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Conviva’s Unique Business Model Lends Itself

                                  to Successful Primary Care for Its Senior Patients

                                             BY CAROL NEWMAN

                                Conviva Care Centers is a care delivery organization
                              that prides itself on building a business model focused on
                              strong doctor-patient relationships and setting the gold
                              standard of care for the senior population—especially in a
                              tumultuous era of COVID-19.
                                “As a physician-led network of 300 primary care doc-
                              tors and 800 affiliates in Florida and Texas, we pride our-
                              selves on being an organization that creates strong bonds
                              with our senior patients,” says Steve Lee, M.D., president
                              of the Conviva Physician Group. “Seniors placing their
             Dr. Steve Lee    trust in our physicians is a critical component, especially
                              in this unfortunate climate of anxiety and uncertainty. We
        all share the same mission of creating a unique doctor-patient experience, unlike any
         At every center, Conviva’s healthcare experts take all of the necessary safety precau-
        tions to provide proper care while reducing the risk of COVID-19. “Many senior
        patients live with multiple chronic conditions, so a primary focus is to safeguard their
        short- and long-term health,” said Dr. Lee. “We must stay healthy so they can remain   Recognition by the National Committee for Quality Assurance with its NCQA
        healthy, and that calls for team members, doctors, and nurses to take every precau-  Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition and NCQA Diabetes Recognition.
        tion, adhere to CDC guidelines, wear protective equipment, and sanitize centers   Conviva continues to reinvent excellence in healthcare by embracing meaningful
        daily.”                                                                  patient relationships focused on producing optimal health outcomes. With more than
         Telemedicine visits also are available to patients whose care does not require an in-  90 convenient locations throughout Florida (Broward County, Daytona Beach,
        person appointment.                                                      Jacksonville, Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach County and Tampa/Gulf Coast) and
         Conviva focuses on early screening and prevention, advances in technology, and   Texas (Corpus Christi, El Paso and San Antonio), the vast network of Conviva Care
        new surgical techniques to help seniors live longer, healthier lives. Its clinicians   Centers is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team of more than 300 primary care
        understand that heart issues, diabetes, emphysema, asthma, and other chronic condi-  physicians and more than 800 affiliated specialists who provide a wide range of vital
        tions require regular, closely-monitored coordinated care.               healthcare services that patients require daily, including the advantages of senior care
         Another benefit of Conviva’s business model is that it allows physicians to concen-  activity centers and 24/7 on-call physicians. The success of Conviva is measured by
        trate their time on patient care. Since a management services organization handles the   its patients’ clinical outcomes and long-term health benefits.
        company’s operational functions, clinicians at Conviva are free to do what they do
        best—care for patients. This focus reshapes the patient-doctor dynamic.               To learn more, visit or call (833) CONVIVA.
         Conviva proves it belongs in an elite group of healthcare providers with recent

                             Avoid Costly Fines While Offering a COVID-19 Benefit

                                                              to Your Employees

          As we find ourselves in                         2. The employee has been   thirds the employee’s regular rate of pay.    limited to receive $511 per day and $5,110
        the latest COVID-19 epi-                        advised by a health care    A full-time employee is eligible for two   for the two weeks, and for reasons four
        center here in Florida,                         provider to self-quarantine   weeks/ten days of pay across all six rea-  through six, the employee is limited to
        many businesses will have                       due to concerns related to   sons. This means if the employee is off   $200 per day and $2,000 for the two
        employees affected, in                          COVID-19.                 work for one week while awaiting their   weeks. For reason five, the additional ten
        some way, by the virus. The                       3. The employee is expe-  test results (reason two) and several   weeks of paid leave is also limited to $200
        Families First Coronavirus                      riencing  symptoms   of   months later their family member tests   per day and $10,000 over the full course of
        Response Act was signed                         COVID-19 and is seeking a   positive and cares for them (reason four),   the leave.
        into law back in mid-                           medical diagnosis.        then they are only eligible for one addi-  This paid leave and the payroll tax credit
        March, taking effect on                           4. The employee is caring   tional week, allowing them two weeks   will remain in effect until December 31,
        April 1, 2020, and it pro-                      for an individual who is   total. Employees who are not full-time and   2020, and any unused time by the employ-
        vides federally-mandated                        subject to a federal/state/   working 40 hours per week will receive a   ees will be lost at that time. Since this is
        paid sick and family leave   BY ROMEO CHICCO,   local quarantine order or   prorated portion of time off based on their   basically a government-funded paid leave,
        to your employees to cover        CPA           the individual has been   average number of hours they work over a   there are few exceptions to offering it if
        their absence from work.                        advised to self-quarantine   two-week period.                 you have less than 500 employees.
        This paid leave must be                         due to COVID-19-related      There is no minimum amount of time   Details of the few exemptions can be
        offered by all employers with fewer than   concerns.                      an employee needs to work in order to be   found on the DOL website. The
        500 employees, with few exceptions,    5. The employee is caring for the   eligible for this paid leave and there is no   Department of Labor has also released a
        otherwise, they are subject to the equiva-  employee’s son or daughter due to the   waiting period from when the employee   poster that must be posted conspicuous-
        lent of a minimum wage violation with   closing of the child’s school (elementary   is hired. If the employee is out of work   ly to your employees in your place of
        the U.S. Department of Labor.        or secondary) or childcare facility, or the   due to reason 5, the employee is eligible   business. Failure to do so may result in a
          Your employees will receive paid leave   child’s care provider is unavailable due to   for an additional ten weeks of paid leave.   hefty fine. If you do not have the poster,
        if they are unable to work or telework,   COVID-19 precautions.           This paid leave is also paid at two-thirds   you can find it at by doing a
        due to a need for leave under one of the   6. The employee is experiencing any   their regular rate of pay and requires the   google search for ‘DOL FFCRA Poster
        following six reasons in addition to the   other substantially similar condition spec-  employee to have been employed for at   WH1422.’ Simply print a copy on plain
        employer having work available. This   ified by Health and Human Services in   least 30 days.                 paper and post it on your bulletin board
        means if your business is closed, then the   consultation with the Department of the   While employers are mandated to offer   and save yourself a potential fine.
        employee would not be eligible for paid   Treasury and the U.S. DOL.      this paid leave to their employees, it will   Compliance with this new law can be
        leave and, instead, would be entitled to   The first three reasons are for the   come as no cost to the employer via an   tricky, so be sure to consult with your
        unemployment benefits. The six reasons   employee’s own health, and the employee   immediate payroll tax credit from your   payroll service or human resource pro-
        for paid leave are:                  is eligible to be paid at 100% their regular   next 941 tax deposit. Also included in the   fessional for guidance, so you can remain
          1. The employee is subject to a COVID-  rate of pay, while reasons four and five are   tax credit is 100% of the wages paid   penalty free.
        19-related federal/state/local quarantine or   for the employee acting as a caregiver and   toward this leave, plus the related payroll
        isolation order, including shelter-in-place   is paid at two-thirds their regular rate of   taxes and the cost of employer provided   Romeo Chicco, CPA, is President/CEO of
        or stay-at-home orders that cause the   pay. Reason six has not been defined yet,   health insurance. There is a limit, though.   PayMaster. For more information, visit
        employee to be unable to work.       but when it is, it too will be paid at two-  For the first three reasons, employees are

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               August 2020                            7
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