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What’s New...What’s New...

        VITAS® Healthcare Joins FirstNet® –  St. Mary’s Medical Center

        Public Safety’s Communications                          Performs Its First Awake                                        South Florida's

        Platform Built by AT&T                                   Aneurysm Craniotomy                                               Monthly
                                                                                                                            Healthcare Newspaper

          VITAS® Healthcare is the first approved hospice provider to   St. Mary’s Medical Center is now performing awake aneurysm
        connect to FirstNet- the nationwide broadband network dedi-  craniotomies. A weak area in the blood vessels can develop into   PO Box 812708
        cated to public safety. The company’s access to FirstNet enables   a balloon called an Aneurysm, carrying an inherent risk of   Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
        VITAS employees to use the highly secure and reliable commu-  bursting. This is treated either by coiling, or a surgical tech-  Phone: (561) 368-6950

        nications tool for patient care and assistance in any circum-  nique known as "clipping". During this procedure, the skull is
        stance while in the field.                              opened, and the aneurysm on the artery is clipped, preventing       Website:
          FirstNet is designed to improve communications across pub-  it from bursting and causing a brain hemorrhage
        lic safety entities nationwide, allowing first responders to com-  “These surgeries are traditionally performed under general

        municate with one another easily and quickly during everyday   anesthesia, but the clipping of aneurysms while patients are
        situations, big events or emergencies. This capability is integral   awake, is a novel way of treating this condition,” said Dr.   CHARLES FELIX
        to solving communications roadblocks that previously have   Raghuram Sampath, Cerebrovascular Neurosurgeon on staff at     CAROL FELIX
        been imposed on public safety agencies and first responders.    St. Mary’s Medical Center. “Having the patient awake is the   Publishers
          VITAS was selected to join FirstNet and utilize services   most reliable way to ensure we don’t cause damage to the brain,
        because of the support the company provides to hospitals for   while safely securing the aneurysm.”                      NANCY LAMMIE
        both patient care and emergency preparedness. VITAS serves as   During the surgery, the patient does not feel pain, as all the   Editor

        an extended primary user– an organization or agency that could   sensitive nerves on scalp are anesthetized. During the surgery,   JUDY GRAMM
        be called on during an emergency response to help support   the surgeon speaks to the patient, and asks them to perform   Editorial Manager & Webmaster
        public safety. Eligibility for extended primary user status is rig-  simple tasks, making sure their motor and speech function
        orously reviewed before service is approved to help ensure that   remains intact.                                         JMC GRAPHICS
        FirstNet’s unique capabilities remain dedicated to first respon-                                                           Art/Production
        ders and those who support them.                                                                              
          “We are honored to join FirstNet and be given the opportu- Good Samaritan Medical Center                                 412-877-5321
        nity to serve our patients quickly, efficiently and securely,” said
        Nick Westfall, President and CEO of VITAS. “We applaud  Performs Its First Incisionless                              CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
        AT&T for the development of this innovative program and ded-                                                              Daniel Casciato
        ication to public safety.”                              Surgery to Treat Heartburn                                        Barbara Fallon
                                                                                                                                   Vanessa Orr
                                                                 Surgery without an incision is now a possibility. The new         Lois Thomson
        Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center                       Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication procedure, or TIF, using
                                                                the innovative EsophyX® device for the treatment of gastroe-
        Voted Best Heart Center in Palm                         sophageal reflux disease (GERD) is now available at Good
                                                                Samaritan Medical Center. “The TIF procedure can significantly   LOOK FOR OUR
        Beach County                                            improve quality of life for our patients,” said Dr. Kimmerle
                                                                Cohen, Oncological And Hepatopancreaticobiliary surgeon at      NEXT ISSUE
                                                                Good Samaritan Medical Center. “GERD is an anatomical prob-       IN JUNE
                                                                lem which needs an anatomical solution. Reflux medication
                                                                like PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) can help relieve patients'   TO REACH US
                                                                heartburn symptoms but don't solve the underlying anatomical
                                                                problems or prevent further disease progression. Even on PPIs        FOR
                                                                many patients are still unable to eat the foods they want or have   ADVERTISING
                                                                to sleep sitting up to reduce nighttime reflux. In addition,   OR EDITORIAL
                                                                recent studies have shown that long- term use of PPIs can lead
                                                                to inadequate absorption of minerals such as calcium and can   Call (561) 368-6950
                                                                result in bone fractures. After the TIF procedure, clinical trials   or e-mail
                                                                show that most patients can eat and drink foods they avoided
                                                                for many years. Reflux no longer impacts their life like it previ-
                                                                ously did.”  The TIF procedure is based on established princi-
          Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center recently was voted as   ples of surgical repair of the antireflux barrier, except that it is
        the best heart center in Palm Beach County from the Palm   “surgery from within” performed transorally (through the   SUBSCRIPTIONS

        Beach Post 2020 Best of Palm Beach County Awards Contest.   mouth). The procedure reduces hiatal hernia and re-establishes
        The Best of Palm Beach County awards celebrate and recognize   the high pressure zone between the stomach and esophagus   One Year $40
        the best our community has to offer, and residents of Palm   restoring the natural, physiological anatomy to prevent gastroe-  Two Years $60
        Beach County vote on the awards. Palm Beach Gardens Medical   sophageal reflux. Because the procedure is incisionless, there is
        Center was the first hospital in Palm Beach County and the   reduced pain, reduced recovery and no visible scar.        Three Years $75
        Treasure Coast to perform open-heart surgery, nearly 19,000
        over the past 37 years, and has remained a leader in providing                                                            To subscribe,
        heart care ever since.                                  Broadcaster Bob
                                                                                                                              call (561) 368-6950
                                                                Costas Named                                                  or subscribe online at
        Holy Cross Hospital Named One
                                                                “Joe DiMaggio                                   
        of Newsweek’s World’s Best                                                                                                ____________

        Hospitals 2020                                          American Icon”                                                All rights reserved. Reproduction

                                                                                                                              in whole or part without written
          Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale has been recognized   Bob Costas was recently named the                   permission prohibited. Copyright © 2020.
        as part of Newsweek’s annual list of World’s Best Hospitals for   2020 recipient of the “Joe DiMaggio
        2020 and Best-In-State Hospital in Florida.             American Icon Award” at a fundraiser for Joe DiMaggio
          “This recognition as one of the world’s best hospitals is a tes-  Children’s Hospital.
        tament to the care and compassion our patients experience here   Costas, one of the world’s most accomplished broadcasters,
        at Holy Cross Hospital,” said Doug Strong, Interim President   was recognized for representing the values that Joe DiMaggio   Don’t forget to include
        and Chief Executive Officer at Holy Cross. “We are proud of   stood for and contributions that have influenced American   South Florida Hospital News
        our Associates who continuously deliver people-centered care   society. He follows former U.S. President Bill Clinton, basket-  & Healthcare Report
        and operational excellence every day.”                  ball legends Earvin “Magic” Johnson and Pat Riley, music’s
                                                                Gloria and Emilio Estefan, baseball’s Derek Jeter, and best-sell-  in your Marketing Plans
                                                                ing author James Patterson as previous American Icon award   Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                   May 2020                          41
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