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Cyber Attacks on Healthcare

                                                                                        Companies Increasing as More

                                                                                          Employees Work from Home

                                                                                           BY VANESSA ORR

                                                                                    When the COVID-19 crisis hit, many
                                                                                  businesses sent their employees home to
                                                                                  work remotely. And while this may have
                                                                                  helped to keep the companies running,
                                                                                  it also created the opportunity for cyber
                                                                                  criminals to access confidential informa-
                                                                                    “We’re seeing a number of cyber issues
                                                                                  relating to the COVID pandemic, includ-
                                                                                  ing practices that have had their systems
                                                                                  breached or hit with ransomware
                                                                                  issues,” said Matt Gracey, medical mal-
                                                                                  practice insurance specialist at Danna-         Matt Gracey
                                                                                  Gracey, the largest independent medical
                                                                                  malpractice insurance agency in Florida.   focused on COVID and not its computer
                                                                                  “Healthcare is the #1 target for cyber crim-  systems,” he added. “It’s a real Achilles’
                                                                                  inals, and it’s getting worse; the World   heel at the moment.”
                                                                                  Health Organization (WHO) recently
                                                                                  reported that there’s been a fivefold   Is Your Practice Covered?
                                                                                  increase in cyberattacks on their organiza-  According to Gracey, doctors need to
                                                                                  tion since the COVID crisis began.”   get in touch with their insurance agents
                                                                                    Any company that has a security breach   as soon as possible to review their cyber
                                                                                  as the result of people working from home   liability coverage. “Most doctors have
                                                                                  offices may be liable, and can be sued for   very minimal coverage; our experience is
                                                                                  the unauthorized release of confidential   that the majority have their cyber cover-
                                                                                  patient information. Gracey gives the   age either through their property pack-
                                                                                  example of the Florida Orthopedic   age policy or through their malpractice
                                                                                  Institute, which is being sued for $99 mil-  insurance policy.
                                                                                  lion on behalf of patients for the compa-  “Either way, most of the cyber cover-
                                                                                  ny’s failure to keep their information   age we see out there is insufficient to
                                                                                  safe.                               cover the risk a practice is taking on the
                                                                                    On top of being sued, companies also   cyber side,” he added, advising that busi-
                                                                                  face the likelihood of being fined by the   nesses get a stand-alone, robust policy
                                                                                  government   for  HIPAA    (Health  that has much broader coverage. These
                                                                                  Insurance Portability and Accountability   policies should also include access to a
                                                                                  Act) violations.                    comprehensive and robust response
                                                                                                                      team to solve any problems that arise.
                                                                                  The Perfect Storm                     “Part of the problem with cyber claims
                                                                                    In addition to having employees work-  is that you can call your IT people after
                                                                                  ing from non-secure home offices, many   a ransomware attack, but they can only
                                                                                  healthcare companies are also at risk   do so much,” Gracey said. “Many prac-
                                                                                  from having to reformat their practices   tices call their attorneys to help, but they
                                                                                  in the age of social distancing.    have no expertise in this area. A good
                                                                                    “I’ve read that within the first two   policy has a whole response team that
                                                                                  weeks of us shutting down as a country   moves in to handle the issue, even nego-
                                                                                  back in the spring, between 80 and 90   tiating with the hackers.”
                                                                                  percent of healthcare providers initiated   Gracey added that while healthcare
                                                                                  telehealth practices in some form or   providers may not be able to completely
                                                                                  another,” said Gracey. “The vast majority   avoid cyberattacks, taking a proactive
                                                                                  of practices went from very limited use   role in protecting their patients’ informa-
                                                                                  of telehealth to some form of it, ranging   tion—and their own practices—is vital.
                                                                                  from FaceTime to something more       “Having good, solid protocols in place
                                                                                  sophisticated. You can image the cyber   can help to lessen HIPAA violations;
                                                                                  security issues that come from an entire   even if they fail, the government takes
                                                                                  industry sector rushing to get into a   into account that you didn’t ignore the
                                                                                  form of communication that they’ve not   risk,” he said. “There are going to be a
                                                                                  used before.”                       lot more information breaches in the
                                                                                    Cyber criminals also have gotten quite   future, so doctors should be doing every-
                                                                                  acute at targeting potential victims, cre-  thing they can to protect themselves
                                                                                  ating new scams centered around the   from cyberattacks.”
                                                                                  COVID-19 crisis.
                                                                                    “They are doing things that range from   To find out if you’re prepared, contact
                                                                                  offering fake diagnostic tests to phishing    Matt Gracey or Tom Murphy at
                                                                                  scams representing themselves as the                   (800) 966-2120 or
                                                                                  CDC and asking to audit a practice for           visit
                                                                                  safety reasons,” said Gracey. “They have
                                                                                  created quite a number of malicious
                                                                                  websites advertising all kinds of help for
                                                                                  COVID issues, when really all those sites
                                                                                  are doing is loading malicious software
                                                                                  onto emails and websites.
                                                                                    “Cybercriminals are working double-
                                                                                  time against U.S. healthcare, which is

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