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Nursing...  Nursing... Nursing... Nursing... Nursing...  Nursing... Nursing... Nursing...

                                                        2020 – Year of the Nurse

         Nurses, Thank You!                          ers. This special relationship is   not enough nurses entering the profes-  salary as they move from practice to aca-
        The year 2020 has been                       often reported as the reason   sion to replace those retiring or to meet   demia. To encourage nurses to accept fac-
        designated as the “Year                      why many nurses continue    the demands placed on the tenuous    ulty positions, incentives such as loan
        of the Nurse” by the                         their profession into retire-  healthcare system by aging baby   forgiveness have been implemented. In
        World Health Organiza -                      ment. Others chose nursing   boomers. This deficiency in graduates   addition to the barriers, there is a need to
        tion (WHO) in honor of                       because of the diversity of   can be attributed to lack of faculty, pre-  increase not only ethnic but also gender
        the 200th birth anniver-                     opportunities in which to   ceptors, clinical sites, and budget limita-  diversity of nurses.
        sary of Florence Night -                     practice, ranging from high-  tions.                               Nursing remains a predominantly
        ingale. This is very fit-                    risk premature infants to frag-  Nurses believe this nursing shortage   female profession, but currently about
        ting as Nightingale is                       ile elderly persons. School   reduces the quality of their work life and   13% of all nurses in the United States
        known for caring for sol-                    nursing, public health, emer-  the quality of patient care. The stress pro-  today are men compared to only about
        diers who were gravely                       gency, home health, hospice,   duced by working understaffed leads to   2% in 1960. The American Association
        ill or injured in the    BY DR. TOMMIE       flight nursing, rehabilitation,   many leaving the profession. There are   for Men in Nursing provides information
        Crimean War while also       NORRIS          informatics, and maternal   many creative approaches being imple-  for men interested in nursing as a career
        using science and statis-                    child are only a few such   mented to reduce these barriers.     and supports men who are already nurs-
        tics to advocate to provide proper med-  options. Regardless of the field chosen,   Partnerships between nursing programs   es. Other nursing associations support
        ical care which significantly reduced the   the nurse is the bond between all health-  and practice partners not only help with   increasing diversity in the profession to
        death rate.                         care providers and the patient.      the budget restraints but often provide   mirror the population of the United
         Nursing is once again serving at the   The Florida Center for Nursing fore-  scholarships to students.       States.
        front lines during the current COVID19   casts that Florida will face a shortage of   This partnership can also reduce the   Who better to care for our diverse citi-
        pandemic. Local and national news is   registered nurses (RNs) by 2025 that   time needed in orientation and reduce   zens in South Florida than someone who
        filled with displays of gratitude and   could incapacitate our healthcare system   the stress of the novice nurse entering the   has experienced the community and wit-
        recognition for all nurses who unselfishly   while also limiting access to healthcare   workforce as they are already familiar   nessed the inequalities suffered by many
        care for our most vulnerable citizens.   for Floridians. The Health Resources and   with the facility, staff, and patient popula-  residents? Miami Dade College (MDC) is
        According to the American Nurses’   Services Administration projects that   tion. Preceptors are often the first   proud of not only the diversity of our fac-
        Association, the Gallup poll has once   more than 1 million registered nurses   impression of a “real nurse” that students   ulty but also the diversity of our students
        again identified nursing as the most hon-  will reach retirement age within the next   experience. Preceptors’ efforts can be rec-  who mirror the ethnicity of South
        est and ethical profession for the last 18   10 to 15 years. Just as America’s popula-  ognized by credit to advance up the   Florida. Nursing is a profession com-
        consecutive years.                  tion is aging, more than 40% of Florida’s   career ladder which often comes with   prised of compassion and knowledge – a
         Nursing is our nation’s largest health-  nurses are approaching retirement age   monetary awards and recognition.    profession that truly makes a difference.
        care profession. Nurses are the member   within the next 10 years. The U.S. Bureau   Unfortunately, preceptors not only
        of the healthcare team that work closely   of Labor projects employment of regis-  serve students but also are often pulled to   Dr. Tommie Norris is Dean of the
        and advocate for their patients often shar-  tered nurses will increase 12% from 2018   orient a new nurse, causing a strain on   Benjamín León School of Nursing.
        ing confidential information and gaining   to 2028 exceeding all other occupations.   the time they have to share their expert-  For more information,
        both respect and trust of not only the   Unfortunately, although nursing schools   ise with students. Accepting the role of   contact
        patient but the family and significant oth-  are actively recruiting students, there are   nursing faculty may also mean a cut in   or call (305) 237-8888 .

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                   May 2020                          19
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