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Heal th Care is Changing.
Heelp Lead tthe Channge.
Miami Herber tB usiness S chool offers w orld-class pr ograms designed t o meet t od y’a s health c ar e challengees.
Heal th th Exe cutive MBA * * Master in Heal th AAdministra t
R t a ed N .1oN Health C ar e Ex ec uti e MBiv AP r ogram T his 1 8-mont h pr og am prgr epar es st u dent s f or
in the U S..U lea der ship r oles in o anizgor t a ions incl u ding
healt h c ar e s y st emss, ph y sician gr o ups,
R t a ed Top 20oT Health C ar e M anaagement P r ogram
ins ur anc e c ompaniees, phar ma c e ut ic al fir ms
in the U S..U
i ut
and non-pr ofit instit ions.
D esign ed a tta op-r ank ed pr ogram b y U S . .
N e ws aand W or ld R epor t, t he 24-mont hH ealt h - Gain v al uable b usiness skills and insight s
a e f
Ex ec ut e MBiv A is designed f or xpere ienc ed int o k e y health car undamentals
e x ec ut es, clinicians, and oiv t heer healt h c ar e
pr of esssionals s eeking t o a dv ance bc usiness and - B enefit fr om smaall w eekly class es with
polic y s utols ions in healt h c ar . e e xperienc ed and esr ear ch-activ e f ac ult y; nno
w ork e xperienc e equirr ed
- Expaand y o ur c apabilities and ofpr essional
netw oss the health c a e indr ust y ry - App oom inst ctust u r ction throo t ou gh
work acr
pply classrooy c ass
int ernship / c aps one opport tunities
- W ork f ull time while enhancinng y o ur c ar eer;
class es tak e plac e one w eekend per month
- Grad uat e with a ean SL ix S igma Gr een B elt
our health c
- Grad uat e with S ix S igma C haampion B elt and jumpstar t yo ar e c ar eer
go .miami. ed u/hemba go .miami. ed u/ mha
* The Health Ex ec utiv eMB A is one of only sixx pr ograms nationwide that is ac creditr ed by , , or is a member of , thr ee leading ac ademic b usiness
or g anizations: Ass ociation t o A dv anc e C olleegiat e S chools of B usiness (AA CSB Int ernational), the C ommission on cA cr editation of Healthc ar e
M anagement E d u c ation ( C AHME ) and the Business SB chool Allianc e f or Health anagement (BM AHM).
** A c cr edit ed b y AA CSB Int ernational (Ass occiation t o A dv anc e C ollegiat e S chools of B usiness), which ac cr edit s leeading b usiness s chools w orldwide .
Tomorro w Lives here.
b ed u
South Florida Hospital News August 2020 19