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                          Michael S. Davis Hits the Ground Running as TFPS CEO

                BY LOIS THOMSON                                                  entities together is that we're taking care   patients. "This group practice, like many
                                                                                 of patients, striving daily to meet the   around the nation, formed over time
          When Michael S. Davis joined Tenet                                     needs of our communities."           organically – employing physicians
        Florida Physicians Services as CEO in                                      He believes his responsibilities at Tenet   and/or acquiring smaller groups.
        May, one of the first things he wanted to                                generally fall into two categories, one   However, when you grow organically,
        do was "a lot of listening." He said he                                  being the day-to-day operations of all of   one of the common symptoms is a silo
        wanted to get out and see as many peo-                                   the group's sites of service. With the sup-  mentality – each practice is almost like a
        ple as possible, "with the ultimate goal of                              port of his team, Davis oversees all   snowflake.
        getting to all of our sites of service, meet-                            aspects of patients' experience from   "Each group and each physician may
        ing the clinical and non-clinical teams                                  arrival, to check-in and getting their   come with their own set way of doing
        where the good work and service is being                                 healthcare needs met, to checkout.   things, but we must determine how can
        done." That's quite a task, considering                                  Additionally, an important element of   we standardize across the group. As we
        the practice group has more than 150                                     operations is people, and a strong focus   grow in size and scale across the geogra-
        physicians and 800 employees, serving                                    on their growth and development.     phy, it becomes imperative to standard-
        50+ outpatient facilities and 10 hospitals      Michael S. Davis         "We're trying to maintain a strong cul-  ize in order to achieve optimal patient
        in three counties.                                                       ture – a culture that may be different in   experience and top-notch clinical out-
          To date, Davis has visited most across   leads to faster, more effective solutions.   Palm Beach County than Broward   comes. The communities we serve
        the vast territory, and he said he has been   "Those two tenets have been something   County than it is in Miami-Dade County;   deserve nothing less."
        very clear in the message he wants to   I've been pushing hard with the team. To   but in general it's a culture of respect,   Even though he hasn't had much
        convey to his team: that two of the top   me, they breed success for a group prac-  commitment, and a focus on the ultimate   opportunity yet, Davis said he likes to
        principles of his leadership style are   tice like ours that is so expansive in   aim to provide great care and service to   spend time throughout the year stepping
        strong communication and visibility.   terms of size, scope and geographic cov-  our patients.                back for some personal reflection, which
        "Communication is critical. So many of   erage."                           "A large part of my job is to make sure   has to do with who he is as a leader and
        the day-to-day 'fire drills' could have   Davis came to Tenet from Nicklaus   we're providing a positive work culture   what he hopes makes him a stronger
        been stopped sooner with good commu-  Children's Health System, where he was   for all of the employees in our group   leader. "I take time to reflect on what I'm
        nication. So a strong tenet of mine is to   president of Pediatric Specialists of   practice. If successful, the positive inter-  doing, why I'm doing it, and what is my
        ensure that the lines of communication   America, the health system's physician   nal culture will only enhance the patient   ultimate mark or impact on the commu-
        are very open and free, that we can com-  group practice. He said if there was a dif-  experience provided by our people."   nities I help to serve. While the day-to-
        municate with one another in a manner   ference between the organizations and   Further, Davis looks at continuing to   day can be very successful, we have to
        that allows for it to be direct and with as   his responsibilities, it was going from a   expand the depth and breadth of care   ask ourselves, are we accomplishing
        much candor as possible, but always   not-for-profit independent children's   offerings, which he calls a "welcome   what we've set out to do; and if not, how
        adhering to professional standards."   entity to one that was for-profit and   challenge." As he explained, top-notch   can we do better. So I'm working really
          Regarding visibility, Davis said that   largely based in adult healthcare.   clinicians who have a passion for their   hard on that and continuously thinking
        because of the geography covered and   Nonetheless, "I've always had the   work are regularly being brought on   about my one-day legacy for healthcare."
        the size and scope of the group practice,   belief that my background and experi-  board, but part of his role is helping to   No doubt Davis will succeed.
        it's important for him and his team to be   ences in healthcare are transferable to a   figure out how their work can be stream-
        visible where the work is happening.   variety of roles and types of organiza-  lined within a clinical service line, and      For more information,
        Being present enables more rapid identi-  tions within the industry. At the end of   standardized as best possible to achieve   call (561) 288-5500 or visit
        fication of the problems at-hand and   the day, the thread that ties all healthcare   optimal high-quality outcomes for

