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Royal Labs Ramps Up                                       FLORIDA HEMP
                                                                 Production to Meet                                        COUNCIL:
                                                                 Demand for                                                COVID-19 Can’t Slow
                                                                 Hand Sanitizer Spray and                                  Down Florida Hemp
                                                                 Hand Wash
                                                                             page 47
                                                                                                                                         page 43

                                         May 2020

                                         2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                               Possible Benefits of the CARES Act

                                                          for Cannabis Employers

                                                       BY ROMEO CHICCO, CPA

                                               The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
                                             Security (CARES) Act was passed late March in
                                             response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide
                                             much-needed economic relief to individuals and
                                             businesses. Unfortunately, one of the benefits most
                                             talked about in the news is not available to cannabis                                Derek Hundley
                                             related businesses; the Paycheck Protection Program
                     Michael J. Liss
                                             (PPP), but there are other sections of the Act that can
         Cannabis and the                    be taken advantage of.                                                     DocMJ Turns to
                                               The next best part of the Act for businesses may be
                                             Section 2301, the Employee Retention Credit (ERC),
              Workplace -                    and I have even found that for some businesses this                           Telemedicine
                                             may actually be a better option. A business cannot do
              Realities and                  both, the PPP and the ERC, so if you have secured a   Romeo Chicco              During the
                                             PPP, this section is not for you. Eligible employers are
                                             allowed a credit against employment taxes for each calendar quarter equal to 50% of
                   Trends                    qualified wages paid to each employee. The wage amount is limited to $10,000 across   Coronavirus
                                             all calendar quarters ($5,000 maximum credit, per employee). The credit is fully
                                             refundable because the employer may receive a refund if the amount of the credit is   Pandemic
              BY MICHAEL J. LISS, ESQ.
                                                                                                  Continued on page 49       BY DANIEL CASCIATO
          Marijuana remains illegal under fed-
        eral law. While Florida has a medical                                                                           Even in the midst of the coronavirus
        marijuana program, under our system                                                                           pandemic, DocMJ remains dedicated to
        of law, federal law controls on any issue   Cannabis Spotlight                                                helping its patients. As the largest med-
        addressed by federal law, when it con-                                                                        ical cannabis recommendation physician
        flicts with a state law. Therefore, our                                                                       network in the state of Florida, DocMJ
        medical marijuana remains illegal. In   Joey Kelley                                                           has 25 locations and over 45 physicians.
        Florida’s medical marijuana statute                                                                           While in-person visits have been mini-
        (§381.986) there are specific references   One Plant                                                          mized, DocMJ is primarily using
        to cannabis and the workplace which                                                                           telemedicine to service the needs of
        affect the rights of employers and work-  What benefits do you see for patients                               patients.
        ers. They are consistent with Federal   throughout Florida within this space?                                   “We strive to provide the best service,
        law. The following discusses some reali-  The largest benefits would be third-party testing                   care and knowledge to our patients at the
        ties and trends regarding cannabis in   regulations, statewide delivery and the creation of                   most affordable pricing,” says Derek
        the workplace.                       essential job-creating businesses. The medical                           Hundley, Chief Operating Officer for
          Drug testing: The Florida statute gov-  cannabis available to the patients of Florida goes                  DOCMJ.
        erning our medical program specifically   through the most regulated third-party testing system                 On March 16, Governor Ron DeSantis
        allows employers to maintain drug-free   in the nation. Only licensed testing labs are approved               and the Office of the Surgeon
        workplaces (workers compensation     to handle and test products coming from MMTC’s. It                       General/Department of Health (DOH)
        plans which have certain drug-testing   can take up to 4 days from the time a batch of prod-                  allowed current medical cannabis
        obligations in exchange for reduced   ucts is made until the results are made live and the   Joey Kelley      patients to conduct follow-up visits
        insurance premiums) and specifically   batch can be sold. Quality control and assurance is                    through telemedicine. By March 18,
        states that employers can’t be sued for   taken very seriously. Statewide delivery also is a huge resource to our patients, allow-  Hundley says they had implemented
        wrongful discharge or discrimination   ing the most remote citizens the ability to medicate using cannabis. Being a medical   telemedicine into its practice.
        for firing employees for cannabis use.   market here in Florida allows for the creation of essential businesses. Not only is One   “Prior to that we were taking precau-
        This means that employers can drug test   Plant adding an essential service to the patients of the state, but a huge employment   tions to ensure our patients, staff and
        as a condition of hiring, continued   opportunity for the residents as well.                                  physicians were at minimal risk by prac-
        employment or upon suspicion of                                                                               ticing social distancing, not coming in
        impairment at work. With at-will     What motivates you to be a part of the Cannabis industry?                with an elevated temperature or sick and
        employment, unless prevented by a pol-  I have been an advocate for the use of cannabis since joining NORML@UCF while   using protective equipment,” he says.
        icy manual or other contract, an     in college. It was there that I learned about the many uses and benefits of cannabis. I   “With the seriousness of the COVID-19
        employer can request a drug test of an
                                             met people like Cathy Jordan, Irv Rosenfeld and Elvy Musikka; people that really   pandemic, we did not take the possibility
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