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How about Changing the Design Paradigm?

          As we work through the                            Additional intensive   spaces, to the more integrated use of   with an ultimate goal of decreasing in-
        COVID-19 pandemic and the                           care beds are not creat-  technology and analytics.       hospital bed capacity. Now that capacity
        vulnerabilities of our Healthcare                   ed thru easily convert-  What has also been identified as a crit-  needs have become apparent in an emer-
        system becomes apparent, the                        ible space. To the con-  ical shortcoming is the amount of space   gency, we need to resist the urge to build
        design community must review                        trary, medical advances   necessary  to  protect  healthcare  more as a knee jerk reaction. We need to
        the needs and expectations of                       have lowered the need   providers. No options for social distanc-  build smarter, with flexibility defined to
        our hospitals and rethink the                       for intensive care beds,   ing for staff requires the acknowledge-  include the “plug and play” systems and
        design of healthcare facilities.                    yet in this crisis, they   ment of their space needs in the “pop up”   technology which will allow multiple
          As compared to other crisis                       became the most need-  treatment spaces in tents, conference   physical spaces to be converted and used
        situations; an emergency/mass                       ed and critical compo-  rooms, and convention centers; gowning   appropriately; situationally.
        casualty event, or major storm                      nent of the hospital   spaces, cleansing stations and access to   Statistical analysis of this pandemic
        event; the pandemic has over-     BY CHARLES        with   patients  far  equipment in all these locations are crit-  will demonstrate that age and social eco-
        whelmed the healthcare system                       exceeding capacity.   ical design functions necessary for staff   nomic groups impacted the medical facil-
        facilities in a manner never   MICHELSON, AIA,        The   Coronavirus   safety.                             ities in specific neighborhoods and the
        experienced before, now being   ACHA, LEED AP       demonstrated that the   The ability to control and use alternate   surge levels within specific hospitals. As
        called “the surge”.                                 word flexibility can be   spaces is critical in the successful con-  such, a regional response that would ask
          Immediately, the pandemic demon-                  an ambiguous and      tainment of a pandemic. The manage-  multiple hospitals to act in tandem as a
        strated that not only was the need for   overused word in the design of medical   ment of mechanical systems within any   response to a pandemic should be part of
        space critical, but the need for isolated,   facilities where specific criteria and criti-  space has a reaction to the adjacent   the emergency planning processes.
        protected space was necessary to treat   cal infectious disease needs change the   spaces if adequate balancing controls are
        patients and protect the public and   design paradigm. Therefore, the success   not in place.                      For more information, contact Charles
        healthcare workers. Lining corridors   of medical space flexibility will include   For the past decade, as great advances   Michelson, President, Saltz Michelson
        with beds or doubling up of rooms did   technical, operational and organizational   were made in moving more and more   Architects, at (954) 266-2700 or
        not help treatment capacity and would   design features. We need to rethink   medical treatment to outpatient facilities, or visit
        have added to the spread of the disease.   everything from waiting and diagnostic   the use of hospitals was being scrutinized

         Cover Story: Ged Lawyers: Creating Cash                                               Governor, Let Us Bring

         Flows Remotely for Providers                                                                Back House Calls

