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Cover Story: South University
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sequences to campus life and educational Virtual Office Hours, Tutoring,
opportunities. For many colleges, it began One on One Counsel
Specializing in Medically a downward spiral of enormous propor- peer participation, SouthVR allows faculty
In addition to real-time instruction with
tion. According to Campus President
Complex Patients Mark Everett, DHA, MBA, like most higher and program directors to conduct remote
education institutions, South University
was hit hard but was agile and quick to office hours, provide virtual tutoring, and
schedule one-on-one meetings to ensure
Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred adapt to the pandemic obstacles supported that the student experience maintains the
Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term in large part by an institutional ability to quality that they have come to expect.
Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's). respond, dedicated faculty, and their infra-
During spring quarter, students continued
Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality structure of virtual remote learning to have access to the normal South
care for acutely ill patients. For more than a decade, through the BrightSpace learning manage- University resources and support services
we have fine-tuned the art of medically complex care. ment system. needed. “South University is well-prepared
South University, founded in 1899, has a to respond to the needs of students, faculty
Our services range from complex catastrophic student demographic on the Royal Palm and staff, with an EAP and student assis-
illnesses that require intensive care, post-surgical medical Beach campus which includes new tradi- tance program. Additionally, financial
rehabilitation to patients suffering from chronic diseases requiring respiratory and tional high school graduates, working stu- counselors extended their remote services
rehabilitative therapies. Kindred Hospitals provide outcome-oriented dents returning to advance their careers, to help minimize any disruption caused by
cost effective care for patients with a wide spectrum of older students looking to develop and the pandemic,” Everett said.
medical conditions. enhance skills of the 21st century to
change careers, and a diverse student pop- Smooth Transition Strengthens
Admissions to Kindred Hospitals may be ulation. Clinical Affiliations
recommended by physicians, acute-care hospitals, “Due to varied lifestyles of our student Many other academic institutions are
rehabilitation hospitals, managed care providers, case population and our mission to meet all still trying to grapple with the economic
management companies or by the patient’s family. accessibility needs, our professors were and educational impact of how or even if
In all cases family tours are encouraged. already aware of and using the latest tech- to open in fall - with students, parents and
niques to extend our academic footprint to faculty vocal about the plusses and minus-
some extent. BrightSpace is a live, synchro- es of different potential educational set-
Kindred Hospital Kindred Hospital Kindred Hospital Kindred Hospital nous remote learning system which pro- tings. In contrast, South University was
vides a virtual environment where stu- not only able to avoid any reduction in
Fort Lauderdale Hollywood Coral Gables The Palm Beaches
1516 East Las Olas Blvd. 1859 Van Buren St. 5190 Southwest Eighth St. 5555 West Blue Heron Blvd dents and faculty interact and dialogue academic workforce, it was actually able to
Ft. Lauderdale FL 33301 Hollywood, FL 33020 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Riviera Beach, FL 33418 from remote locations. When the virus leverage faculty expertise across additional
954-764-8900, ext. 5136 954-920-9000 305-448-1585 561-904-8451 threatened traditional learning environ- sections and campuses via Go To Meeting ments, we immediately offered faculty resources. Since 80% of curriculum is
refresher courses and converted classes to geared toward health care professionals,
this modality of teaching,” Everett said. the ability to continue essential clinical
affiliate arrangements for students to expe-
SouthVR, Live Learning, rience actual rotation in health care facili-
Campus Safety ties enriched relationships. “Local hospi-
Campus safety was of utmost impor- tals continue to embrace our students and
tance to faculty and students; so, as of graduates as vacancies in specific areas
Spring quarter South totally transitioned were impacted by the pandemic. In addi-
from campus-based classes and assess- tion to fortifying our commitment we are
ments to a virtual remote format now moving forward on plans to launch new
labeled SouthVR (South-Virtual Remote). career programs such as a masters level
Thanks to faculty familiarity with physician assistant studies,” Everett
Brightspace, this measure, while not easy, explained.
was implemented quickly and effectively
in an effort to protect the South University Sunshine High School Grant
community through compliance to early Launched
national guidance for social distancing. In fact, now high school graduates,
Campus and academic leadership prompt- home school graduates, and GED recipi-
ly collaborated for the protection of stu- ents in the state of Florida, from: Broward,
dents, faculty, and staff, to initiate total vir- Indian River, Martin, Miami-Dade, Palm
tually remote class schedules for the Beach or St. Lucie Counties, electing to
Spring and Summer Quarters with flexibil- attend an undergraduate program are eligi-
ity to provide hybrid learning sources to ble for Bachelor and Associate level grants
accommodate the unknown longevity of for up to $1,740 per quarter (varies by pro-
COVID-19 impact. gram). All requirements are student-driven
“Our SouthVR learning format was mag- and are not subject to a committee.
nified to help our students continue their “As pandemic circumstances continue
education during the pandemic. This for- to evolve nationally, South University
mat differs from both campus and online encourages all to stay safe. We are confi-
classes by offering live scheduled instruc- dent that SouthVR will help our students
tion in a remote environment. Full to continue their education and maintain a
SouthVR conversion is a temporary educa- focus on preparing for their future career
tional format that will be offered until opportunities,” Everett concluded.
authorities advise us that it is safe to return South University is accredited by the
to a variety of campus-based learning,” Southern Association of Colleges and
Everett explained. Through SouthVR, Schools Commission on Colleges to award
South University’s instructors offer live associate, baccalaureate, masters, post-
instruction in a shared peer-to-peer virtual graduate certificates and doctorate degrees.
environment that encourages interactivity Each professional program has earned
and cohesive working groups. “Our faculty accreditation from the related specialized
are building dynamic resources to enrich accrediting body and educational agency.
their courses and to ensure that we contin-
ue to provide the close-knit classroom For more information, visit
experience that we cherish as a communi-
ty.” Everett stated. west-palm-beach or
call (561) 273-6500.
24 August 2020 South Florida Hospital News