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                          CORAL GABLES HOSPITAL                                                    FLORIDA MEDICAL CENTER

        Denise Hernandez-Figueroa,                                                Charles Tyson
         BSN, MS  Chief Nursing Officer                                           Chief Financial Officer

          Denise Hernandez-Figueroa, BSN, MS, is the chief                          Charlie Tyson is the chief financial officer at North
        nursing officer at Coral Gables Hospital. In her role at                  Shore Medical Center and Florida Medical Center. In
        Coral Gables Hospital, she is responsible for overseeing                  this role, he will be responsible for overseeing all
        and coordinating the care and staffing of the hospital’s                  aspects of the financial management of the hospitals.
        nursing units, and their daily operations, along with                     Tyson has been with Tenet Healthcare, North Shore
        implementing quality initiatives. Hernandez-Figueroa’s                    Medical Center and Florida Medical Center’s parent
        experience includes being the Director of Emergency                       company, since 2010. He began his career as an account-
        services at Palmetto General Hospital as well as being the                ant at sister hospital, Palm Beach Gardens Medical
        Director of Emergency services at Coral Gables Hospital                   Center. Tyson received his Master’s in Accounting and
        many years ago. In both these positions, she was account-                 Health Administration from Florida Atlantic University
        able for the overall direction of the emergency departments. She has been instrumental   and his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Georgia.
        in the implementation of numerous nursing, quality and patient safety initiatives, which
        led to the overall improvement at her organizations. Her focus is on the patient experi-
        ence, quality of care, culture of safety and employee engagement. She has a BS in Nursing   NORTH SHORE MEDICAL CENTER
        from Long Island University in Brooklyn New York, and she also has a Masters in
        Nursing Science from Long Island University. She is also a member of numerous profes- Jessica Miller
        sional organizations.                                                    Chief Nursing Officer

        Ruth Diaz                                                                  Jessica Miller is the chief nursing officer at North
                                                                                 Shore Medical Center and Florida Medical Center. She
        Director of Clinical Quality Improvements                                is also the lead CNO for Tenet Healthcare’s Miami-Dade
                                                                                 Group. Miller brings extensive healthcare leadership
          Ruth Diaz is the Director of Clinical Quality                          experience and a demonstrated focus on patient-cen-
        Improvements at Coral Gables Hospital. In her role, Diaz                 tered care, and performance improvement. She is
        responsibilities include planning, developing and direct-                responsible for supervising and coordinating the daily
        ing quality assurance policies programs and initiatives.                 operations of the hospital’s various nursing units to
        Diaz is also responsible for hospital accreditations. She                ensure high-quality care is delivered to all patients. She
        has a Bachelors of Nursing and a Masters in Healthcare                   received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and her
        Administration from the University of Phoenix. Ruth is                   Master of Business Administration from Florida International University. Miller is
        very dedicated to the community and she is part of many                  bilingual in English and Spanish.
        community service organizations. Diaz recently received
        the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification.
                                                                                                PALMETTO GENERAL HOSPITAL
                              HIALEAH HOSPITAL
                                                                                  Michele Thoman
         Shirley Adkins                                                           Chief Operating Officer
         Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                   Michele Thoman is the chief operating officer at
          Shirley Adkins is the chief operating officer at Hialeah                Palmetto General Hospital. Michele is responsible for
         Hospital. Shirley is responsible for the daily operations of             overseeing various departments within the hospital
         the hospital by maintaining a safe environment, encour-                  including Rehabilitation Services, Food and Nutrition
         aging physician and patient satisfaction and providing                   Services, Environmental Services, Plant Operations,
         excellent quality services. Shirley works closely with the               Pharmacy, Radiology, Cardiopulmonary Services,
         CFO, CEO and CNO to create and maintain operating                        Laboratory Services and Information Systems. Michele
         budgets. Shirley received her Bachelor of Science and                    was previously the chief nursing officer where she led
         Chemistry degree from Marshall University, a Bachelor of                 the nursing team at Palmetto for over a year. Michele
         Science in Civil Engineering at West Virginia University,                holds a Nurse Executive Advanced Certification and is a
         and she received her Master of Business Administration                   Fellow of the Johnson and Johnson Wharton Fellows Program in Management. She
         (MBA) from Colorado Tech. In her spare time, she enjoys golfing, fishing, biking, hik-  is published in both Nursing Administration Quarterly and The Florida Nurse for her
         ing, and spending time with her family. Shirley is also a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) green belt   insight in innovation and safe staffing. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time
         with over 15 years of experience in construction and design infrastructure.  with her family.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               August 2020                           11
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