        Continued from page 1                hurting their cash flow.”
          • Secure sharing of legal and financial   In addition to recovering this lost rev-  The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the
        documents via a secure program       enue for current claims, Ged says they   crisis of over-regulation in American medicine.
          • Scheduling telephone conferences to   can help with the recovery of forgotten   These regulations inhibit the development of
        address questions, concerns, or updates   PIP receivable accounts through a retro-  effective treatments for a variety of conditions
        on any cases                         spective audit.                       without providing additional protection against
          • Scheduling video conferencing for   “Under the Florida statute, we can go   harmful or ineffective treatments and inadequate
        those with access and who prefer virtual   back five years and audit unpaid bills   care.
        face-to-face communication           because the claim is based on a breach of   In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis had to per-
          “A majority of our clients are not   contract,” says Ged. “This is a great time   sonally intervene to provide a special dispensation
        remote but we’re converting them to   to engage us because we audit files   from onerous telemedicine rules to allow physi-
        remote clients,” says Marius J. Ged, one   remotely, remain completely COVID   cians to treat patients during the quarantine.
        of the partners with Ged Lawyers. “With   compliant, and get a cash flow going.”   This tidal wave of regulations comes not only
        the technology available to us now, you   Through a retrospective audit, a   from state and federal governments; a vast array of
        can easily do that.”                 healthcare provider authorizes access to   accreditation and certification bodies supplement   BY ANTONIO MESA, DO
          As an example, Ged Lawyers are still   the Ged Lawyers’ audit team for their PIP   government regulations with byzantine rules and
        helping its clients, medical practices and   billing cases. The audit process begins by   guidelines. Physicians involved in direct patient
        hospitals, collect overdue and underpaid   indexing each case and applying its inter-  care for the majority of their time are aware of the problems with these organiza-
        Personal Injury Protection (PIP) bene-  nal algorithm.                     tions. The maintenance of certification process and the accreditation of medical
        fits. PIP coverage pays up to $10,000 of   “We use a remote secure connection   facilities such as surgery centers and clinics are examples of how these organiza-
        the medical expenses of a patient when   and log right into a provider’s billing sys-  tions directly profit by adding complexity and expense without improving public
        he or she suffers any injuries in a car   tem to get all the files we need,” says   health or safety.
        accident—no matter who is at fault. PIP   Ged. “We have our own propriety soft-  Let's examine some potential benefits from deregulation. In Florida, many older
        may also provide coverage of lost wages   ware that scans and reads the medical   patients have difficulty getting to medical appointments due to transportation.
        in certain circumstances. The intent of   bills. We can apply a legal lens on top of   This often means interruptions in continuity of care or the inability to get timely
        this law, passed in 2012, was to reduce   the medical bill, review the CPT code,   treatment for new conditions. Telemedicine can provide a viable alternative by
        auto accident fraud, lower the cost of   and are able to find out if it was paid for   allowing physicians to make virtual house calls. Patients can get the medical care
        auto insurance premiums, and reduce lit-  properly.”                       they need from physicians who know them well and understand their conditions.
        igation costs.                         If they identify overdue benefits under   Relaxation of telemedicine regulations during this pandemic has proven physi-
          Under the Florida No-Fault Law, they   the No-Fault Law, a Statutory Demand   cians can provide virtual house calls safely and efficiently. But, if the governor
        have 30 days to pay the provider.    letter is sent to the insurance carrier. If   later reimposes the regulatory regimen, all of this will become impossible again.
        However, Ged notes that these claims   necessary, Ged says they will file a law-  Governor DeSantis has made deregulation a priority of his administration.
        often represent the worst-performing   suit to collect overdue benefits and liti-  Since taking office, he’s been steadfast in trying to find ways to reduce harmful or
        revenue stream for hospitals. The law   gate through final judgment.       counterproductive regulations. We appreciate his timely actions regarding
        firm can help providers review the intake   “A carrier has 30 days to respond to a   telemedicine. This is the best opportunity in years to roll back the crushing
        forms virtually to ensure the provider is   demand letter,” adds Ged. "85% of the   amount of regulation or, alternatively, to develop new structures that are not bur-
        capturing of all necessary information.   time they will pay the hospital or medical   dened by oppressive regulation. These regulations are killing us, sometimes liter-
          “Hospitals and medical practices are   practice. We make the process seamless   ally.
        missing a significant stream of revenue   and take the burden off hospital employ-
        under the No-Fault Law,” says Ged. “As a   ees who can focus on other things.”           Dr. Antonio Mesa is President of the Dade County Medical Association
        result of COVID-19, most medical offices                                                      . For more information, contact the DCMA at (305) 324-8717.
        are closed and hospitals are not perform-             For more information,
        ing some medical procedures which are              visit

         18                        May 2020                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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