers.    type 2 diabetes”
        efits and range from a variety of services,   Gratitude Board: A portal for all work-  DPP4 is found throughout the body, but its activity is only partially understood.
        from discount programs, to hotel accom-  ers has been setup to recognize caregivers   The enzyme does play significant roles in inflammatory responses and insulin regu-
        modations to self-care. In addition,   who are going above and beyond and, and   lation. DPP4 inhibitors increase insulin and GLP-1 secretion and are commonly pre-
        Cleveland Clinic Florida has committed to   to receive messages of appreciation and   scribed for people suffering from type 2 diabetes.
        maintaining pay and benefits for all care-  encouragement.                   In the current crisis, type 2 diabetes patients are at much higher risk. Data from
        givers and has reassigned employees to   Cleveland Clinic Florida First-   Wuhan and Italy have shown they have higher mortality and higher ICU admission
        other areas if their role has been suspend-  Responder Funds:  A new philanthropic   rates. Building on previous research, conducted on earlier coronaviruses, as well as a
        ed as a result of COVID-19.          program has been developed to benefit   recent paper that demonstrates DPP4 interaction with COVID-19, Dr. Iacobellis
          Caregivers across Cleveland Clinic   caregivers and first responders across   believes the enzyme may play a significant role in these outcomes by interfering with
        Florida facilities can take advantage of the   South Florida and the Treasure Coast who   the immune response.
        following benefits, among others:    are on the front lines of the COVID-19   “The body is overreacting with this inflammatory response to the virus,” said Dr.
          COVID-19 Caregivers:  For caregivers   pandemic. The Cleveland Clinic Regional   Iacobellis. “This could be partially mediated by DPP4. The virus binds to the enzyme
        who test positive, Cleveland Clinic Florida   Caregiver Hardship Program, and the First   and the enzymatic activity of DPP4 overexpresses inflammatory cytokines, exagger-
        is committed to helping them as much as   Responder Hardship Program, will pro-  ating the inflammatory response. Previous studies, of SARS and MERS, showed that,
        possible by delivering meals and care   vide financial support to caregivers and   if you blocked DPP4 activity, there was a reduction in the inflammatory response.
        packages, running errands on their behalf,   first responders who are experiencing a   This could ameliorate the immune response to the virus.”
        and providing and paying for hotel accom-  temporary financial hardship due to   Dr. Iacobellis notes that clinicians will need more data before embracing DPP4
        modations.                           COVID-19 and wish to request considera-  inhibitors to treat COVID-19 patients. However, he also points out that early evi-
          Caregiver Support Housing: Cleveland   tion for financial assistance. Both are fund-  dence has shown these drugs reduce inflammation. He believes the enzyme’s poten-
        Clinic Florida will offer caregivers who   ed by charitable donations from generous   tial role in a COVID-19 therapeutic regimen certainly deserves further study.
        provide direct patient care with hotel   individuals in our local communities.   “Starting with diabetes patients, we should be conducting randomized studies to
        options and pay for accommodations to   Allocations will be distributed based on   test whether treating those with mild or moderate symptoms improves outcomes,”
        minimize the risk of exposure to those   fund availability.                said Dr. Iacobellis. “These drugs are well tolerated and may provide therapeutic ben-
        caregivers’ families and loved ones    The community can now also directly   efit.”
          Childcare Services: Childcare resources   support Cleveland Clinic caregivers across
        have been made available to caregivers   the region by donating supplies/PPE, gift
        who need these services              cards, meals, and even blood through a       FDA Approves Miami Cancer
          COVID-19 Hotline for Caregivers: A   Community   Response    program.
        hotline has been established to provide   Individuals may also support by donating
        information on steps Cleveland Clinic   money to the First Responders Hardship       Institute to Perform New
        Florida is taking, including Personal   Fund program.
        Protective Equipment (PPE) utilization,                                            In-house Test for COVID-19
        occupational health guidelines, and opera-  Full details about donations can be found
        tional updates.                                       at
                                                                                    The Food & Drug Administration granted
                                                                                  Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for
            Dentists Donate Medical Supplies                                      Baptist Hospital of Miami Molecular
                                                                                  Diagnostic Laboratory at Miami Cancer
                                                                                  Institute, to perform a new COVID-19 swab
               for Broward Health Caregivers                                      tests in-house. The test was developed at
                                                                                  Miami Cancer Institute, which is part of
                                                                                  Baptist Health.
                                                                                    Identification of COVID-19 patients is
                                                                                  critical in order to either self-isolate at home
                                                                                  or admit the patient to a specific area of the
                                                                                  hospital. This in-house testing allows Miami
                                                                                  Cancer Institute to perform a number of tests twice a day and receive results within 24
                                                                                  hours. The lab is able to perform 40 - 80 tests per day with capacity for more in the near
                                                                                    “Having this test allows us to expand our in-house testing capability, allowing us to
                                                                                  make treatment decisions more quickly and quarantine patients appropriately,” said
                                                                                  Edwin Gould, M.D., chief of pathology, Miami Cancer Institute. “We were fortunate to
                                                                                  have all the highly sophisticated equipment and expertise needed already in-house–
                                                                                  making the switch possible in a short timeframe.”
                                                                                    As an added layer of safety, the testing process begins in a leased GermFree trailer,
                                                                                  which resides behind the Miami Cancer Institute facility and contains ventilated air
                (l-r) Bill Diggs, President of Broward Health Foundation, welcomes the    space and laminar flow hoods. The remainder of testing is performed in the building’s
                                                                                  laboratory. The GermFree trailer, which was used as a pharmacy during Miami Cancer
                 donation of personal protective equipment for front line caregivers
                                                                                  Institute’s construction, includes equipment like microbiology hoods that allow for
                  from Fort Lauderdale dentists Mark McCawley and Tom McCawley.
                                                                                  molecular testing of COVID-19.
        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                   May 2020                          15
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