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        Back Cover Story: Cannabis and the Workplace - Realities and Trends

        Continued from page 52                 Why does any employer care?        when tested, or was in the first place.   so. Will they discriminate? That seems to
         employee suspected of impairment in the   Consider that the National Institute on   Another reality is the labor market.   be a function of the labor market.
         workplace and fire upon a positive test.   Drug Abuse reported the findings of a   Until COVID-19, there was a healthy   My assumption is that the future
          Hiring: Since a drug test can be a con-  study which stated that those employees   labor marketplace. Many employers were   includes scientists studying and creating
         dition of employment and Florida’s mar-  who tested positive for marijuana had   finding good help hard to find. Many   true impairment testing, adaptable to
         ijuana statute does not create any claim   55% more industrial accidents, 85%   great candidates for a lot of jobs use   specific industries, and that, in most
         for discrimination, then hiring can be   more injuries and 75% greater absen-  cannabis. At least 24 million Americans   industries, employers will move from
         conditioned upon an agreement to not   teeism compared to those who tested   identify as cannabis users. Despite pay-  detection testing to impairment testing.
         use cannabis. A test may be given as a   negative.                       ing somewhat more for workers compen-  Truck drivers and heavy equipment oper-
         condition of hire, and should a prospec-  The reality: In Florida, we don’t have a   sation insurance by not having a drug-  ators will likely always be subject to zero
         tive employee state that they use   strong industrial sector, as compared to   free workplace policy, some may choose   tolerance policies. But, surely for IT
         cannabis and will not stop and be subject   many other states. In Florida, workers   to not to maintain such a workplace.   developers, retail workers, office workers
         to testing, the employer can choose not   compensation insurance premiums are   Many companies hiring and retaining   and others, the only question for
         to hire an otherwise qualified applicant.   based on the danger categorization of a   employees in jobs which are not inher-  employers will be whether they are
          Workers Compensation: Because of   job. All jobs are ranked. It makes sense   ently dangerous either don’t test for   accepting of having an employee affected
         workers compensation insurance poli-  that jobs which have physical danger   THC, offer counseling upon a positive   by cannabis while working. With resi-
         cies, virtually all workers injured on the   within their job descriptions (FP&L line   THC result or ignore a positive result.   dents of 2/3 of the states having access to
         job are subjected to a drug test before   worker, heavy equipment operator, etc.)   This, even when automatically terminat-  legal cannabis, for employers to hire and
         benefits are approved, including medical   cost more to insure. Those employers   ing upon positive results for other drugs.   retain top talent, only impairment on the
         bills. Whether the employee who tests   have drug-free workplace programs   In a tight labor market, employers have   job will matter, as they will not be able to
         positive is fired for testing positive or is   which depend on drug-testing and will   to accommodate qualified workers to   compete for hires with a zero tolerance
         simply denied benefits is likely a func-  continue to do so.             hire and maintain quality candidates.    policy while impairment testing is avail-
         tion of whether the employer maintains a   Underlying reality: THC tests are not   Future Trend: Employers can decline   able.
         drug-free workplace. Employers which   tests of impairment, and unlike alcohol,   to hire employees because they use   Michael Liss, Esq. can be reached at
         have adopted drug-free work places will   there is no presumptive impairment level   cannabis, they can fire them because they
         typically terminate a worker who is   for THC. Just because there’s a positive   use cannabis, they can deny workers            or (561) 981-2507,
         injured on the job and tests positive.   test does not mean an individual is high   comp benefits-Florida and U.S. law say     located in Boca Raton.

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