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                                                                                                Florida DOH Allowing

                                                                                              Telemedicine for Medical
                   Cannabis News Florida                                                  Marijuana During COVID-19

                            Hummer Wrap                                             effect. This Emergency Order issued by the Florida Department of Health is tem-
                                                                                      In light of COVID-19, on March 16, 2020, Emergency Order 20-002 went into
                                                                                    porarily allowing Florida medical marijuana patients to complete follow-up visits
                                COURTESY OF                                         through Telemedicine. This means patients can be re-certified for another 7
                                                                                    months by their medical marijuana physician without having to leave home. The
                                                                                    Emergency Order is only good until May 8, 2020. Physicians cannot use
                                                                                    Telemedicine for initial visits, as this Emergency Order applies to existing
                                                                                    patients only. Patients must schedule their Telemedicine follow-up exam with
                                                                                    their current medical marijuana physician.
                                                                                      Dr. Marissa Magsino, M.D. of DocMJ says, “Telemedicine is bridging the fron-
                                                                                    tier of providing medical care to reach out to patients during these challenging
                                                                                    times. Patients are grateful for continuity of care.” Dr. Landau of DocMJ also
                                                                                    adds, “I just completed my first week of Telemedicine appointments and was
                                                                                    pleased with DocMJ’s seamless transition from office appointments. Patients have
                                                                                    the ability to renew their recommendations from the comfort of their home with-
                                                                                    out risking exposure to the coronavirus which is paramount since so many are
                                                                                    compromised due to underlying medical conditions. Simply call DocMJ or sched-
                                                                                    ule an appointment online and then follow the instructions that will be given to
                                                                                    you in an email.”

                                                                                    How Does It Work?
                                                                                      In order to complete a Telemedicine follow-up exam with your physician, you
                                                                                    will need to have good internet service on the device you will be using and the
                                                                                    device must have a camera and a microphone. If you do not have a computer, lap-
                                                                                    top or tablet, you may use a smartphone (iPhone or Android). You also need to
                                                                                    be in a quiet place with little to no feedback or background noise and sign on
                                                                                    about 3 minutes before your scheduled visit time to wait for your doctor.

                                                                                       Telemedicine follow-up exams can be scheduled through the online booking system
                                                                                                or over the phone with a Patient Care Coordinator at (888) 908.0143.

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