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                      Educating New Generations of Caregivers                                                                   Coming

                            at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital                                                           next month in
                                                                                                                           South Florida

          When the Cleveland Clinic was estab-  nal medicine and neurology,                 and brightest doctors.        Hospital News
        lished in 1921, its founders envisioned a   among others.                             “There are many physi-
        future where physicians could share   According to Dr. Weiss,                       cians who only want to      and Healthcare
        their clinical expertise and devote them-  there are a number of stud-              work in an academic                Report...
        selves to educating new generations of   ies that show patients                     medical   center,”  he
        caregivers.                         receive a greater quality of                    explains. “They want to

          Eric G. Weiss, M.D., FACS, FASCRS,   care at academic medical                     give back. They want to       • Real Estate Update –
        FACG, appreciates that mission. He is   centers. Cleveland Clinic is                teach residents, fellows
        the Chief Academic Officer, Director of   a State of Florida designated             and medical students.”               New Ideas –
        Education Center and Designated     teaching hospital.                                Each year, potential              New Projects
        Institutional Official (DIO) for the   One reason is because                        incoming residents inter-
        Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital pro-  there are multiple physi-                    view with different pro-        •Alzheimer’s Care,
        grams.                              cians evaluating patients.   Dr. Eric G. Weiss  grams around the country.
          “You can touch lives by being a physi-  Residents, fellows and                    Dr. Weiss believes that the        Organizations
        cian,” said Dr. Weiss. “But when you   attending physicians collaborate to put   Cleveland Clinic reputation, South   & Facilities, Resources
        teach people, that reach exponentially   the patient first. Attending physicians   Florida setting and familial atmosphere
        grows.”                             also routinely enhance their expertise by   make the program extremely attactive.   • Addiction/Mental
          Since its first program in 1990,   participating in quality and safety proj-  Residents and fellows appreciate the level
        Graduate   Medical   Education  at  ects, giving lectures and mentoring resi-  of interaction with attending physicians   Health/Recovery Focus
        Cleveland Clinic in Florida has grown at   dents and fellows in research.   that they receive at Weston Hospital and
        the Weston campus to become South     “All of these things make for a more   recognize the quality, safety and excellent   • Financial Community
        Florida’s largest non-university, physi-  well-rounded and certainly a more   patient care that the organization
        cian-graduate training center. Doctors   inquisitive environment that ultimately   demands.                           &  Healthcare –
        from around the world come for resi-  leads to better patient care.”      “Our goal is to provide the highest     Innovations & Trends
        dency and fellowship training in 1 of 16   In addition, education programs like   quality and the best programs we can.”

        programs, like colorectal surgery, inter-  this can help recruit and retain the best
                                                                                                                           For more information
                                                                                                                            on advertising and
                                                                                                                        editorial opportunities, call
                                                                                                                          (561) 368-6950 today!

                 E-mail Your Editorial Submissions to

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                               (305) 284-3666   |   www   |              @CaneNNurse              @UMiamiNursinng               @UMiamiNursing

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