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Florida’s Resource for
                  Medical & Business
                                                  CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                Cannabis Developments                  Daniel Casciato

                    PO Box 812708                      Barbara Fallon                 USDA Approves Florida’s
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708                Vanessa Orr
                 Phone: (561) 368-6950                  Lois Thomson

                                                      SUBSCRIPTIONS                        State Hemp Program
                      Website:                         One Year - $45
                  Two Years - $70

                   CHARLES FELIX                      Three Years - $85            The U.S. Department of Agriculture has formally approved Florida’s state hemp
                    CAROL FELIX                                                  program, clearing the way for Florida growers to begin cultivating hemp. Agriculture
                     Publishers                To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950   Commissioner Nicole “Nikki” Fried, who will oversee Florida’s state hemp program
                                                         Or email:               through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS),
                   NANCY LAMMIE                                                  offered the following statement:
                    JMC Graphics                  All rights reserved. Reproduction   “After months of incorporating feedback from the public, growers, and industry
                    Art/Production                In whole or part without written    stakeholders, we are thrilled that Florida’s hemp industry officially begins now. I
                       permission is prohibited.    thank the USDA for their swift review and approval of our state hemp program. By
                                                       Copyright ©2020
                    JUDY GRAMM                                                   working closely with our farmers, processors, retailers, and consumers, Florida’s
                   Editorial Manager                                             state hemp program will become a model for the nation, will set a gold standard for
                                                                                 this emerging industry, and will create billions in economic opportunity for Florida.
                                                                                 As our economy deals with the impacts of COVID-19, this approval will give our
                                                                                 agriculture industry a new alternative crop for many years to come.”
                                                                                   Growing in Florida: With the state hemp program’s rules now filed for adoption
                                                                                 and approved by USDA, FDACS is accepting applications to grow industrial hemp
                                                                                 online at More information about growing hemp in Florida
                                                                                 may be found here.
                                                                                   Commissioner Nikki Fried has been a consistent champion of Florida’s emerging
                                                                                 hemp industry, appointing in 2019 the state’s first-ever Cannabis Director, hosting
                                                                                 five workshops and public hearings across Florida on hemp state rulemaking, and
                                                                                 working ahead of USDA to finalize rule development. Earlier this week, FDACS had
                                                                                 submitted the state’s hemp program to USDA for review and final approval.

                                                                                                  Cannabis News Florida

                                                                                            Physician Promotion Package

                                                                                  NEWSPAPER:   Three Business Card (4-7/8” x 2”) black and white adsΎ (must be in consecutive

                                                                                  ARTICLE: Physician will contribute an article of 350 wordsΎ. This article will appear in one of the three
                                                                                  newspapers containing the Business Card ad and in one of the e-newsletters during the three-month

                                                                                  E-MAIL BLAST: Cannabis News Florida will send out one e-mail blast promoting the Physician to the
                                                                                  other physicians in two zip code areas to be determined by the Physician.

                                                                                  The cost of this program is $500.
                                                                                  *Cannabis News Florida can ƉƌŽĚƵĐĞ the ad ĂŶĚ ĂƌƚŝĐůĞ for the Physician for an additional cŚĂƌŐĞ͘

                                                                                                Contact Charles Felix at 954-605-4785
                                                                                     or for more information.

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