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Unlocking the ROI of an Integrated Patient Experience

               Sustained clear communication of authentic patient satisfaction directly improves financial viability

          Gone are the days when patient expe-                                             3. A carved out competitive   and affordability while increasing
        rience may have been an afterthought of                                          advantage.                   employee engagement across the organi-
        hospitals. Now, their long-term financial                                          Due to the widespread and   zation.
        viability depends on prioritizing it first.                                      ongoing impacts of the COVID-
          Hospitals of all sizes and affiliations                                        19 pandemic, hospitals that   How BDO Can Help You
        have demonstrated a remarkable ability                                           have struggled in recent years   Capitalize on Those Benefits
        to persevere through the COVID-19 pan-                                           may find themselves with a very   BDO can assist hospitals and providers
        demic, which came at a time when the                                             narrow opening to compete on   in evaluating how to engage with various
        healthcare industry was already undergo-                                         an even playing field with previ-  patient groups. We aid providers in using
        ing profound change. As hospitals focus                                          ously   untouchable  rivals.  patient experience feedback as a valuable
        on what’s next, the path to sustainable                                          Investing in patient satisfaction   tool to develop strategies that restore and
        financial viability requires a commitment                                        can yield a competitive advan-  gain market share. BDO can additionally
        to healthy patient outcomes and invest-         BY DEB SHEEHAN AND               tage, for example, when pro-  assist with workflow optimization as
        ment in the patient experience.             CHRIS COOPER, RN, MHA, MIM           moting a return to elective cases   well as workforce training and education
                                                                                         that represent significant vol-  to improve communication scores that
        Three Key Benefits of Investing                                                  ume and associated revenue   compose more than 60%of the HCAHPs
        into the Patient Experience          tion of the Hospital Consumer        margin.                             patient satisfaction survey. Leveraging
          1. Improved financial viability    Assessment of Healthcare Providers and   Doctors and hospital executives may   results of internal, third-party and
        through an integrated patient experi-  Systems (HCAHPS) survey. Poor survey   debate whether patient satisfaction is truly   HCAHPS surveys, we pinpoint the
        ence—and by communicating that       scores result in hospitals forfeiting a por-  an indicator of quality; however, improv-  sources of patient dissatisfaction and cre-
        experience clearly and regularly.    tion of potentially eligible Centers for   ing patient experience ratings is beneficial   ate specific actionable recommendations
          Improving financial viability requires a   Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)   for patients and clinicians for several rea-  for hospital leaders. Based on successful
        multi-pronged approach, focusing on   reimbursements. CMS currently with-  sons that impact the bottom line:    outcomes, we work with hospitals to
        arrangements with physician-referrers,   holds 1% of Medicare payments, 30% of   Hospitals that have better engagement   promote their improved patient experi-
        cost take-out and improved reimburse-  which are tied to HCAHPS survey scores.   with patients may encourage greater   ence through a refreshed brand identity
        ment. Hospital executives and boards have   Since the Medicare population is project-  adherence to clinical standards of care   strategy to reintroduce services to the
        limited time and investment funds result-  ed to increase from 54 million beneficiar-  and follow-up.         community.
        ing in a zero-sum game of competing ini-  ies today to more than 80 million benefi-  Providers who focus on patient satis-  During a time in which our health care
        tiatives. BDO brings clarity and cohesion   ciaries by 2030 (amounting to more than   faction and overall experience will likely   system and its providers are facing signif-
        to the quest for financial stability by   25% of health spending by 2028), CMS   impact patient volume more than techni-  icant strife because of COVID-19, patient
        unlocking the financial and clinical   will only become a more dominant payer   cal acumen alone.             experience has never been more critical
        return-on-investment from every dollar   for providers. This makes maximizing   Significant portions of reimbursement   to the long-term success and survival of
        and hour spent on patient satisfaction.   available reimbursement to the fullest an   and revenue growth are attained via   a hospital. At BDO, we understand that
          Based on BDO’s analysis of reimburse-  even more urgent business imperative for   repeat patient visits. Patients seen in hos-  ultimately, patients are customers who
        ment drivers, 60% of the factors affecting   hospitals and other providers.    pital settings are typically chronically or   can and will take their business any-
        the amount and timeliness of reimburse-  2. Long-term brand equity through   acutely ill and observant of the type of   where that offers a better experience
        ment can be improved by creating a pos-  improved HCAHPS scores and Star   care and attention they receive while in   aligned to their expectations and defini-
        itive patient experience. Patient experi-  Ratings.                       the facility. When given a choice,   tion of value. We work closely with each
        ence, in turn, can be measurably and reli-  In addition to influencing CMS reim-  patients visit hospitals they trust to pro-  hospital to discuss how we can support
        ably improved by focusing on specific   bursement share, patient experience   vide the best experience and outcomes  raising patient satisfaction scores and as
        workflow optimization, training and   impacts a hospital’s Star Rating and   and they share this information with   result, maximize market share and reim-
        communication strategies. Therefore, a   resulting brand reputation. CMS pub-  other patients via word of mouth and   bursements with a rigorous focus on
        rigorous focus on a positive patient expe-  lishes HCAHPS Star Ratings on its   online reviews.               what’s next for the business of health-
        rience—which advances physician, insti-  Hospital Compare website, updated   Although the HCAHPS survey typical-  care.
        tutional, community and reimbursement   quarterly. Star Ratings make it easier for   ly measures data relating to the patients’
        drivers—yields the highest ROI available   patient consumers to identify excellence   perspectives of their care experiences, it   Deb Sheehan and Chris Cooper are
        to many hospitals. More importantly,   in healthcare quality. Research demon-  can also shed light on how hospitals can   Managing Directors at The BDO Center for
        improved patient experience leads to   strates a direct association between an   improve processes relevant to care quali-  Healthcare Excellence & Innovation.
        better health outcomes for patients.   organization’s brand reputation and its   ty. The patient satisfaction survey pro-
          Through both financial incentives and   ability to capitalize on market share and   vides feedback that guides hospitals in   Contact:
        public disclosure, the Hospital Value-  reimbursement.                    policies and procedures and allows    Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner
        Based Purchasing program is rewarding   Additionally,  today’s  healthcare  patients to have a voice in their own   305-420-8006/
        (or penalizing) hospitals based on   providers are currently challenged with   healthcare. Informed by survey data,
        patient experience scores. Every reim-  responding to the COVID-19 impact on   hospital leaders can invest in the training   Angelo Pirozzi, Partner
        bursement dollar is critical to financial   consumer confidence at a time when   and education of care teams, initiating   646-520-2870 /
        health, including Medicare reimburse-  health consumers require more tailored   procedures to make the patient experi-
        ments tied to the patient satisfaction por-  (and occasionally competing) approaches.   ence better in terms of both effectiveness

         10                        August 2020                                                                                                                         South Florida Hospital News
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