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         Back Cover Story: DocMJ Turns
                                                                                                   Visit us on the web at
         to Telemedicine During the
         Coronavirus Pandemic

         Continued from page 36
        of being infected or spreading the coron-  symptoms of the coronavirus to not
        avirus lightly from the start.”      come to their appointment and seek
          DOCMJ initially reached out to the   treatment at a nearby medical facility. If
        Office of Medical Marijuana Use      they have a follow up visit scheduled,
        (OMMU) and DOH prior to finding out   they will reach out to the patients to
        they were going to allow telemedicine   book a telemedicine visit to minimize
        visits but to no avail, according to   possible exposure.
        Hundley.                               DocMJ has recently passed over
          “We were told it was not on the table,”   100,000 visits. Last year, they also
        he says. “As soon as we learned we could   expanded to Ohio with five new loca-
        keep our staff, physicians and patients at   tions while still providing the same qual-
        a minimal risk by using telemedicine we   ity care, experience and knowledge from
        knew we had to get it up and running   Florida.
        fast.”                                 While there are some really good
          Hundley adds that they did not want to   physicians with vast knowledge about
        put anyone at risk but they are also obli-  medical cannabis outside DocMJ,
        gated to be available for them since   Hundley says he has not met any other
        patients were no longer using pharma-  group on the scale of DocMJ with the
        ceutical drugs to manage their symptoms   same ideals and culture.
        of the various conditions they have.    “At DocMJ, we truly care about the
          “We have had much success with the   wellbeing of our patient whether or not
        telemedicine visits and hope that we can   we give a recommendation,” he says. “At
        continue to see our patients via telemed-  times we see patients who may not qual-
        icine until the risk of the coronavirus is   ify but still get to speak to a qualified
        over,” says Hundley. “However, we do   medical professional for free. If someone
        not want this to be a permanent change   books with us and does not receive a rec-
        to how medical cannabis recommenda-  ommendation we refund them 100% of
        tions are given or renewed, as we love to   their money back. This is not a gimmick,
        see our patients in person because the   we don't give recommendations to every-
        staff and physicians at DocMJ really   one but we do however give a compas-
        enjoy the face to face conversations and   sionate consultation to everyone.”
        life changing benefits medical cannabis   The reason for refunding patients they
        has on them.”                        don't give recommendations to is so that
          Fortunately - and unfortunately - new   both parties, the patient and the doctor,
        patients have to be seen in person still,   do not feel any pressure in recommend-
        notes Hundley.                       ing or not.
          “The unfortunate part is that there is a   According to Hundley, the physicians
        risk, with what is going on, to possibly   at DocMJ are there because they believe
        spread the virus,” he says. “The fortunate   that medical cannabis can help manage
        part is we have seen so many patients   their symptoms for the conditions estab-
        and we know some of them have not    lished by the State of Florida.
        seen a physician in awhile and ignore   “I believe the reason why we are the
        some clear signs of medical conditions   largest group is because of the passion
        that need immediate attention.”      we have throughout DocMJ to help oth-
          Hundley assures that their medical   ers.” he says. “Together at DocMJ we
        assistants and physicians are able to   have more experience in medical
        catch these signs, as they have in the   cannabis recommendations than any
        past, and either send them immediately   practice out there, we have been around
        to an urgent care/ER or refer them to   since the amendment for medical
        their primary care physician to address   cannabis passed. We are also one of the
        the medical condition.               most affordable with payment plan
          “This is another reason why we do not   options for those on a fixed income. I
        want telemedicine to stay as it is an inef-  like to think we are a good example of
         fective way to give the best examination   the phrase ‘often imitated but never
         possible,” he adds.                 duplicated.’”
          During this pandemic, DocMJ has
         been sterilizing all of their equipment   For more information, visit
         and wearing protective gear. They also
         make patients aware if they have any
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