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                PALM BEACH GARDENS MEDICAL CENTER                                                   DELRAY MEDICAL CENTER

        Victoria Carter, ADN                                                      Julie Abbate, BSN, MSN

          Victoria Carter has worked as a nurse in the Intensive Care              Julie Abbate is a nurse practitioner on staff at Delray Medical
        Unit at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center for two years.                  Center. Julie has been a nurse for 24 years, 15 of them at Delray
        Carter started her career as a cardiac telemetry nurse before             Medical. She says the most rewarding part of being a nurse is
        moving to ICU. She says the most rewarding part of being a                working with such wonderful, positive and dynamic people who
        nurse is being there for her patients at their most vulnerable.           improve patients’ lives each day. Abbate sites the relationships
        Carter wants to be there for patients when they’re feeling scared         she builds with patients and their families as to what she appre-
        or anxious, and to try and make them feel better by being by              ciates most about her profession. She recalls a time a patient was
        their side and taking care of them during her shift. She received         going to be placed into hospice care, and she stayed past her
        her associate degree in nursing from Palm State University.               shift to be with the patient until the family arrived. To this day,
        When Carter isn’t working, you can find her exercising and                Abbate says the family sends her a card every year to say thank
        training for an upcoming race at Disney World.                            you. She earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Barry University and her master’s
                                                                                  degree in nursing from Florida Atlantic University. When she’s not at the hospital, she
        Nixon Ciceron, BSN                                                        spends her time running and using her Peloton.

          Nixon Ciceron is a nurse working in the telemetry department            Amy Calloway, ADN
        at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. Ciceron enjoys being a
        nurse because he wants to help people recover from being sick              Amy Calloway is described as an extremely humble nurse.
        so they can return to their loved ones as soon as possible. One           However, it doesn’t take away the compassion and care she pro-
        of his most memorable stories of being a nurse occured when he            vides to her patients. Calloway has been a nurse at Delray
        recently treated a patient who tested positive for COVID-19. The          Medical Center since 2007 in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care
        patient shared a letter with Ciceron, and in the letter, the family       Unit. Her favorite part about being a nurse is seeing a patient
        wrote how much they wanted their hero to recover and come                 who is very sick get better, and eventually be able to go home and
        home. Ciceron provided emotional support and assurances to                be with their family. She also enjoys mentoring other nurses so
        the family that he would do everything within his power to                they can become their best. Calloway received her associate
        make sure that happened. After receiving amazing care at Palm Beach Gardens Medical   degree in nursing from Palm Beach Community College and
        Center, the patient was discharged the next day and is now back at home with his family.   went on to earn her bachelor’s degree in exercise science and health promotion from Florida
        When Ciceron isn’t caring for patients, you can find him spending time with his family and   Atlantic University. When away from caring for her patients, she loves to exercise and med-
        playing basketball.                                                       itate, and enjoys animals.

                   GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER                                                 WEST BOCA MEDICAL CENTER

        Taylor Pool, BSN                                                          Leanna Pereira, ASN, BSN

          Taylor Pool has worked as a nurse for the past three years in            Leanna Pereira has worked as a nurse for 24 years. She recent-
        the Intensive Care Unit at Good Samaritan Medical Center. Pool            ly came to work in the infection control department at West Boca
        says being able to inspire other nurses she works with is easily          Medical Center. Pereira believes being a nurse is about making a
        the most rewarding part of her job. By finding ways to educate            difference in other people’s lives. She loves the teamwork
        and empower other nurses, Pool believes it allows them to ensure          approach that it takes to be successful in her field. Some of her
        the best patient care. She also enjoys introducing experienced            most positive experiences as a nurse occured when she worked
        nurses to new equipment or advanced therapies that help                   in the long-term acute care intensive care unit. It was there
        patients. One of her most memorable stories from as a nurse was           Pereira would see the sickest of patients being cared for and put
        helping to start a continuous renal replacement therapy program           on long-term ventilation. However, over time she would see
        at the ICU at Good Samaritan. The program has only enhanced the unit and treatment of   patients progress and eventually go home after rehab. It’s stories
        patients. Pool is a proud graduate of the University Florida, and when she’s not working in   like these that make her proud to do what she does. Pereira earned her associate degree
        the ICU, she enjoys golfing and fishing.                                  from Macon State College, and her bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix in
                                                                                  Phoenix, Arizona. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to music, sewing and watching
        James Coon, ASN, BSN                                                      movies.

          Since July 2014, James Coon has worked in the emergency                 Diana Grana, ASN
        department at Good Samaritan Medical Center. Coon enjoys
        being a nurse because he can make a positive impact on his                 Diana Grana is a registered nurse in the telemetry unit at West
        patients’ lives. Sometimes it involves educating a patient about          Boca Medical Center. Grana graduated from Keiser University,
        their disease in the hopes of empowering the patient to improve           earning her associate degree in nursing. She says being a nurse is
        their outcome. Other times it means just listening to a patient,          rewarding because each day when she wakes up, she knows she
        helping the patient cope with a new reality after their diagnosis,        is making a difference in someone’s life. She considers herself
        and helping lay a positive foundation of hope from which they             positive, uplifting, confident and warm, which are characteristics
        can build. One story in particular stands out. A patient, who was         someone needs when you’re caring for someone who is in a vul-
        recently diagnosed with diabetes, was having issues with delayed          nerable state. According to Grana, while nursing produces its
        wound healing. Coon took time to talk to the patient about her condition, and helped break   own set of challenges, it is the most rewarding, especially when
        down the information in terms she could understand. He felt great pride being able to pass   you see patients get better, go home and rejoin their families. She
        on this knowledge to the patient, knowing it would have a significant impact on her health.   remembers a time when she was having a rough day and a patient noticed she wasn’t her-
        Coon earned his associate degree in nursing from Galen College of Nursing in St.   self. The patient told her not to get down on herself and went on to say she was the best
        Petersburg, Florida. He then completed his Bachelor of Science in nursing from Grand   nurse the patient had ever had and asked if he could say a prayer for her. Along with his
        Canyon University. In his spare time, he enjoys outdoor activities such as biking, kayaking   wife, the patient said a prayer for Grana, who admits, it was one of the most moving
        and snorkeling. He’s also a huge fan of eating local Tex-Mex.             moments in her life. When she isn’t at West Boca Medical Center, Grana enjoys running,
                                                                                  cooking and spending as much time as possible with her toddler son. Grana says being a
                                                                                  mother is her most important job.

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