         Cover Story: New Holy Cross Hospital CEO Focusing on Pandemic, Future Goals

        there.”                              Hospital Pembroke to take in patients   a drop in service line volumes anywhere   allowing us to begin engaging in new plat-
          Doyle knows about hard work. He has   when Memorial Regional or Memorial   from 10 percent to 60 percent. Financially,   forms with smart phones, etc., expanding
        served as the CFO of Kindred Healthcare   West were overrun, as well as establishing   all healthcare systems are hemorrhaging   our footprint beyond the four walls of the
        Hospitals – Arlington and Fort Worth, as   a medical detox program to help combat   and the CARES Act stimulus money just   hospital.”
        the CFO with Universal Health Services'   the opioid epidemic.            scratched the surface of what we need.   Doyle also is looking at ways to increase
        Northern Nevada Medical Center and                                        There are still gaping holes in the financial   access to Holy Cross physicians and plans
        Wellington Regional Medical Center, and   Starting a New Chapter          picture.                            to rebrand the hospital as Holy Cross
        as CFO at Ascension Health in          When Doyle was approached to join   “We never forget our mission to serve   Health so that it is more indicative of the
        Jacksonville. He also has held executive   Holy Cross Hospital, he was excited about   the community, but we have to be solvent   services they offer.
        positions at Broward General Medical   the opportunity.                   to do so,” he explained. “We need to find   “I’d also like to try to establish more
        Center (now Broward Health) and Tenet   “Holy Cross has an outstanding name in   more ways to be creative and innovative,   brick-and-mortar structures in different
        Healthcare System's Florida Medical   the community, great service lines and   and explore new ways to reach patients.”   markets so that we can become more of a
        Center.                              impressive patient outcomes, which, com-  To this end, Doyle is expanding philan-  regional provider,” he added. “We want to
          He joined Memorial Hospital Pembroke   bined with my desire to work with a mis-  thropic efforts in order to tap into donors   become a destination hospital.”
        in 2014, where he was responsible for   sion-based organization, made it a dream   and corporations as a way to support Holy   Just like he did at Memorial, Doyle plans
        moving the hospital’s Leapfrog hospital   job,” he explained. "We are here to serve   Cross. He also wants to expand the hospi-  to enhance quality and safety, with the goal
        safety grade rating from a C to an A, and   the community, regardless of a person’s   tal’s market share and footprint, which he   of bringing the hospital’s Leapfrog rating of
        moving its Centers for Medicare and   ability to pay. Our core values include jus-  says is challenging as a single hospital with   B to an A, and increasing its CMS rating
        Medicaid Services (CMS) rating from two   tice, reverence and commitment to those   a lot of large competitors.    from four to five stars.  “The final goal—
        to four stars.                       who are poor. Everything is done in the   “We want to grow our service lines—we   and my favorite—is to have fun, because I
          “Our growth was exponential,” he said   Lord’s name; spirituality guides us.”   already have good ones here including   want associates and physicians to be
        of leading the 301-bed, community-based   There are quite a few challenges facing   orthopedics, oncology, neurology, and   engaged, excited and committed to the
        hospital, part of the Memorial Healthcare   Doyle in his new role.        obstetrics/gynecology,” he said. “We also   hospital’s future,” he said, adding that he is
        System.                                “Like everything else, COVID disrupted   want to leverage technology; one of the   very impressed by Holy Cross’ corporate
          Doyle also was responsible for starting a   healthcare providers—not just in this mar-  best things to come out of COVID is   culture. “Nothing great is ever achieved
        transfer program that allowed Memorial   ket, but nationally,” he said. “We’re seeing   advancements in virtual health, which is   without enthusiasm.”

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